Current Events Kuzan Is A Contender For One Piece - Why Oda Doesn’t Care About Swordsmen

Except Nik I don't think anyone thinks Shiryu has any relevance on terms of power or to the story. As said , Mihawk, Moria, Crocodile all wanted to be pirate king in past but they failed, Mihawk even directly said that Luffys dream of becoming pirate king is harder accomplishment than becoming WSS.

Who is WSS does not impact one piece world at all , while becoming pirate king can change the future of it .
These are your contenders for the Raftel War:

This is what Oda envisioned from the start of the manga. You have Luffy, Saint Shanks, Buggy, and Blackbeard, the four most important living pirates,

You have the current Marines represented by Akainu, the future of the Marines represented by Koby, the Revolutionaries represented by Dragon and Sabo, the Celestial Dragons represented by Imu and Garling, and whoever tf the silhouette is supposed to be.

But why is Kuzan here? We know that Kuzan has his own justice and his own ambitions:

We also know that Kuzan wants to live his own way:

And we know that Kuzan has some kind of greater goal that he is pursuing. This just goes to show how important Kuzan is in Oda’s mind, and how Kuzan isn’t just some Yonko commander.

You know which Yonko commander isn’t present in this panel? That would of course be Buggy the Clown’s lackey Dracule Mihawk:

So what’s hilarious is when Zoro fans argue that Mihawk, and far more hilariously, Shiryu are somehow more important to the plot of this manga than Kuzan is.

Sword fans are trapped in this hallucination that Oda cares more about fucking sword lore than he cares about the search for One Piece, the mysteries of the world, and the 900 year war.

Fujitora went all of Dressrosa with a supreme grade Greatsword, but in Oda’s mind this was not relevant information to the actual plot of the manga.

Oda revealed Zolo’s lineage in an SBS. Didn’t give enough of a shit about who Zolo is or where he came from other than to tease that Zolo was a descendent of Ryuma.

And now we’ve reached the EOS where Oda is more excited to tease Saint Shanks’ unnamed brother than he is to tease Mihawk’s participation in the final war. So this begs the question:

Legit, what fucking manga are sword clowns reading? Zolo is a side character who has, on two occasions, completely disappeared from this manga for years at a time. Sword lore is irrelevant, that shit is SBS material. Zolo’s lineage? Who cares. Not Oda.

There are clowns who actually think Zolo is the deuteragonist. The fucking secondary main character. Name me a single series where a fucking deuteragonist disappears for literal fucking years.

We know Luffy’s father and grandfather because they are major main series characters. Meanwhile if not for a deluded Zolo fan flailing in an SBS, Oda wouldn’t have revealed any members of Zolo’s family outside of Ryuma a thousand years ago.

It’s time for Mihawk fans to give up hope. Zolo is a side quest, no more important than any other straw hat and their dream.

And look, the Admirals are side characters too. There’s no delusions from Admiral fans on their importance. You don’t have Admiral stans arguing that Koby or Smoker are deuteragonists lmfao. They fill a particular roll in the story and that’s it. Just like Zolo. He fills a side roll and that’s it.

Mihawk was never a contender for One Piece and never will be. He is a side quest with a side quest’s level of importance and relevance, just like Zolo and his entire story.

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
@Owl Ki @SakazOuki @TheKnightOfTheSea @Jailer @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Reborn @RayanOO @God Buggy @Pirao @Haoshoku

These are your contenders for the Raftel War:

This is what Oda envisioned from the start of the manga. You have Luffy, Saint Shanks, Buggy, and Blackbeard, the four most important living pirates,

You have the current Marines represented by Akainu, the future of the Marines represented by Koby, the Revolutionaries represented by Dragon and Sabo, the Celestial Dragons represented by Imu and Garling, and whoever tf the silhouette is supposed to be.

But why is Kuzan here? We know that Kuzan has his own justice and his own ambitions:

We also know that Kuzan wants to live his own way:

And we know that Kuzan has some kind of greater goal that he is pursuing. This just goes to show how important Kuzan is in Oda’s mind, and how Kuzan isn’t just some Yonko commander.

You know which Yonko commander isn’t present in this panel? That would of course be Buggy the Clown’s lackey Dracule Mihawk:

So what’s hilarious is when Zoro fans argue that Mihawk, and far more hilariously, Shiryu are somehow more important to the plot of this manga than Kuzan is.

Sword fans are trapped in this hallucination that Oda cares more about fucking sword lore than he cares about the search for One Piece, the mysteries of the world, and the 900 year war.

Fujitora went all of Dressrosa with a supreme grade Greatsword, but in Oda’s mind this was not relevant information to the actual plot of the manga.

Oda revealed Zolo’s lineage in an SBS. Didn’t give enough of a shit about who Zolo is or where he came from other than to tease that Zolo was a descendent of Ryuma.

And now we’ve reached the EOS where Oda is more excited to tease Saint Shanks’ unnamed brother than he is to tease Mihawk’s participation in the final war. So this begs the question:

Legit, what fucking manga are sword clowns reading? Zolo is a side character who has, on two occasions, completely disappeared from this manga for years at a time. Sword lore is irrelevant, that shit is SBS material. Zolo’s lineage? Who cares. Not Oda.

There are clowns who actually think Zolo is the deuteragonist. The fucking secondary main character. Name me a single series where a fucking deuteragonist disappears for literal fucking years.

We know Luffy’s father and grandfather because they are major main series characters. Meanwhile if not for a deluded Zolo fan flailing in an SBS, Oda wouldn’t have revealed any members of Zolo’s family outside of Ryuma a thousand years ago.

