Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1121 Spoilers Discussion

Who talked with the Gorosei during Reverie?

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If you were an evil incestual overlord trying to keep a secret, how many people would you tell about the 1/4th treasure map you got?
The poneglyph are not hidden information like the gorosei and Imu tho

And remember Impel down jannie also said that man travels around, so much so people know there are some mysterious whirlpools around his ship, so its not like he is also a super secretive thing, at least that's the impression I'm getting and why
Nope. Whitebeard literally tells teach he ain’t the one of destiny

There is a prophecy about Nika. Remember the oden opening the borders prohecy

And we learned ANOTHER prophecy regarding the Sea kings who are waiting for their “sovereigns”

And there’s the Dawn of the world prophecy that we haven’t yet been explained what it is

AND there’s the Will of D… which alone means you have to be D to fulfill the Will of D… so any random Guy like Eustass Kid ain’t destined to do the shit

And recently we just learned that Emery was also told By Joyboy that there was a “coming time” where Emery had to do something… that’s a prophecy… a premonition of the future and future events

There’s MULTIPLE prophecies and ONLY LUFFY satisfies EVERY SINGLE PROPHECY… Hence he’s the ONLY ONE that can save the world
Yes luffy will save the world but we are not talking about saving the world we talking about using the OP .
I 100% certain it will be something anyone can use like i say BB would most likely be able to use it to rule the world and not save it .
But it will be something anyone can use narrative wise to at least have some stakes just like the AW .
But if it was the fucking condom fucker who punched away saturn AGAIN, it is literally just a complete rehashing of stuff that already fucking happened not even 20 chapters ago.

Fucking hell. Even a snail would have been halfway through Elbaf right now.
That's pretty much been Egghead in a nutshell. I mean, Wano was godawful, but Egghead's pacing and narrative has been a mess that's been all over the place far more so than even in Wano and WCI. You have characters facing each other down one moment, then appearing in completely different places next chapter, then you have a character do something to move the plot one chapter, then they do it again for 2 chapters later, and then you have characters repeating themselves (like Vegapunk) over and over again with no progress.

Loda is just stalling for time either because Jump and him really want to milk this dried up cashcow for all its worth, or because Oda has gotten so forgetful with age that he doesn't realize when he's already done somethin.

And because he doesn't like listening to his editors, and his editors are too scared of giving advice, its no wonder we keep finding ourselves sent back to square one.

Imagine shading your own editor over a pitifully given suggestion.

CoC: Color of Clowns

"Are these lessons? Or forgotten memories?"
These chapters really make me realize one thing:

Damn, Kaido could have just killed the Scabbards/Luffy/Zoro/Kidd/Law/Killer himself if he didn't straight up WANT people to kill/beat him. None of Law's attacks that fucked with Big Mom did anything to him, Killer did nothing, Kidd did nothing, Luffy did nothing pre CoC, Zoro is the only one who made attacks that actually made Kaido go "oh, no, I don't want to take that." Big Mom nearly drowned and had to be saved by plot armor/Kaido/her Homies.

Kaido did all that WHILE WANTING TO LOSE. The Gorosei are going full tilt and haven't even killed all the weak scientists, Vegapunks, yet.

Wano is so lucky Kaido gave them a chance, only reason the Alliance won is because Kaido is soft
In 80 chapters?

Egghead took what? 60 chapters? Its longer than Alabasta lol. Alabasta, an arc that's considered to be one of the longest pre skip arcs.

Oda has lost control of pacing completely lol. What should be mini arcs are now full blown Saga length arcs now.
The pacing is find in fact egghead pacing is one of the fastest in the manga even counting pre time skip arcs when reading it back .
Even with these last set of slower chapters the pacing has been very fast this arc .
Would you guys be happy if Buggy beat Luffy and became pirate king? A clown manga deserves a Clown ending, right? :pepebuggy:
That unironically would be the best way to go out. Luffy is about to become Pirate King only for Buggy to steal the glory purely by accident, and all Luffy can do is give a bullshit grin and say "I lost" like he did when Buggy had him on the execution platform in Loguetown. The ideal clown ending for the clown saga.
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