I am pretty sure sheep go with the main stream in thinking and not against it.
Although I do not like to call people sheep, even far rightist.. I need to point out this:
Trumpist, far rightism and conservatism, are not "against the maintream", right now, they ARE a mainstream.
Or.. rather, they are one of the two social streams in society today:
- One being liberalism and a progressism of facade
- The other being conservatism and reactionnarism
They are on an equal scale, one does not overtake the other.
Those who are going against the current right now, are leftists and what you would call "woke" people. Right now, at the moment where I speak, we (this part of the people) are outnumbered.
In fact, there are three ways you can confirm this or understand it by yourself:
1. There are almost NO leftist gov on the planet (I do not count North Korea and China that are authoritarian dictatorships)
2. We live in a liberal world that is sliding slowly into a reactionnary one. The far right is emerging as victorious pretty much everywhere.
3. You can observes that in most country, the leftists are actually in minority compared to liberal and conservative party.
For the point 3 there are two example that you can look at:
The US : As you can see, there are no big leftist party and there was never a real leftist gouvernment.
Here is the state of the french assembly
- The light blue are hardcore conservatives and the dark blue is the far right party.
- All the Yellow are the pro-capitalist liberals
ALL of them are considered on the right of the political spectrum.
- The dark pink are the socio democrats. They are the one who created liberal and social traitors like Macron and Hollande in the first place.
- The green are the ecologist (close in ideology to the PS)
- The dark green is the communist party (currently close to social democrats in term of ideology (at least their leader), yes, that's strange, but that's the reality)
- And the Red is LFI, the most radical reformist leftist party (who are not even on the extrem left, the extrem left is in the light pink)
In short, in France, radical leftists (meaning by that, those who want a real disruptive program against liberalism) have only one big choice : LFI.
This coalition (the New popular front) was created on a program set on the basis of a distruption against liberals. And yet, at the moment, the PS, the Communist party and the Ecologist are trying to stab us in the back by pushing for a big coalition with liberals. Which will simply means the end of our disruptive program and real progressive and social change in France.
So as you can see, the scarlet red, is not really present so much EVEN WHEN we technically won the election because of the New popular Front.
France is lucky. We have a strong leftist basis. But most country are not that lucky. In reality most country only have a choice between liberals or proliberal socdems AND Far rightist or extrem conservatist, there is no alternative for them.
So no. Trumpism and other far rightism are not against the system or the mainstream. They are forged and helped by it.