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@Kiku you did well to stay out of suspicion. PoE got you.

@Lord Melkor @Pot Goblin same for you. You played well.

LM did you guys had Robin role? at one time you had posted both Law and Robin have anti-cult abilities. I thought you had slipped but Akainu had killed Robin so i didn't voice it.
Also, I'm hoping my last minute vote played some importance in your lynch.
My lynch was mainly caused by scum, I had 4 vote power due to my recruits and had ability activated to vote in PM plus additional abilities like this. But maybe it mattered.

I think it was Boa and Law that had anti cult stuff.


The End and the Beginning
With Big Mom gone and Shanks back I don't see any way the Big Mom/Beast Pirates can win now. Won't drag this out further. Town And Yo Tan Wa has won the game. GG anti town players you played pretty well against all odds. I'll make sure to ban role revealing and revealing waiting for your actions to be processed to combat roles/alignments being figured out, kills some of the fun of being anti town. Still I think their was alot of town players and Fuji that played really good that justifies the win
Yeah I mean, can't really complain about the result. Thanks for the game


The End and the Beginning
Good game town! I agree role hinting was annoying. There should be more abilities like Van Augur killing someone that told truth or Big Mom's Soul Pocus.

Also @Kiku @Ratchet you should not have lynched me yesterday. I was clearly targetting townies.

@Ariess can i be added to scum chats?
Plan was to lynch a townie with combining our vote hiding with vote blocks, but you were pretty aggressive against us in thread and resisting town pushes, so in the end, had no issue whatsoever getting you lynched. Rather you than Blue etc.


The End and the Beginning
that is non-town rat MO, moreso he was reluctant to vote or even sus blue - same way orca and pb were.

idk i just can read ratchet better when hes scum he played too timid and didnt even care to know what was at least going on.

i didnt have much time to filly play but was able to ask whp i assumed was town and paying attention for summaries and insight to where the game was at, that and just following threadmarks went a long way for my reads.

but realistically i called out rat d1 for being nonexistant, rats main scum play is just hiding and hoping he goes unchecked, his vet rep carries him most of the time to outlive his own self
Your method is scum reading me every game lol, I'm not particularly concerned about my tendencies. What you describe at the end isn't my scum play, it's my "I'm unmotivated" play, which I will grant you is more likely as scum than town, but that's about it.
Plan was to lynch a townie with combining our vote hiding with vote blocks, but you were pretty aggressive against us in thread and resisting town pushes, so in the end, had no issue whatsoever getting you lynched. Rather you than Blue etc.
Problem was it was hard to lynch a townie with almost all of them being mech confirmed. I was trying to push COC at least. We could easily control a lynch together.
Anyway my biggest regret is that I omega killed poor Charlie in cold blood because I thought he was part 2 Luffy at the time

We had copped Ratchet as Sanji so it was quite a surprise to see the flip
Ngl, this is kinda surprising to me. I was salty af about Flower V1 not being town, because I amped her D1 xd i thought it's obvious it's me tbh.

i didnt even get to use G5 /:

honestly MVP goes to @Charlie i almost revived you chuck but felt bad for Onii.

thanks for all the tldrs
@Charlie reads were good, yeah. I actually was using his posts for reference since i wasn't reading everything and they had mostly scums in it. Helped my actions,

I was hiding behind Ekko, Pot, Melkor, Ratchet at different stages in the game. In hindsight all scums lol
First tried to investigate Orca, then Mango, and finally Blue. Ariess happened to came online at Blue part and investigated him. Thanks Charlie
Thx but it's mostly paying attention to actions, not really reads. Thought that people like lemon, Luka, Reloaded or YTW were scum at some point. Amped scum leader and all xd

I was kinda Disappointed that their was alot of role hinting in the game, I can understand the annoyance of scum this game. I think partial blame goes to the fact that this was based on a old set up and more than half the players here had played that game. Felt like 80% of the game set up was already figured out by the first cycle. Their was some surprises like world governement Hazards and Donflamingo/ Boa Hancock but that's too little to change the game much.

I expected more from the Crocodile role, I always make sure cult roles are good but this game they were non existent. Anytime they would pick some kind of steam they would get killed off. Shame because I consider cult the wild card group. Blackbeard Pirates and Big Mom/Beast Pirates alliance I think could have won it's just they ran into each other in a very important phase which led to both their demises.

