
Trump supporters should be among the last to decry about that tho and again i would just shut up if you know so clearly little about european politics and scum like AFD in Germany, the whole history of RN and other fuckers.
I can only speak for the US. I know nothing about European politics. I just know Trump isn't this far-right monster people want to make him out to be.

Even though I have moved quite a bit right these last several years, I come here and have peaceful and even friendly conversations with the ones who disagree with me because I do not just assume because someone thinks differently that they are radical on the other side.
Look, speaking as a resident of a country where far-right very much has historically and even now thrived, the US never had this experience and definitely not during Trump's term.
Bro, I live here, I’ve seen the rise of the alt right these last 8 years. I don’t care about your optics, I’ve seen the policies and even listed a few of them a couple of mins ago. Don’t concern-troll me.
scum like AfD. You clown don‘t know anything about german politics, the whole history of RN you mean stopping France stopping to becoming the middle east and africa?

I live in Germany and see everyday what Hocke and his guys do in eastern germany you fucking buffoon, Roo is right about the whole "anti-establishment" brainrot from you types
It isn’t a hoax. The heritage foundation is behind it and Trump is just starting to distance himself from it since it hurts him electorally. But go on, keep thinking he actually has your best interests at heart. Which doesn’t matter anyway since he won’t be your president.
I know who is behind it. Trump was never himself mentioning with the heritage foundation. His agenda is 47! In fact people are mad that Trump isn‘t linked to project2025.. Or let me rephrase it degenerate like Nick fuentes is mad about it.
I live in Germany and see everyday what Hocke and his guys do in eastern germany you fucking buffoon, Roo is right about the whole "anti-establishment" brainrot from you types
Sein name ist Björn Höcke. Ostdeutschland, du meinst das „Demokratische Thüringen“ mit MP Ramelow🤡

Geh deine drecks SPD wählen
So appointing John Bolton to be you aide

I guess Obama's far-right, he killed Osama

trying to steal an election

inciting a riot on J6

supporting the repeal of Roe v Wade
Leaving matters of basic social policy up to the voters, very far-right. Lol

It sounds like you don't know anything about politics. Trump isn't that radical, especially not compared to 2016
Leaving matters of voters up to the voters, very far-right. Lol

It sounds like you don't know anything about politics
Everytime there’s a vote on abortion rights we win. Tf are you saying retard? Is a court of shills the same af the will of the voters? Touch grass dude, look at the polls and tell me the American people don’t like Roe v Wade.

I guess Obama's far-right, he killed Osama



Leaving matters of basic social policy up to the voters, very far-right. Lol

It sounds like you don't know anything about politics. Trump isn't that radical, especially not compared to 2016
You’ve proven to me you’re just a sorry excuse of a troll and a massive kool aid drinker who vets his politics completely on vibes.
Bro, I live here, I’ve seen the rise of the alt right these last 8 years. I don’t care about your optics, I’ve seen the policies and even listed a few of them a couple of mins ago. Don’t concern-troll me.
Dealing with tax doesn't make you far right. And only the Supreme Court can be blamed for Roe v Wade, which fell due to the most stupid constitution semantics in the case :josad:

Either way I do not think you know what far-right means, we all expected a crazy term from him and it was nothing out of the ordinary for US politics.
e are talking about those who have created him
The liberal and conservative mainstream medias and far right conservatives created him. Nothing really fancy..

Typical liberal BS

Of course there is place for political violence. Politic itself is CONFLICT.

We just need to stop at killing or injuring people. Without the political violence of the past, this guy wouldn't be able to speak today.

Something I find sick right now is people saying this is fake or staged. Or comments like "too bad they missed." It's stomach turning.
People's entire existences are threaten by the arrival of Trump in power mate.
So yes, I can understand why some would prefer to see him neutralized.

This is not the solution, but you need to understand what a threat Trump really is.

Yeah, Trump doesn't deserve to die at all.
No one deserves to die

The latter comes mostly if not solely from stupid accelerationist online marxists/anarchists and not Democrats/Biden supporters.
Don't be so sure, If have seen more accelerationnist in the liberal camp than in the marxist one. The liberals themself in power ARE accelerationnist (Macron is one example)

my disdain for illiberalism keeps growing
You are targeting the wrong guys mate. Educate yourself.

Communism is when people are liberals.
I'm sorry what ?

All right parties in Europe are also spam called "far-right", which is just silly.
No its not.

There is a sociological reason for that. The classical rightist parties have radicalized themselves toward the far right.

Social democrates went the same way and are now the real rightist

With the arrival of Internet and 9/11, the overton windows shifted toward the right drastically in the entire world.

People seem to "think" in extremes. If you don't agree 100% you are far the other side.
If you are willing to make compromise with racism, sexism or transphobia then yes, you are on the extrem side. Its not the normal and republican side.

Yes, I think insults in the shape of "fascists" and "Nazis" are being tossed around way too easily nowadays. People forgot these words have massive gravitas, and kids have no clue what they mean.
Or maybe you are unaware of the reality that is fascism, I've explained clearly how you can, from a simple far right gov, fall into fascism without even noticing it.

We are not throwing the word "fascist" because there is no reason to. We do it because we are informed on the danger of the far right for the institutions and countries.

I just know Trump isn't this far-right monster people want to make him out to be.
Yes he is. That's a documented fact.

If you can't see that, you are blind.
You are targeting the wrong guys mate. Educate yourself.
no I am not. I literally spent most of the past couple of pages shitting on right wingers.

Conservatives aren't liberals, and far right nuts arent' as well. Just because I include the same flavor but from the left in my disdain doesn't mean I don't know which one is more dangerous. I can walk and chew gum at the same time