General & Others Zoro s confirmed to be the deuteragonist.

@Logiko ZKKclowns are being hypocrites, they don't care about Oda saying the series ends with finding One Piece because they don't want Teach being final villain, then they use Oda saying Ryuma (who has different personality than Zolo) to make Zolo as 2nd most important character even though Zolo has no plot relevance to the story other than being a member of Luffy's crew, Zolo is no different than Sanji or Nami, or Usopp etc.

lol what

Zoro mastered three sword style, that means he mastered, using one sword, and two swords as well.
You are dumb af lmao, Zolo himself says he isn't good with 1 sword, and can't beat fodders like Nyaban brothers without 3 swords LMAO.

Also needed to steal Nerfed Killer's blade so he could use 3 blades to attack him;

While Ryuma is different, he only uses 1 sword style.

lol what
Nami: if they want to face a yonko, they should at least have Zoro.

so Teach is more Ryuma than Zoro? :milaugh:
Zoro isn’t just stoic.
Zoro is the first mate, the guy everyone looks to when Luffy isn’t around. Zoro was second and Nami third. So Nami is the third mc. This isn’t hard to understand.
Zolo was separated from Luffy same as the crew. Oda doesn't separate Zolo from the SH crew, he doesn't make Zolo even vice-captain, Sanji and others don't give af about Zolo, and Zolo can't lead SH Pirates if Luffy didn't exist.

Zolo has plot relevance to story only because of Luffy.
Same as other Luffy's crew members, Zolo is not above them.

Ryuma wasn't a sidekick to someone in a pirate crew, he had his own Manga story, Zolo is a sidekick to Luffy, and he won't have his own Manga story.

What Zolo will do without Luffy?

You clowns are desperate :milaugh:

Emperors are the most important characters for the story.

Zolo is irrelevant without Luffy, Sanji won't follow him as leader and some of them wouldn't follow as well, maybe only Chopper follows him while calling him ''hopeless idiot'', Zolo can't even lead the SH Pirates if Luffy dies.
It means Zoro is a Karateka who is also a swordsman. :kayneshrug:
Too bad, you didn't read correctly. I gave you two antithesic visions.

If Zoro is only a swordman he can't be mainly a karateka.

I know that you are coping and trying to sneak your way in through this argument, but you can't win this one I'm sorry.

You have to choose, either you believe the story and the fact that Zoro is only a swordman either you believe that Zoro is mainly a karateka following the potential words of Oda.


You can also believe that both are true but the words of Oda are happening in a parrallel story, not in the one you have in your hands when you buy the manga.

So, what vision do you choose ?
Too bad, you didn't read correctly. I gave you two antagonistic vision.

If Zoro is only a swordman he can't be mainly a karateka.

I know that you are coping and trying to sneak your way in through this argument, but you can't win this one I'm sorry.

You have to choose, either you believe the story and the Zoro is only a swordman either you believe that Zoro is mainly a karateka following the potential words of Oda.


You can also believe that both are true but the words of Oda are happening on a parrallel story, not in the one you have in your hands when you buy the manga.

So, what vision do you choose ?
It's funny how you try choosing bullshit scenarios to excuse your autistic takes but like I said again, your words do not matter when the author gives statements to the story.

Now let me explain something, alright?

SBS statements only, but ONLY, get retconned when the manga later on states the complete contrast or Oda suddenly gives a different statement. ONLY then, it's invalid.

We're looking out if statements are up-to-date or outdated. Your little scenarios are just baseless nonsense.

In the One Piece world, you have swordsmen like Fujitora who is also a swordsman despite being a DF user. Zoro launches haki slashes at his opponents, he even kicks them. He is still a swordsman.
So even if it was said, Zoro is only a swordsman in name, he still can have experience of a karateka. In fact, he has a no sword style.
So let me further address your hypothetical situation: If Zoro was previously drawn as a swordsman only but Oda later gives a statement of Zoro being a Karateka as well, this statement got retconned - Zoro is both Karateka and a Swordsman in fact. It's that simple.

Nope, Oda's statement is about his current story, lol. In fact, the SBS interview is recently, hence even after +1110 chapters, Oda still needed to reiterate to remind the fandom that Zoro is the deuteragonist in fact. Nothing changed about his position. He is still the Nr. 2, he is still stoic and rational, he still has his goofy moments although they reduced quite a bit over the years, he still fights the Nr. 2, he still aims at the WSS title, he still is Luffy's right hand man, etc.

You're just on some pathetic cope.
It's funny how you try choosing bullshit scenarios to excuse your autistic takes but like I said again, your words do not matter when the author gives statements to the story.
Oh, so you are choosing the coward way out by choosing not answer the question ?


SBS statements only, but ONLY, get retconned when the manga later on states the complete contrast or Oda suddenly gives a different statement. ONLY then, it's invalid.

We're looking out if statements are up-to-date or outdated. Your little scenarios are just baseless nonsense.
Lol no mate, you are not understanding.

You can wriggle around all you want, you will need to answer this question mate. And I already know the answer. That's why you have only ONE escape path here:

To understand that you are wrong.

So even if it was said, Zoro is only a swordsman in name, he still can have experience of a karateka. In fact, he has a no sword style.
Again, I'm talking about ANTITHETIC vision here, not some things that are compatibles.

The question is clear:

In the potentiality that Oda is saying X is Y AND if Oda is showing (and telling) that X is NOT Y in the story at the same time, WHICH vision do you chooses to follow ?

I want you to understand the difference between narration and author's statements.

So give me an answer, stop wriggling around to avoid the question or stop talking and prove to me that you don't know how to answer without being proven wrong.
Nope, Oda's statement is about his current story, lol. In fact, the SBS interview is recently, hence even after +1110 chapters, Oda still needed to reiterate to remind the fandom that Zoro is the deuteragonist in fact. Nothing changed about his position. He is still the Nr. 2, he is still stoic and rational, he still has his goofy moments although they reduced quite a bit over the years, he still fights the Nr. 2, he still aims at the WSS title, he still is Luffy's right hand man, etc.

You're just on some pathetic cope.
If Zolo is No.2 in terms of importance to the story then every crew member should listen Zolo and follow Zolo's lead if Luffy dies. You really think thats going to happen? Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Usopp none of these guys would give af about Zolo, they wouldn't follow him, and Zolo himself doesn't have any ambition to lead them as well.

Oda doesn't say Zolo directly for a reason, he still says Ryuma, Ryuma is a different personality, who has his own Manga series. Also there are literally early designs about Zolo being in Buggy's crew member, we are going to act like this didn't happen?

Oh, so you are choosing the coward way out by choosing not answer the question ?
No, you're just jumping on the bullshit train and come up with ridiculous scenarios to make your argument more logical.

You can wriggle around all you want, you will need to answer this question mate.
I don't NEED to answer anything; I could also just ignore your stupid ass and call it a day, lol.
Yet, I decided to engage further in a discussion with you, to see whether I truly waste my time on an arrogant guy like you.

The question is clear:

In the potentiality that Oda is saying X is Y AND if Oda is showing X is NOT Y in the story at the same time, WHICH vision do you chooses to follow ?
Oh, alright, so now you're choosing a scenario of two different statements happening at the same time? Bruh lol...

You wouldn't like that answer but it is OBVIOUSLY the statement which Oda had extra need to correct in a SBS, a statement DIRECTLY from the author of the manga. Meanwhile, statements coming from characters can either be meant as a way for the author to put his own words to the character and this character repeats his words like a megaphone, or the statement is purposely written in a way that it's not reliable on purpose. For example, the narrator often emphasized on the "fact" that Kaido is the strongest but he always made sure to include "People often say...", so it's rather a rumor than a pure fleshed out fact.

So there is not this confusion when the author speaks directly, without beating around the bush.

So in that case, author's words > narration because dude, you cannot seriously argue against the guy who WRITES the narrative in the first place. He created this world, all the rules, all the characters and if Oda feels to correct on something, it will affect the narrative and the laws of this world automatically because he is the one who created them.

Nice cope out tho.
No, you're just jumping on the bullshit train and come up with ridiculous scenarios to make your argument more logical.
There is nothing ridiculous here.


Again, let me repeat it to you since you don't want to answer it:

In the potentiality that Oda is saying X = Y OUTSIDE of the story AND if Oda is showing and telling that X =/= Y in the story at the same time..

WHICH vision do you chooses to follow ?

Simple question. So, answer me


I could also just ignore your stupid ass and call it a day, lol.
Yeah, that's your only (coward) way out


Oh, alright, so now you're choosing a scenario of two different statements happening at the same time? Bruh lol...
This is called a logical thought experiment. I'm purpusely choosing a simple logical scenario in which you have to make a choice to make you understand why you are wrong.

You wouldn't like that answer but it is OBVIOUSLY the statement which Oda had extra need to correct in a SBS, a statement DIRECTLY from the author of the manga. Meanwhile, statements coming from characters can either be meant as a way for the author to put his own words to the character and this character repeats his words like a megaphone, or the statement is purposely written in a way that it's not reliable on purpose. For example, the narrator often emphasized on the "fact" that Kaido is the strongest but he always made sure to include "People often say...", so it's rather a rumor than a pure fleshed out fact.
So you are telling me (I'm summing up because your paragraph is very confusing, on purpose I guess) that in the case where:

Oda says (outside of the story) that X=Y

But at the SAME TIME, he is SHOWING and TELLING us through his story that X=/=Y

You would rather follow the words of Oda in a random interview or sbs rather than the story that you have in your hands ?

Is that what you are telling me ?

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It's not cute, your crying and seething is amusing lol.

You are confusing something mate. I only theorized ONE hypothosis : Carrot joining the crew after Wano. But my analysis about One Piece still stand hehe.
I don't recall any of that - must be a parallel world.

I EXPLAINED how G5 was implemented in the story. This was not a debate, not a defense and not an hypothesis, it was simple storytelling analysis mate based on narrative datas
Don't lie; you tried convincing people that G5 was the best thing ever happening in fiction - a true masterpiece when Oda foreshadowed everything perfectly and everything went perfectly fine looking at the narration.

I don't remember losing any debate here lol.

Yes, that's why most theorist are failing to predict anything.
LMAO 2.0
The lack of self awareness is strong in this one.

Again, a deuteragonist is a "second actor", its a word used to describe a specific context (a three actor ancient greek play) and his not pertinent as a storytelling tool for our present narrative world. The narration evolve since then and we have other ways to call characters.

Zoro is the close ally, falling under the archetype of the guardian.

He is not the most important character after Luffy in term of narration and Oda is not saying that either. You guys are projecting.
Who says this? You? Oda obviously have a different definition to what a deuteragonist means than you and if he believes that the Nr. 2 is still the deuteragonist - even after +1100 chapters, why do you vehemently try to argue against it? It's illogical because a deuteragonist doesn't have to set the story in motion. That's the protagonist.

It doesn't and Oda clearly disagrees.

It's you who comes up with narration. Oda never stated Zoro is the most important character after Luffy in terms of narration when he is still fulfilling his role of supporting Luffy till the end. That's his role as a deuteragonist.
The initial definition was derived from the ancient greek but modern literature clearly have different meaning and definitions for them.
You are the only one projecting shit.

This is both true and false.

In the sence that, yes, each stories are different because they will be perceived differently. BUT each MODERN stories are following a similar storytelling pattern and similar outline. It can vary of course (for example it varies a lot in One Piece) but the structure remain the same for every story.

So when I say that there are basic foundamentals or Rules or principle, call them whatever you want, I'm not jocking.
A deuteragonist is often a secondary MC who aids and helps the MC in various ways. Only because Luffy's crew got bigger, doesn't mean Zoro's (and Nami's) roles got replaced or changed. Again, it's the contrast. Oda reiterated yet again Zoro's position in the story.

There are countless modern stories trying their own kind of storytelling and there are differences indeed. Again, you have characters like Genos, Sasuke, Vegeta, Lucy, Megumi, Sherlock's sidekick Dr. Watson and so on - all of them are deuteragonists but their roles in the stories are still perceived differently.

Yes, true, so how is Zoro's position damaging them in the first place and how do you know that Oda clearly follows these?

No. again, none of them are deuteragonist. Simply because this term is not relevant for our current storytelling era.

Sasuke is the Rival and main antagonist
Genos is the sidekick

Both are falling under the category of allies (and then antagonist for Sasuke, back to ally again)
Lol what? You are not even their writer, lol. You are just a self proclaimed expert at story and narrative telling. Sasuke not being a deuteragonist, LMFAOO.

Sasuke is the rival and deuteragonist.
Kaguya was the main antagonist.

Genos is deuteragonist who is Saitama's sidekick.

Here are several examples of deuteragonists, each of them having their own role within the story:

3 Types of Deuteragonists
The deuteragonist usually plays one of three roles:
  1. 1. The sidekick: Many deuteragonists follow the protagonist around as a best friend or assistant, offering insight, comic relief, or serving as a gentle combatant (depending on the deuteragonist’s own conflict or goals). Good examples of protagonists and sidekick deuteragonists include Batman and Robin in the comic books and films, and Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories.
  2. 2. The antagonist: Often, a secondary character can be the antagonist of a story if their goals conflict with the protagonist’s. An antagonist is only considered the deuteragonist if they are especially present in the story and play a major role—for example, Luke Skywalker (protagonist) and Darth Vader (an antagonist deuteragonist) in Star Wars.
  3. 3. The love interest: In love stories, the second most important character is usually the love interest of the main character—for instance, Will Turner (protagonist) and Elizabeth Swann (a love interest deuteragonist) in Pirates of the Carribean.
7 Examples of Deuteragonists
There are strong examples of deuteragonists in all sorts of media and genres. Here are a few well-known ones:
  1. 1. Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes (protagonist: Sherlock Holmes)
  2. 2. Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (protagonist: Huckleberry Finn; tritagonist: Tom Sawyer)
  3. 3. Darth Vader in Star Wars (protagonist: Luke Skywalker; another deuteragonist: Han Solo)
  4. 4. Sam in The Lord of the Rings (protagonist: Frodo)
  5. 5. Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight (protagonist: Batman/Bruce Wayne)
  6. 6. Jack Sparrow in The Pirates of the Caribbean (protagonist: Will Turner; another deuteragonist: Elizabeth Swann)
  7. 7. Hermione Granger in Harry Potter (protagonist: Harry Potter; another deuteragonist: Ron Weasley)
Source.(From the quote)
Other source.
Source Nr. 3
So you see, Zoro can perfectly fit into the role as a sidekick and let me ask you ONE QUESTION: Did Zoro's role ever, EVER, change within this manga? Did someone replace his role?

Again, Oda is not even saying that zoro is the deuteragonist. Also, he is talking about Ryuma AND he is talking about the EARLY process of fabrication of his story. A stage where he thought that he would have two protagonists instead of One (something that can sometimes happen in stories, Frozen for Example). He does not say that in the present day Zoro is the most important cahracter after Luffy and he does not use the term of the ancient greece. You guys are projecting your desire.

The reality is that in a story, the second most important character for the narration after the protagonist is the antagonist.

Which is blackbeard in One Piece.
Dude, your lack of reading comprehension is astonishing, seriously. Oda intented to make someone as the secondary MC to push the popularity of One Piece even further, then he thought about Ryuma who was the protagonist of his one shot and implemented a character - linked to Ryuma - into the story to make him the secondary MC.

He didn't scrape this idea, I don't even know why the fuck you believe this was the case lol.
In fact, Zoro had a huge appearance in chapter 2 and from then on, Oda introduced his role into the story even further. Heck, he was Luffy's FIRST CREWMATE. Then later on in the story, as if it isn't enough after Zoro sacrificing himself to protect his captain, Oda introduced the character closest to Roger, his best aid, his right hand man, the vice captain: Rayleigh.
Both Luffy and Zoro are related to Roger and Rayleigh; one who shaped the current world and its generation and the other one who was his best ally. That's why you had Zoro fighting Luffy alongside Kaido.

Are you kidding me? The purpose of a deuteragonist and the antagonist are two entirely different pair of shoes. Why are you even comparing Blackbeard with Zoro?????

No, i'm just stating the facts.
You are not stating facts; you're just beating around the bush and try to fraud your way by portraying your headcanon as facts, lol.

Yes, like an ally. Also fun fact, Nami was supposed to join first.
Yes, because Nami was truly meant to be the deuteragonist at first.
She was both navigator and fighter but Oda scraped this idea and chose a character who was more likely to make One Piece very popular, which was Zoro.

Not at all no.

In the reality of the story, Zoro's backstory is very thin and only happened once when Luffy had not only the entire first chapter, but the entire marineford Saga + another long flashback. Zoro's arc development is the least interesting out of all the strawhats narratively. (which is logical, it happened first, and Oda didn't want to create an epic setting). The treatment between Luffy and Zoro is NOT comparable. In fact - granted, Zoro has a few cool moments that are important for his characterization and overall story) but - a lot of strawhats have more development than Zoro overall. Sanji, for example, is a character that gets a lot more narrative love that his swordman counterpart.

It doesn't mean that Zoro is not interesting. There is a LOT to say about his story, but its just not on the level of Luffy. Zoro is like all the strawhats, a close ally. Nothing more.
Yes, it is after all.

Only more excuses. Now it's "B-but Zoro's backstory", "B-but character development", "B-but you're wrong!". It was never about Zoro receiving equal plot relevance as Luffy, it's about him being the deuteragonist who is, in fact, not that "irrelevant of a character" like the haters make it out to be. So his backstory was shit? We've got his entire lineage, that's more info than Luffy's family tree. Zoro's arc development? It could have been more but Oda went his way to portray Zoro as Ryuma's descendant, so take it as you like. When it comes to Luffy and Zoro comparisons, as I said, they are comparable: One is into meat, another one in sake, both are supernovas, in dire situations, both have their backs and do impactful things in arcs, Luffy takes on the boss, Zoro takes on the bosses' right hand man or number 2 in an arc. When Luffy or other crew mates are not thinking rationally, Zoro shuts them up. It happened in Water 7 and Post Wano as well. It even happened when Sanji went to WCI, Zoro reminded the crew that they're about to face two Yonko all at once.

I missed the point when Zoro has to be comparable to Luffy to make him the ideal deuteragonist, lol. Like, it's even a lost cause, nobody can rival Luffy's plot relevance in the story as he's basically portrayed like the Pirate Jesus...

Cool moment yeah, and that's his role. nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing fancy. it doesn't transcend his position as a crewmate.
Yes, because only Zoro calls out other crew members when they are about to do stupid shit. He has done this stuff not once, not twice but thrice.

When the whole existence of the crew was in shambles in Thrillerbark, Zoro was the one who took the lead in fighting Kuma and he was the one who sacrificed himself to protect his captain and the crew.

This is irrelevant.
It's not, lmao.
Roger is the pivot of the entire story and narration and Rayleigh was his closest aid. Why don't we see Roger's Nami, Roger's Chopper, Roger's Brook or Roger's Sanji?
Yet, Oda introduced us Roger's Zoro who is Rayleigh. He is another legend, comparable to Roger and Whitebeard, has an epic epiteth called "Dark King" and he was Luffy's mentor.

Yes, logically since Zoro has a strong bounty.
Weak argument.
Zoro certainly didn't become a supernova merely because of a high bounty.

Btw, Zoro was also the second one receiving a bounty after Luffy, let it sink in...

Actually I ask you to do the opposite.

The story = Canon
The words of the author = Not necessarily Canon.

If the words of the author contradict the story, then you must listen the story and not the words of the author.
Already explained in my other posts.

No. i'm saying that the words "deuteragonist" is not adapted to talk about modern characters since the words is stripped from his contextual meaning (that was a three actors play).

I'm also saying that in a story, the most important character NARRATIVELY after the protagonist, is the antagonist.

Simply because the story is constructed around their battle for a common goal.
So? Where exactly is the issue then? Oda is obviously having his own set of definition when it comes to a deuteragonist and Zoro fulfills this role according to Oda. You're just rambling on about irrelevant things.

Yes, that's your understanding of narration - it's not Oda's, so how is it relevant again, you lil expert?

If you really want to use the word Deuteragonist in One Piece, its technically possible (even if it would still be non pertinent), BUT you have to use it for All the strawhats and ALL the main arc character. which mean more than 20 characters who became protagonist on parralel to Luffy during their arcs.

Not specifically for Zoro.
There is just one small difference... It's not ME who used the word "deuteragonist" in One Piece, it's ODA who proclaimed Zoro to be Nr. 2 when it comes to the MCs. How many times do I have to explain this to you? It's only Nami at best who has a comparable role to Zoro, the other strawhats are extentions to the deuteragonists but they are not equal to them. Zoro's role still didn't change and even after approximately +1060 chapters, he proved it yet again.

How so when Zoro is the only one who gets paired with the other right hand men and even with Rayleigh? Do you see Sanji, Franky, Robin, Jimbei or Usopp on that list?

[...]The term is CONTEXTUAL to a CERTAIN form of ancient greek play. It is NOT relevant to use it to describe current modern characters in stories. Why ?

Because the way to create stories has evolved in 2 millenia
Dude, just tell you run out of arguments.
Now you wanna sit on the horse by claiming it's relevant to look at the origin of this term whose form was used in ancient greek literature and play. It's all fine and all but again, your words are still irrelevant when we look at Oda's statement, lol.
@Logiko ZKKclowns are being hypocrites, they don't care about Oda saying the series ends with finding One Piece because they don't want Teach being final villain, then they use Oda saying Ryuma (who has different personality than Zolo) to make Zolo as 2nd most important character even though Zolo has no plot relevance to the story other than being a member of Luffy's crew, Zolo is no different than Sanji or Nami, or Usopp etc.

You are dumb af lmao, Zolo himself says he isn't good with 1 sword, and can't beat fodders like Nyaban brothers without 3 swords LMAO.

Also needed to steal Nerfed Killer's blade so he could use 3 blades to attack him;

While Ryuma is different, he only uses 1 sword style.

Zolo was separated from Luffy same as the crew. Oda doesn't separate Zolo from the SH crew, he doesn't make Zolo even vice-captain, Sanji and others don't give af about Zolo, and Zolo can't lead SH Pirates if Luffy didn't exist.

Zolo has plot relevance to story only because of Luffy.
Same as other Luffy's crew members, Zolo is not above them.

Ryuma wasn't a sidekick to someone in a pirate crew, he had his own Manga story, Zolo is a sidekick to Luffy, and he won't have his own Manga story.

What Zolo will do without Luffy?

You clowns are desperate :milaugh:

Emperors are the most important characters for the story.

Zolo is irrelevant without Luffy, Sanji won't follow him as leader and some of them wouldn't follow as well, maybe only Chopper follows him while calling him ''hopeless idiot'', Zolo can't even lead the SH Pirates if Luffy dies.
im sorry but dumbest thing that’s been said so far is Teach being more like Ryuma than Zoro.

Nyaban brothers are not fodder. Theyre called the terrifying duo. East Blue Zoro literally said he’s not use to fighting with one sword. :nicagesmile: meaning he’s not at his best, not that he isn’t good with one.

Zoro didn’t need to steal killer weapon to beat him. It just means, at his best, he can beat them quickly.

Just because Zoro uses three swords doesn’t mean they're is no/to little resemblance between the two.
Now let’s see what they have in common:
Both have roots to wano
Both are one eyed swordsman
Both used Shusui
Both wanted to be the strongest
Both will turn their swords black
Both have a similar stature
Both can be stoic and goofy
Both slain a dragon with one sword
Both saved Wano
Both have similar techniques
Both look like they can be brothers
Both have two arms lol

Zoro isnt a sidekick dumbass. He was never treated as such. What you don’t understand, Luffy could NEVER be PK without Zoro and the shs, While Zoro could be the WSS without Luffy. See the difference… Everyone see Zoro as someone who should be Cpt. Confirming he has the potential to be a yonko if he wanted.
Again, let me repeat it to you since you don't want to answer it:

In the potentiality that Oda is saying X = Y OUTSIDE of the story AND if Oda is showing and telling that X =/= Y in the story at the same time..

WHICH vision do you chooses to follow ?
So another BS scenario?? :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:
At least you're trying, lol.

How is Oda showing that in the story? Also, like I said, the SBS's sole function is to give answers to unanswered question and to this degree, statements in the SBS are even more important than manga statements because like II said, it depends on how Oda shows it.

Yeah, that's your only (coward) way out
If you believe, I'm scared and run away from a furry, you're heavily mistaken. :suresure:

This is called a logical thought experiment.
Nope, that's a "Cope outta the inevitable situation that I'd have to admit to be wrong" experiment.

Oda says (outside of the story) that X=Y

But at the SAME TIME, he is SHOWING and TELLING us through his story that X=/=Y

You would rather follow the words of Oda in a random interview or sbs rather than the story that you have in your hands ?
1.) Why should Oda be telling this? It would not benefit him doing two statements at the same time while contradicting his own ass but well, when it comes to current Oda and how much he fucked up Egghead Island, it's not impossible...
This is just a very unrealistic scenario in general and I usually know such equations in Boolean algebra when you check if the conditions are true or false.
No author would make use of such a confusing way to contradict their own statements, lmao.

2.) Like I said, SBS answer wins when it comes to source hierarchy because this directly comes from the author, there are no misunderstandings of rumors and extra storytelling style to give halfassed answers which aren't exactly known yet until the protagonist finds ouut the truth.

=> My conclusion: So if Zoro's plot relevance was neglected by Oda over the years and he just announced it NOW that Zoro is the deuteragonist in fact, it doesn't invalidate his statement, it just proves he didn't implement Zoro's role within the story properly as intented, not that Zoro does not contain this role.
im sorry but dumbest thing that’s been said so far is Teach being more like Ryuma than Zoro.

Nyaban brothers are not fodder. Theyre called the terrifying duo. East Blue Zoro literally said he’s not use to fighting with one sword. :nicagesmile: meaning he’s not at his best, not that he isn’t good with one.

Zoro didn’t need to steal killer weapon to beat him. It just means, at his best, he can beat them quickly.

Just because Zoro uses three swords doesn’t mean they're is no/to little resemblance between the two.
Now let’s see what they have in common:
Both have roots to wano
Both are one eyed swordsman
Both used Shusui
Both wanted to be the strongest
Both will turn their swords black
Both have a similar stature
Both can be stoic and goofy
Both slain a dragon with one sword
Both saved Wano
Both have similar techniques
Both look like they can be brothers
Both have two arms lol

Zoro isnt a sidekick dumbass. He was never treated as such. What you don’t understand, Luffy could NEVER be PK without Zoro and the shs, While Zoro could be the WSS without Luffy. See the difference… Everyone see Zoro as someone who should be Cpt. Confirming he has the potential to be a yonko if he wanted.
Kuro stomped Nyaban brothers retard, of course they are fodders LMAO.

Zolo become 1 eyed after TS, Oda is talking about the beginning of the story retard.

Ryuma is no underling to a pirate, he wouldn't be a pirate hunter as well.

Zolo didn't save Wano, it was Luffy you clown LMAO. That alone shows the difference, Ryuma saved Wano but Zolo couldn't.

Zolo is nothing without Luffy.

Luffy can still be PK without Zolo, he would find different allies and underlings if not Zolo.

Zolo is stoic, Ryuma is goofy,

You retard crying about this won't change they are different personalities with different sword styles. Zolo himself says he is a sidekick by accepting Luffy as his captain you clown.

Zolo can't lead SH Pirates, no one gives af about him even SH Pirates wouldn't follow him. He is not more important than other Luffy sidekicks.
When I made the original Crying 6, Erkek instantly fired up Paint to make his own version with people who troubled him the most at that time. He was particularly shaken by the fact that I selected him to be thickhead Ulti... Cried to mods for nothing, good times. :milaugh:
Thats not what he is asking retard, he asks who is YJ, and you still cry about being in the Crying 6 ZKKtards :milaugh: Also your lie about ''instantly'' got exposed, it was an old edit.