Speculations Tashigi is getting her right hand man moment against Kuzan or Teach

The reason we didn't get a tashigi moment in hachinosu is because Smoker wasn't there. Tashigi is Smoker's right hand girl, and hence Oda will give her a moment when Smoker is around.

Right hand men are often given big moments protecting their captains.




I guarantee you, Tashigi won't be an exception. If even Bepo can get his right hand man moment saving Law from Teach, then imo Tashigi will surely get hers.

Inevitably, Smoker will face Teach or Kuzan and when that happens, Tashigi is going to cover him.

Tashigi is Zoro's rival so Oda will inevitably give her some spotlight. I think she could block a gura punch or possibly scar Teach like Zoro did to Kaido.


This forum is retarded.
I mean...I am on the same page. She will have that kind of moment in the future. That's just how sidekick characters function.
So yeah, it's a captain obvious thread. Lmao.
Tashigi is Zoro's rival so Oda will inevitably give her some spotlight. I think she could block a gura punch or possibly scar Teach like Zoro did to Kaido.
If Tashigi gives Blackbeard a scar, that motherfucker might as well lay down and die right then and there the moment it happens. Every other slander in the community would grind to a halt as everybody clowns on this guy instead.

If Tashigi cuts so much as a hair on Kuzan? This is him talking to the other Admirals comparing their Ls (yes, even Greenbulls) straight up:
