Yes, both violence.

One legitimate, the other not at all, since its against a life of a citizen.
How? You posted about angry people destroying the window of a shop.

Let‘s say the shop belongs to a legally migrated person from Algeria. Who wants to make a life for his family and himself and then you have white progressive people destroying his shop causing the Algeria guy financial problem, is that what you call justice?
Is Trump not a citizen?
My god you have brainrot...
I see why this thread goes untouched by so many now.
In a few minutes we've got stuff like "THE SHOOTING WAS STAGED THEY DID IT ALL FOR SYMPATHY" and "Attempted murder isn't violence"
Jesus christ
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This is the first step in understanding the problem.

Next step is to inform yourself :)

No, not both


And that's why the USA is one president away to fall into fascism..

I'm literally talking about Trump as a citizen Einstein... learn to read
Be quiet.
This is the first step in understanding the problem.

Next step is to inform yourself :)

No, not both


And that's why the USA is one president away to fall into fascism..

I'm literally talking about Trump as a citizen Einstein... learn to read
That's not what you were trying to imply. Don't deflect.
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Just wait if Trump is elected again. The Summer of love will really look like a „summer of loveóhave you seen the last video from black conservative perspective?
The one about the shooting? I only watched up until the middle of it or so.
On the topic of violence, a few days ago someone posted something and I took a screen shot because it spoke to me personally.

"You can't truly call yourself peaceful unless you're capable of great violence. If you're not capable of violence, you're not peaceful. Your're harmless. Important distinction."
Reminds me of Spidermans, With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. /shrug
Keep lying dweeb. It only makes you look more retarded than you actually are.

This treasonist wants codification into law for policy that one-third to possibly half of these demographics disagree with

This poll categorizes percentages of demographics in support of Roe v Wade, disregarding the percentage at which these demographics predominate within the US