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It wasn't a debate the moment he started losing his shit and had genuine meltdowns in the discord channels. It is one thing to be lil bit toxic in debates, it can easily happen in vs battles, but it's one thing to wish death to several people who disagree with you. Come on, how messed up is that?

I honestly wouldn't even engage in discussions with such people if I knew how he was like.
Zoro is HIM, matching a CoC on shanks level with his own , while yamato getting overpowered :myman:
Zoro is HIM, matching a CoC on shanks level with his own , while yamato getting overpowered :myman:
I know Zoro is great and all but how does it have to do with critical having mental breakdowns back then? :shocked:

Btw, poor JazzMazz still got called out by him few months ago lol. I think that was the only moment when JazzMazz legit lost his shit over that leg debate.
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