Analyzing Vergo Switching his Leg against Sanji with Support of ChatGPT 4.0

Which Leg did Vergo use?

  • Left Leg

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Right leg

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters
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I don’t, show pic

It is obvious a barrier for Zoro stopping Hyozou but sfx on Hyozous sword breaking are same as internal destruction. Obvious Zoro didn't make 9 vertical cuts and normal barrier would just shatter it..

Anyways main point is the sfx around hyozou when Swords break are same as when Rayleigh and Luffy used internal destruction.

Am I right? @Fleet Leader Fenaker
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Show me video of Anime showing Zoros entire head movement frame by frame. I don't remember it.

It is obvious a barrier for Zoro stopping Hyozou but sfx on Hyozous sword breaking are same as internal destruction. Obvious Zoro didn't make 9 vertical cuts and normal barrier would just shatter it..

Anyways main point is the sfx around hyozou when Swords break are same as when Rayleigh and Luffy used internal destruction.

Am I right? @Fleet Leader Fenaker
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Show me video of Anime showing Zoros entire head movement frame by frame. I don't remember it.
Internal destruction is useless for a swordsman anyway, insulting even, it means they can’t cut deep from the get go
Rayleigh is a haki man
Internal destruction is useless for a swordsman anyway, insulting even, it means they can’t cut deep from the get go
Rayleigh is a haki man
Zoro is a Hakiman too.
In his novel his strongest attack to date is described as "Overwhelming Haki" and his attack on Lucci was a no touch blunt attack.

Zoro technically doesn't need barrier either but it is for pure flexing and versatility perspective. For example in this panel Zoro can save the work of swinging his sword 8 times to cut each vertically as it is not possible to cut 8 swords veritically with one attack.
Zoro is a Hakiman too.
In his novel his strongest attack to date is described as "Overwhelming Haki" and his attack on Lucci was a no touch blunt attack.

Zoro technically doesn't need barrier either but it is for pure flexing and versatility perspective. For example in this panel Zoro can save the work of swinging his sword 8 times to cut each vertically as it is not possible to cut 8 swords veritically with one attack.
Barrier is important for someone like Magellan for example, CQC skilk basically
Internal destruction is for AP, insulting for a master swordsman
Zoro can have stronger haki thana hakiman, that doesnt make him a haki man
Rayleigh forgot the last time he used his sword
Barrier is important for someone like Magellan for example, CQC skilk basically
Internal destruction is for AP, insulting for a master swordsman
Zoro can have stronger haki thana hakiman, that doesnt make him a haki man
Rayleigh forgot the last time he used his sword
That was Rayleigh signifying he hasn't fought seriously in ages.

I am not even to get in the endless look of Swordsman vs Hakiman..I am telling you occurance that happened in manga.

Not every sword fight has to end in a cut..Lucci didn't have cuts on him, he had massive chunks of his skin taken off.
So what do you say to me now?
Tbh, the arguments presented in this thread make sense and are logical, so there's not much to say against.
I'm guessing it's you, Crit, but why are you so adamant on proving some randoms on the internet wrong whom you started a discussion 4 years ago? I completely forgot the entire context of that stuff besides the memes. Nevertheless, I give credits when it's due and it's worth noting your focus to this topic.
Tbh, the arguments presented in this thread make sense and are logical, so there's not much to say against.
I'm guessing it's you, Crit, but why are you so adamant on proving some randoms on the internet wrong whom you started a discussion 4 years ago? I completely forgot the entire context of that stuff besides the memes. Nevertheless, I give credits when it's due and it's worth noting your focus to this topic.
From the beginning of the threads to the initial tags is entirely my analysis and observations (obviously after basic discussion on topic with Critical) while everything after tags is Critical's Input including ChatGPT conversations.


Cope Doctor
Tbh, the arguments presented in this thread make sense and are logical, so there's not much to say against.
I'm guessing it's you, Crit, but why are you so adamant on proving some randoms on the internet wrong whom you started a discussion 4 years ago? I completely forgot the entire context of that stuff besides the memes. Nevertheless, I give credits when it's due and it's worth noting your focus to this topic.
Shit ton of people constantly discuss in battledome and 80% of them lack intelligence and general understanding of real fights
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