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Bruh Zoro speed blitzed him. You don't counter such attacks.
Ever saw anyone counter attacking Shishisonson?
kaido was mid swing lol. If that was a named attack, he'd have uttered the first part of it.

Enma sucka ryou not AdCoC.
enma literally sucked out his acoc...

That's how he got it.

Kaidou questioned it cuz no one apart from People who have used adcoc has done that.
who else has kaido actually fought that used acoc and swords lol.
Zori was already cutting kaidou with Ryou.
And? goofy and law were also dealing damage and making kaido spit blood without acoc.

Ashura is simplt 3x of it. Ofc it was comparable to AdCoC.
it used coc. Thus kaido mentions coc. Kaido isn't a retard at least when it comes to fights lol. He wouldn't mention coc for no reason there.
Well they were right in dropping this shitty arc, gotta give them that.
Just imagine how salty those two are, in fact I'm pretty sure they still believe that Luffy will defeat Saturn and Zoro will fight Kizaru.:suresure:

Also going to say this outright, but despite the complaints, I still don't think this arc is bad.:handsup:

Yeah the climax is all over the place, but I'm personally going to wait and see how Oda handles the rest of these chapters.:saturn:
We know jack shit about Bonneys fruit status at this stage. If Luffy can be a god zoan after 1400 chapters of being a Paramecia, Bonney whose fruit has yet to be properly defined even now can also have some god zoan for all we know. Hell, with Saturn seemingly straight up creating the fruit it might not even fit a proper category at all.
We know that the fruit becomes weaker as the user becomes more aware of reality, it was stated.

And Saturn didn't create the fruit.
Because it's a dogshit chapter and the plot has not advanced at all in the last 3 weeks and soon Oda will go on one of his week or god forbid 2 week breaks where he cries boohoo I only sleep 3 hours a day etc.

I don't want fanservice I want good fucking story.

I agree with you that Egghead is really badly written, but the mere fact that Bonney can use Nika's powers doesn't pose any problem for me.
Plenty of attacks in op have been done while injured and beaten and with broken bones. If they were finishers, their power wasn't mentioned as being affected lol.
I hate the nerfed logic being thrown for agenda, if the character doesn’t say that he’s nerfed while performing the attack then he’s not. An example would be like Garp saying his attack was weaker because of old age. Injury doesn’t mean shit, all characters in OP use their ultimate moves as a last resort. Their ap doesn’t decrease because of injury otherwise nobody in the series has actually shown their full potential when it comes to ap.
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