Yo guys recently came across something from someone I know.
What are Ya'll thought's on underage abortion at a massive scale (there's no rape)
The question should not be "what do you think about abortion of underage children on a massive scale" the question should be:

"What do you think about letting a children suffer unwanted pregnancy or giving birth and probably letting them die in the process ?"

Don't move, I'm adding you to my list

But hey It's OK, realizing when you've been manipulated and brainwashed isn't your strong point.
Are you talking about yourself here ?

The question should not be "what do you think about abortion of underage children on a massive scale" the question should be:

"What do you think about letting a children suffer unwanted pregnancy or giving birth and probably letting them die in the process ?"

Don't move, I'm adding you to my list

Are you talking about yourself here ?


It's always projection from these people and i would only laugh about these guys if they were not about to ruin their country and so many peoples lives like their similar ilk in other countries who voted Bolsonaro, Orban and so on into power.
Boring ass answer as expected from the MAGA cultist, you guys truly live in a alternate reality.
Lol Keep telling yourself that, Meanwhile Biden will continue to make more gaffs and we'll all laugh at him and his dministration... Maybe you guys can get Barry to hold his hand everywhere else he goes too.
If anybody is living in an alternate reality it's Y'all who ignore it.


Do you even have political opinions or are you only here to post reaction gifs?
I refrain from sharing my political opinions here as an act of kindness to y'all. Y'all wouldn't be able to handle my genius takes

So yes, I'm here to meme the thread mostly
What is funny is that you think that we care about Biden when all we want is to get rid of him...
Nobody cares what you have to say either way.
And I'm certainly not going to give a shit to a person who thinks putting people on a list if they have a disagreement in political leanings for some specific purposes, Those types are not good people, I.E. you.
Nobody cares what you have to say either way.
And I'm certainly not going to give a shit to a person who thinks putting people on a list if they have a disagreement in political leanings for some specific purposes, Those types are not good people, I.E. you.
Anger management issues and inferiority complex
Why are you replying then ?


If you say so buddy.

*checking my list to see if you are still on it*

Clinically relevant narcissism