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Sure, but it still looks like complete shit when they just get used as punching bags cuz they regenerate all the damage. There are other ways to keep them occupied, instead of damaging their portrayal. I mean, it's Atlas of all people...
Ain't that deep brother. Kaido got tackled and stabbed by the Scabbards and later beat them to near death.
Just calm down, at least V.Nusjuro took her arm off.


Custom title
Am I the only one a bit confused that they would murder people over the D only?

We have never seen them care that much about the D even with all we already knew about its meaning. They were never persecuted in the fashion Robin was.

For example, they had Garp, a D, working right under their noses and nobody cared. And no, the excuse can't be that he's a hero and overpowered, because he was a marine for decades before he became a hero, and the WG is supposed to have solid information networks. There was also Saul.
Hmmm well so far no one seems to know what the D means even Clover didn't seemed to know in this little flashback when he talked with VP, so it's probably something he figured out later after his resarch was complete.....

Which means the meaning of D was " lost " in history so the WG no longer had reasons to go after them.....also Clover was like 85 when he died ? That was a lot of years ago maybe back then the WG was more active in hunting them down

But people with D. so far seem to always be doing troublesome things ( Dragon, Luffy, Roger, Clover, Saul.... ) so probably being a D. and doing something bad gets you in double the troubles.....

And yes Garp beign overpowered and a hero AND a marine for decades can be used as an excuse lol
Sure, but it still looks like complete shit when they just get used as punching bags cuz they regenerate all the damage. There are other ways to keep them occupied, instead of damaging their portrayal. I mean, it's Atlas of all people...
BM got rolled out a castle by Robin. Oda excuse is She doesn't take damage so all those stupid things that happened to her means noting lol.
I'd need a single panel of their surnames ever being acknowledged as secrets, not just their connection. People in-universe could still connect (or fail to) "Monkey Garp" with "Monkey D. Luffy" just as easily as "Monkey D. Garp".

In fact, this would be even worse, because it would mean Garp and Dragon knew the importance of hiding the D, but explained it to Luffy nor Ace for their safety, who went around screaming their full names from an early age.
I don’t think Garps name is common knowledge. We’ve seen what happens when he meets the straw hats, they’re all aware of Garp the Hero of the Marines and were shocked he was Luffys grandpa.

It’d be weird if they knew his name was Monkey D. Garp and never made the connection.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Ok there are some nice moments this chapter surprisingly.

Seeing Punk Hazard in the past before all the destruction and thus how beautiful it used to be, I was literally thinking about it earlier and hoping to see it, so talk about a hell of a convenient coincidence!

Clover has an Irish surname unsurprisingly and the backstory of him and his brother is sad. Honestly, this especially barbaric hunting and slaughtering of the D's makes me think of how certain types of people were hunted down in history and had to try to hide their identities to try and survive instead too somehow. Obvious parallel/inspiration is obvious but still. Its so harrowing but I'm glad Oda is showcasing this in his story in his own way.

Not to mention the WG hunting down all first borns of Roger and this is on top of him helping them to take down Xebec too. The WG is just so evil beyond words itself, far more evil than mostly any other faction I've seen in a series.

Robin covers her own eyes with Vegapunk's hand? Morbid but I kinda get the symbolism, its weirdly profound and sweet.


As much as I hate Atlas' sacrifice moment and thus apparent death, unless she gets the Pell treatment or something, her knocking out Lilith was a nice touch, I saw some jokes about how this is Atlas' "Nothing Happened" moment which is ironic given who she's with right now lmao.


Once again we have another VOAT user and also another Joyboy D Rider who has it but no explanation of what is yet still and why they have it....


Even though its more Reaction Piece, seeing an update from Zeff and Baratie crew in-story is great (so annoyed we didnt see them during WCI somehow) and also from Simpel Down is nice too.


Btw, Clover's surname means "Sword" in Irish Gaelic....Sword huh?....

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