General & Others Characters that are supposed to be sympathetic or admirable, but you have no sympathy or respect for

What he did to Ace, which wasn't much tbh, is hardly what's more hypocritical and unsympathetic about him compared to his part in Ohara's Buster Call and other WG shitty stuff he was surely aware of.
persecuting a child for the crimes of his father mobilizing 100k Soldiers admiral warlords for a kid who didn't reach his potential and nowhere near as evil or destructive as most pirates on the seas. I cringed when i saw him cry over death of corazon in dressrosa
His mindless pursuit of ace led to the rise of bb blinding him from focusing on what really mattered :whitepress:
lengoku is one of oda's vilest creations tbh tbf

hiluluk on the other hand seems to get a pass a lot but i hate him and everything he stands for (celebrating incompetence and ruining people's lives under the guise of 'good if ill-informed intentions').
Hiluluk is supposed to be a good person but he's still a fraud who endanger others with his failed medicine and experiments, doesn't try to learn true medicine or to tell Chopper to learn from a real doctor before his death, and omits to teach to Chopper than most pirates are in truth murderers and thieves
Hiluluk is supposed to be a good person but he's still a fraud who endanger others with his failed medicine and experiments, doesn't try to learn true medicine or to tell Chopper to learn from a real doctor before his death, and omits to teach to Chopper than most pirates are in truth murderers and thieves
he's all about intentions, not results.

but results=everything. intentions mean nothing
For Oden, I believe what would have been better was that he was either lost at sea for five years and when he finally made it back home, he instantly rebels against Orochi.

Or that he does make it back home right after Roger dies, but is poisoned and immobilized by treachery and is enslaved for said five years, but finally escapes.

Either one would have been better.
Guy could have easily saved Wano from Kaido, but chose to go full retard.

If you are so selfish and incompetent that your son becomes a ginea pig and your daughter a prostitute because of your idiotic and non-sensical behavior than you deserve NO sympathy. None.
Oden (how retarded and incompetent can one be, others have already stated the reasons here so im not going to bother repeating)

Yamatard (a clown that needed mental therapy, she could be an enjoyable character but that lolden syndrome she had was Cringe)

Sengoku the Hypocrite (the way he is presented post ts feels like we readers are NOT supposed to see him as a bad person which is a joke considering all the shit he has done)

Lolden still tops the list with quite a margin though
Garp, Yasopp
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What are some characters that the story tries to paint as sympathetic, nice, respectful or even worthy of admiration but that you don't feel any, or little at best, for them due to how hypocritical, unlikeable and/or overhyped these characters are ?

I don't have any sympathy or respect for Yasopp for having abandonned his wife and his son, yet the story tries to paint him as admirable for having chosen to become a pirate and Usopp idolizes him.

I also find Hancock to be quite hypocritical and unsympathetic, with her backstory failing to be an excuse for her misandry and behavior to my taste, given how many Celestial Dragons are female and how many slaves are male with her savior being a man and a fishman who has every reason to hate humans and yet freed her and her sisters.
Do you really think that rape by men cannot be an excuse for misandry?
All the good traitors basically : corazon, Capone bege and his wife, violet and Yamato etc ....

I mean come on, how can you convince the reader that Capone wife is acting good by trying to kill her mother. You can think all you want of big meme but at the end of the day she was the one protecting and providing her family.

Same goes with Yamato, his got blinded by the fake ass oden to the point of wanting to kill her father. How can you fall in love with a cringe char like oden and conspire to kill your father and his crew while your same father is actually one of the greatest fighters ever ?

Corazon: same story, just a POS traitor to his family who fucking works for the filthy and corrupt gov. He 100% deserved his death. Which makes the desire of vengeance of Law completely underwhelming.
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Another stupid character is Portugas D ace.

He spent his life renting about how POS his father was just because some stupid fodders in east ble said so. That wouldn't have been a big issue if he didn't spend his life with his father's best friendsfriends and met people who actually admire him for what he really was:

He grew up with Garp, joined WB crew, spoke to shanks and Yamato. And yet still hated his father, again because some fodders though Roger was bad. How can you call yourself a D if you listen to what ppl say ?
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All the good traitors basically : corazon, Capone bege and his wife, violet and Yamato etc ....

I mean come on, how can you convince the reader that Capone wife is acting good by trying to kill her mother. You can think all you want of big meme but at the end of the day she was the one protecting and providing her family.

Same goes with Yamato, his got blinded by the fake ass oden to the point of wanting to kill her father. How can you fall in love with a cringe char like oden and conspire to kill your father and his crew while your same father is actually one of the greatest fighters ever ?

Corazon: same story, just a POS traitor to his family who fucking works for the filthy and corrupt gov. He 100% deserved his death. Which makes the desire of vengeance of Law completely underwhelming.
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Another stupid character is Portugas D ace.

He spent his life renting about how POS his father was just because some stupid fodders in east ble said so. That wouldn't have been a big issue if he didn't spend his life with his father's best friendsfriends and met people who actually admire him for what he really was:

He grew up with Garp, joined WB crew, spoke to shanks and Yamato. And yet still hated his father, again because some fodders though Roger was bad. How can you call yourself a D if you listen to what ppl say ?
I am not too fond of Chiffon either, she's clearly not a good person and I hated her, Lola and Pound's cover story.

And Capone Bege is a scumbag too.
lengoku is one of oda's vilest creations tbh tbf

hiluluk on the other hand seems to get a pass a lot but i hate him and everything he stands for (celebrating incompetence and ruining people's lives under the guise of 'good if ill-informed intentions').
I too hate the human propensity for change/belief in rehabilitation due to being told through the story of a flawed man.

Oda was totally celebrating incompetence when Chopper's lack of actual skill lead to Hiluluk's poisoning and Kurehea explicitly refused to celebrate incompetence due to sentiment.

Jesus christ imagine being so boring in engagement with fiction.
All the good traitors basically : corazon, Capone bege and his wife, violet and Yamato etc ....

I mean come on, how can you convince the reader that Capone wife is acting good by trying to kill her mother. You can think all you want of big meme but at the end of the day she was the one protecting and providing her family.

Same goes with Yamato, his got blinded by the fake ass oden to the point of wanting to kill her father. How can you fall in love with a cringe char like oden and conspire to kill your father and his crew while your same father is actually one of the greatest fighters ever ?

Corazon: same story, just a POS traitor to his family who fucking works for the filthy and corrupt gov. He 100% deserved his death. Which makes the desire of vengeance of Law completely underwhelming.
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Another stupid character is Portugas D ace.

He spent his life renting about how POS his father was just because some stupid fodders in east ble said so. That wouldn't have been a big issue if he didn't spend his life with his father's best friendsfriends and met people who actually admire him for what he really was:

He grew up with Garp, joined WB crew, spoke to shanks and Yamato. And yet still hated his father, again because some fodders though Roger was bad. How can you call yourself a D if you listen to what ppl say ?
This has to be trolling.
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he's all about intentions, not results.

but results=everything. intentions mean nothing
Hiluluk is a part of a narrative with other parts that contextualize his character and the mesaage; which doesn't celebrate a single thing you've said.
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I am not too fond of Chiffon either, she's clearly not a good person and I hated her, Lola and Pound's cover story.

And Capone Bege is a scumbag too.
So brave.
The explicit killer/bad person is a bad person.
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Oden (how retarded and incompetent can one be, others have already stated the reasons here so im not going to bother repeating)

Yamatard (a clown that needed mental therapy, she could be an enjoyable character but that lolden syndrome she had was Cringe)

Sengoku the Hypocrite (the way he is presented post ts feels like we readers are NOT supposed to see him as a bad person which is a joke considering all the shit he has done)

Lolden still tops the list with quite a margin though
Did you think Sengoku would be presented any other way after the end of Marineford???

Sure he sucks but this isn't a weird post-TS jump.
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Maybe Hancock.

Except I do like her; I just don't think her treatment of her own citizens was adequately explired/rectified with her turn to ally.
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Hiruluk turned some poor sick man into a frog. He’d definitely be incarcerated for medical malpractice
Yes he was a crazy self admitted former thug no one is supposed to look at Hiluluk as an example of how to conduct oneself outside of the higher ideas at work in his head/the themes in the flashback; the things that lead him to believe in the any persons ability to change and to accept an outcast shunned by "sane" and proper society.
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This forum is retarded.
It's a well known fact that 90% of the users here have no sympathies or respects. So I don't understand this question. This forum is full of zoro retards and tourists that use the One Piece fandom as a platform. I hate most one piece readers and they are ruining the fun online.

I hold zero sympathy or respects against this very retarded fandom. Everyone has some sort of mental illness or narcissistic complexes.
Shirahoshi. She caused most of Fishman islands problems by letting the people of Fishman Island believe humans killed Otohime and allowing Hody to gain sympathy and power using anti human rhetoric.

I think that’s the only character Oda wanted us to feel sympathy for and I just couldn’t.

And I felt bad for Moriah.