Controversial Kaido & the Readers' CoC Curse Club..


Version 2..

This is a very difficult predicament to fall in to..

Since the beginning of the series Oda has made the distinction between the Pirate King
path and the World Strongest Swordsman's path.. Zoro's main opponents always wielded a Blade even
if they were a fake Swordsman like Kaku or not..

The peak of piracy and the peak of Swordsmanship both stand at the top of the world in some ways..
And when Haki got thrown in the mix the community started being confused about the World Strongest
Swordsman's path for some reason..

Yet it's so simple, top Swordsmanship is heavily CoA oriented and top Piracy is heavily CoC oriented..

Not only that, but the principal point that people have still to realize is that Swords, especially high grades, have
powers, Haki based powers.. They amp up the CoA output tremendously..

It goes hand in hand with Black Blade lore strictly reserved to the peak of Swordsmanship, just like there's lore
specifically reserved for the peak of piracy with the voice of all thing..

Powered Swords haven't been officially expanded upon, but there are tons of hints like Shusui adding Haki on its
own while performing a flying slash and such..

Ashura's power source being from Sandai Kitetsu..

Roger layed out the different paths clearly..
He faced Oden as a Samurai Swordsman with a CoA concentrated attack..
He faced Whitebeard as a Pirate with a CoC concentrated attack..

Free yourself from the CoC Curse!..

@Alpha @Blazing Lion
Yet it's so simple, top Swordsmanship is heavily CoA oriented and top Piracy is heavily CoC oriented
This lunatic idea broke into a thausand pieces the moment zoro went straight from no experience with CoC to advanced CoC within 2 minutes.

You think mihawk will have mere CoA? How do you think he'll be a threat to zoro?

Roger and the likes were simply too weak to get a black blade. Either CoA or CoC. In one of them they lacked. Hence, no black blades.

The goats mihawk and ryuuma did not. Hence, they have black blades. So will Zoro.

You need some super magical divine supergod mythical premium zoan fruit as well as VoaT and a special premium package D in your name to be above the WSS. And that's gonna be only main character luffy.

Current Mihawk negs Roger. So does probably current Shanks and Kaido. Roger had MUCH less competition than Luffy. He isn't the strongest of all times. Only of his time.
Haki is haki, it has three main sub categories. The ones who learn haki mostly learn both CoA and CoO. Hakis main purpose is to help a fighter because it amps reaction/perception and because it increases offensive and defensive power. Haki is channeling your will power.

So when haki is talked about, it refers to the overall willpower.

CoC is part of haki which only few have, few who want to stand above others, who aim for the top. It is unclear if someone is born with it or it develops on its own due to desire. We have seen it as inherited like Luffy, Ace, Kata, Yamato etc. having it while their parents/grandparents also have it and we have guys like Sengoku, Shanks, Ray, Zoro, WB etc. who dont have relatives with CoC shown so far.

And since ACoC was introduced and how significantly stronger it is compared to CoA/ACoA it makes zero sense for the strongest fighters to not have ACoC and only rely on ACoA/CoA to compete against ACoC fighters and beat them. Any ACoC fighter who is weaker than a ACoA fighter has got to be the shittiest, dumbest, negative IQ, son of a bitch fighter.

Coming to manga facts, Mihawk is stronger than Shanks. We know Shanks has ACoC, so either Shanks is the shittiest, dumbest, negative IQ, son of a bitch fighter to be weaker than Mihawk or Mihawk also has ACoC. And if Mihawk has ACoC then so does ZOro need it to beat Mihawk. The only power that can probably compete with ACoC is probably Logia Awakening which we have yet to see.
This lunatic idea broke into a thausand pieces the moment zoro went straight from no experience with CoC to advanced CoC within 2 minutes.

You think mihawk will have mere CoA? How do you think he'll be a threat to zoro?

Roger and the likes were simply too weak to get a black blade. Either CoA or CoC. In one of them they lacked. Hence, no black blades.

The goats mihawk and ryuuma did not. Hence, they have black blades. So will Zoro.

You need some super magical divine supergod mythical premium zoan fruit as well as VoaT and a special premium package D in your name to be above the WSS. And that's gonna be only main character luffy.

Current Mihawk negs Roger. So does probably current Shanks and Kaido. Roger had MUCH less competition than Luffy. He isn't the strongest of all times. Only of his time.
That's the thing, Zoro doesn't have AdCoC in the first place..

That's because you already come from the perspective that Swords are above Fists..
When in fact Black Blades were invented to offset the truth that WSS path Swordsmen don't use AdCoC..

AdCoC ∼ Black Blade

Zoro would cap at YC4 if he used Yubashiri and Johnny/Yosaku's normal blades.. Zoro's cap would be when he defeated Dressrosa Pica..