Regardless of the outcome I am happy I was able to host this game and complete it. 2 years ago I was in a dark place and I just couldn't finish the game, now 2 years later to come back and basically finish the story feels good because I didn't think I would ever host this again. Now that this game is done I think Bleach will be next on my next game
Welp yeah. I was thinking, maybe if Day actions were processed like twice at most? Like, let's say after 12h and during EoD? That would get rid of "watch my abilities i just submitted in the next WU" because they'd all be posted together. Or adding claim/hint kills separate from abilities scum has? Or simply fake roles. Fake roles worked out in previous games i think. I can't Imagine how difficult would be to balance game like that. You can't predict whether Town/indies will be active to begin with. Idk.

But i think the most important thing is that i feel like everyone enjoyed the game. It's rare af to have a game where noone's really complaining. Thank you again.

Thanks to everyone that played, and especially @Ariess for hosting. I had fun, despite a rough patch when it came to my personal life. My apologies for not doing a bit more research. Thanks to @Charlie and @Dr. Watson for the constant helpful posts keeping people up with things, too.

Gonna eat some nice chicken and chill. Hope everyone has a fantastic day/night.
Sorry for going so hard after you. Who were you btw? That redirect at you must've sucked. You did well tbh. Hope you enjoyed it.

I didn't. Fuji just decided to block the Buggy role over BM, BB and Kaido D1. I was gonna tank the kill from the scum team. Just couldn't because of the block as it rendered me Vanilla.

I also played absolutely pro Town D1 and I was neutral/pro Town for the first 5 cycles anyway.
Maybe he needed to target exact person? And he simply figured out you're Buggy?

Over all I'd say town was strong in general. @Flower did some good and helpful actions *giving the little witch a pat on the head*, so did @Naomi @Charlie not to mention @Tyrant MUUGEN and @Yo Tan Wa
@Emil was using his fake WU / Lying abilities pretty well
And @Fujishiro played both of his roles out great, convinced me to change my mind of that slot previously occupied by Luka pretty early, only thing is especially with his first role he and Flower were both putting big targets at their backs.

Apologies for losing it at one point, I thought with all that lynch manipulations and kill + janitor abilities town would have been totally on a way of falling down one after another, from my own point of view (you saw my role sheet) I didn't expect town roles to have the power to counter this.

I see points why scum would complain too and I mean I did even mention it in the thread but for the Big Mom Pirates it didn't help how low thread presence Red Night and Mango had and for the Beast Pirates the polar animals got themselves in the focus especially with the Flower kill (she was suspecting both of them plus Ultra, ingame reasons to kill her, as I pointed out).

Winning the Perona assist and being able to cult myself was surely a turning point that helped to keep my motivation up. Although I hoped there would have been someone I could talk to in a common chat and made secret plans with.
Glad you enjoyed the role. I wasn't sure whether Yamato was you or Ratchet tbh. Well played.


(Weapons) You have following one shots
-Ussops Special Salt Ball: Force a CP-0 cult role and Big Mom Pirate role to face off in a
r/p/s match. Loser gets role blocked by you for a cycle
-Bandaged Zoro Swing: Weaken Zoro and in exchange protect them from actions for a cycle
-Hocho Sabaki: Epluchage: Negate any Hostile Indie abilities passives or active that protect themselves for a cycle
-Raid Suit: Hide behind a player for a cycle

(Black Leg Style Pt 1) You have following one shots
-Collier Shoot:Target any player and make their next action miss
-Anti-Manner Kick Course: Destroy an incoming anti town burst mode ability thats activated in the phase( this has no effect on Kaido, Blackbeard or Akainu)
-Veau Shot: Target any player and Paralyze them next cycle
-Slice Shoot: Target any player and steal their pirate or non canon power assist
-Parrage Shot: Target any player and if they are a hostile indie or "culted" player revert them back for the rest of the game
-Santen Decoupage: Host rolls a dice of 3. Depending on whats rolled determines how many players can cut their role usage in half

(Black Leg Style Pt 2)
-Hell Memories: Target any player and burn half their abilities for 3 phases
-Sky Walk: Base form and Power assist abilities cannot target you for 3 phases
-Blue Walk: Negate your dice roll and pick your dice roll number

(Culinary Expertise) You have following one shots
-Attack Cuisine: Target any player and amp one of their base form abilities
-Hormone Soup with Sea Pork: Target any player and restore their burst mode for a phase
-Sinsim Cream: Target anti town player with highest posts at the end of the dayphase and confuse them for a cycle

Haki Burst Abilities:

(Flambage Shot) Negate an incoming kill shot and target any player with a super kill

(Frites Assorties) Target 3 players and stop 1 of their incoming Burst mode abilities

(Bœuf Burst) Target any player and if they are Beast Pirate or Big Mom Pirate Super Kill them. Has no effect on Kaidou,Big Mom or King

(Party Table Kick Course) Host rolls a sice of 5 Depending on whats rolled determines how many players you can burn
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