Again, science is not about truth, its about understanding.
To understand something is to acknowledge it as true you fucking idiot, that's what understanding is

If I look at your Carrot pfp and make a scientific claim that you are 500lbs and a rizzless loser, I am asserting that claim on the basis that it's true, not false
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Because without morality, we can't exist as a specie. So morality is relevant
If everything is matter, then there can be no abstract concepts, which "morality" is by definition. That is also why truth and knowledge can't exist nor can science under materialism.

Matter = materiality

Abstraction = conceptuality, concepts such as truth, knowledge, morality, good/evil
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I think Trump's best bet would be to move to a narrative of unity. It's also the right thing to do because we don't want any nut jobs attempting retaliation against innocent people
Agreed and pls for godsake anyone in his campaign and he himself should be aware of it.

Almost being murdered and still trying to unite the country? This is your next President guarantee.

But honestly I really really would like to live in an alternate timeline to see what would‘ve happened if Trump was murdered on this day.
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Sometimes the links from there ain't suitable for this site
I don‘t have discord any other alternatives?
To understand something is to acknowledge it as true you fucking idiot, that's what understanding is
And that's why you are a rightist and I am a leftist. I understand science, you don't..

No. Science is not about acknowledging something as true. Its about understanding reality to the maximum. Science doesn't deliver the truth and doesn't acknowledge scientific knowledge as a truth. ONLY RELIGIONS DO THAT.

Science and scientifics do not know if the accumalated scientific knowledge is the truth. Its a process that doesn't need or care about the truth. Its a process that seeks for the understanding of reality through a scientific practice


But honestly I really really would like to live in an alternate timeline to see what would‘ve happened if Trump was murdered on this day.
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It would be altering for sure. I fear for the worst.

Idiots are driving me nuts, still saying it's staged. Trump could've moved his body in thousands of ways and would be dead right now. Not the best sniper in the world could hit the tip of the ear. I guess morons everywhere.
You're clinically insane lol
Psychophobia.. ? How surprising ! (not really)

Again Redditor to understand something is to categorize it as true or untrue, such as when we call a centipede an insect as opposed to a bird
Like you said, that's not understanding, that's categorizing.

You are literally making my arguments for me, you are funny :shocking:

Is it true that you understand science, or is it false?
I'm not a scientist. I simply understand the principles of science. The exact thing that you must understand first to talk about science.

Knowledge isn't truth? What's next, squares are circles? And 2 + 2 = 5?

Fucking retard lol
No. Knowledge is not truth mate. If you think that, you are closer to the pope that you are to Einstein.