Haki is haki, it has three main sub categories. The ones who learn haki mostly learn both CoA and CoO. Hakis main purpose is to help a fighter because it amps reaction/perception and because it increases offensive and defensive power. Haki is channeling your will power.

So when haki is talked about, it refers to the overall willpower.

CoC is part of haki which only few have, few who want to stand above others, who aim for the top. It is unclear if someone is born with it or it develops on its own due to desire. We have seen it as inherited like Luffy, Ace, Kata, Yamato etc. having it while their parents/grandparents also have it and we have guys like Sengoku, Shanks, Ray, Zoro, WB etc. who dont have relatives with CoC shown so far.

And since ACoC was introduced and how significantly stronger it is compared to CoA/ACoA it makes zero sense for the strongest fighters to not have ACoC and only rely on ACoA/CoA to compete against ACoC fighters and beat them. Any ACoC fighter who is weaker than a ACoA fighter has got to be the shittiest, dumbest, negative IQ, son of a bitch fighter.

Coming to manga facts, Mihawk is stronger than Shanks. We know Shanks has ACoC, so either Shanks is the shittiest, dumbest, negative IQ, son of a bitch fighter to be weaker than Mihawk or Mihawk also has ACoC. And if Mihawk has ACoC then so does ZOro need it to beat Mihawk. The only power that can probably compete with ACoC is probably Logia Awakening which we have yet to see.
Bro, you did a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo there..

That's where you fail, it's not a fact that Mihawk is stronger than Shanks, it's based on your interpretation of the evidence..

Hate to break it to you but Zoro will never command Shanks' level of CoC range ever..
Bro, you did a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo there..

That's where you fail, it's not a fact that Mihawk is stronger than Shanks, it's based on your interpretation of the evidence..

Hate to break it to you but Zoro will never command Shanks' level of CoC range ever..
What mumbo jumbo? I explained what haki is.

It is a fact that Mihawk is stronger than Shanks, there is no other interpretation of the evidence. Haki is a sword skill.

Zoro is already commanding Shanks level of CoC.
What mumbo jumbo? I explained what haki is.

It is a fact that Mihawk is stronger than Shanks, there is no other interpretation of the evidence. Haki is a sword skill.

Zoro is already commanding Shanks level of CoC.
If you're going to keep saying that it's a fact that Mihawk is stronger than Shanks.. Then you leave me no choice but to say that it's the other way around and it's a fact that Shanks is stronger than Mihawk.. AdCoC is not a sword skill..

Where has Zoro demonstrated level island CoC?..
If you're going to keep saying that it's a fact that Mihawk is stronger than Shanks.. Then you leave me no choice but to say that it's the other way around and it's a fact that Shanks is stronger than Mihawk.. AdCoC is not a sword skill..

Where has Zoro demonstrated level island CoC?..
Messi has better football skills than Roger Federer and Messi is the best soccer player of all time. Do you understand how retarded it sounds to compare Messis football skills to Roger when in the very next line you are also calling Messi the best footballer of all time? Tell me you understand the retardedness.

Zoros ACoC and CoA/ACoA are literally called the pinnacle of Zoros swordsmanship (which is sword skill in simple terms). For swordsman, top tier swordsman, haki is a necessity more so than for any other fighting style bar brawler like Garp. Cause with weak haki the sword will break which is a source of great shame for the swordsman.

Where did Shanks show island level CoC?
Messi has better football skills than Roger Federer and Messi is the best soccer player of all time. Do you understand how retarded it sounds to compare Messis football skills to Roger when in the very next line you are also calling Messi the best footballer of all time? Tell me you understand the retardedness.

Zoros ACoC and CoA/ACoA are literally called the pinnacle of Zoros swordsmanship (which is sword skill in simple terms). For swordsman, top tier swordsman, haki is a necessity more so than for any other fighting style bar brawler like Garp. Cause with weak haki the sword will break which is a source of great shame for the swordsman.

Where did Shanks show island level CoC?
What you don't get is that AdCoC is a tennis skill while it's not a football skill..

By that i mean AdCoC is not a Swordsmanship ability.. Swordsmanship doesn't encompass all Haki, only CoA and Powers born out of Swords..

What you don't get is that AdCoC is a tennis skill while it's not a football skill..

By that i mean AdCoC is not a Swordsmanship ability.. Swordsmanship doesn't encompass all Haki, only CoA and Powers born out of Swords..

Where did you get that ACoC is not a sword skill? It is skill requirement for top tiers. Top tier swordsman like Roger, Shanks have this skill, it is this skill which makes them top tier swordsman. A stronger swordsman than the ones mentioned has stronger skill than them too.

Swordsmanship encompasses all haki, if your haki is weak your swords will break, you will lose the clash and get killed. If you cannot perceive the attack you wil not be able to block/parry/dodge it and you will get killed. Swordsmanship requires the highest levels of haki of all types because one mistake, one attack is all that is need to decide the winner.

That was intermediate CoC