It’s time for Mihawk fans to give up hope. Zolo is a side quest, no more important than any other straw hat and their dream.

And look, the Admirals are side characters too. There’s no delusions from Admiral fans on their importance. You don’t have Admiral stans arguing that Koby or Smoker are deuteragonists lmfao. They fill a particular roll in the story and that’s it. Just like Zolo. He fills a side roll and that’s it.

Mihawk was never a contender for One Piece and never will be. He is a side quest with a side quest’s level of importance and relevance, just like Zolo and his entire story.

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
Mihawk is like Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts games, tbh. :myman:

That aside, it's Swordover. :suresure:


The only one who can beat me is me
Kuzan is what Pranks is to Roger and Luffy but for Garp and Coby.

Put respect, he alongside Pranks, Akainu, Dragon is one of the fews above Nika (> Kaido) and close to Roger level.
They called me crazy for saying Kuzan was Garp but on steroids. Garp tier puncher but with god tier Logia ontop of it.

Student always surpasses master remember that. Prime Kuzan is > Prime Garp. Just as Prime Akainu is, Kuzan is Akainu's nigh equal. No chance Akainu is weaker than Prime Sengoku at the very least.
These are your contenders for the Raftel War:

This is what Oda envisioned from the start of the manga. You have Luffy, Saint Pranks, Buggy, and Blackbeard, the four most important living pirates,

You have the current Marines represented by Akainu, the future of the Marines represented by Koby, the Revolutionaries represented by Dragon and Sabo, the Celestial Dragons represented by Imu and Garling, and whoever tf the silhouette is supposed to be.

But why is Kuzan here? We know that Kuzan has his own justice and his own ambitions:

We also know that Kuzan wants to live his own way:

And we know that Kuzan has some kind of greater goal that he is pursuing. This just goes to show how important Kuzan is in Oda’s mind, and how Kuzan isn’t just some Yonko commander.

You know which Yonko commander isn’t present in this panel? That would of course be Buggy the Clown’s lackey Dracule Mihawk:

So what’s hilarious is when Zoro fans argue that Mihawk, and far more hilariously, Shiryu are somehow more important to the plot of this manga than Kuzan is.

Sword fans are trapped in this hallucination that Oda cares more about fucking sword lore than he cares about the search for One Piece, the mysteries of the world, and the 900 year war.

Fujitora went all of Dressrosa with a supreme grade Greatsword, but in Oda’s mind this was not relevant information to the actual plot of the manga.

Oda revealed Zolo’s lineage in an SBS. Didn’t give enough of a shit about who Zolo is or where he came from other than to tease that Zolo was a descendent of Ryuma.

And now we’ve reached the EOS where Oda is more excited to tease Saint Pranks’ unnamed brother than he is to tease Mihawk’s participation in the final war. So this begs the question:

Legit, what fucking manga are sword clowns reading? Zolo is a side character who has, on two occasions, completely disappeared from this manga for years at a time. Sword lore is irrelevant, that shit is SBS material. Zolo’s lineage? Who cares. Not Oda.

There are clowns who actually think Zolo is the deuteragonist. The fucking secondary main character. Name me a single series where a fucking deuteragonist disappears for literal fucking years.

We know Luffy’s father and grandfather because they are major main series characters. Meanwhile if not for a deluded Zolo fan flailing in an SBS, Oda wouldn’t have revealed any members of Zolo’s family outside of Ryuma a thousand years ago.

It’s time for Mihawk fans to give up hope. Zolo is a side quest, no more important than any other straw hat and their dream.

And look, the Admirals are side characters too. There’s no delusions from Admiral fans on their importance. You don’t have Admiral stans arguing that Koby or Smoker are deuteragonists lmfao. They fill a particular roll in the story and that’s it. Just like Zolo. He fills a side roll and that’s it.

Mihawk was never a contender for One Piece and never will be. He is a side quest with a side quest’s level of importance and relevance, just like Zolo and his entire story.

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
"Mihawk has a past that makes him resent Marines, and he has suffered a great betrayal. So, in the sense that he's lonely, he's in the same category as Crocodile who doesn't trust people, and is already tired of life. I think he joined the Warlords because it was peaceful, at least in the sense that he wasn't chased by Marines... but now that he's lost his place, he's come up with the idea of hiding behind Buggy. "- Oda

Mihawk never had ambition for the one piece, you dumbass baboon, you know who else didn't give a shit about the one piece? The worlds strongest man, WB, no wonder oda killed him off before this. It makes no sense why Mihawk would be there, when he doesn't want to be in the spotlight, nor has the ambition to change the fate of the world. He's literally tired of life already, because he's achieved everything he ever wanted already.

I don't know how you can hate on this type of character, when the character itself doesn't give two fucks about what you're talking about. This doesn't mean Mihawk fans have to all of a sudden "give up" what the fuck are they going to give up on, Mihawk was always presented as Zoro's goal, and we want to see Zoro achieve his goal. Something many fans of the series look forward too.

To try to imply that Mihawk is any less, just because he doesn't have any "greater purpose" is something a complete baboon like yourself would do. The part where Mihawk is important to the narrative, is providing character development for Zoro, who needs to be the WSS to the PK, who is going to topple the government.

So this being the case:

Doesn't make sense in the first place. I don't know which other baboons you argue with, to have to make this kind of garbage post.
You can just enjoy Mihawk for what he is, and not have to make him out to be what he isn't, or shit on him for not being what he has no interest in being: A yonko, and a major player in these worldly political events.

Now even though this is the case, the fact of the matter is, it's only because of Mihawk that buggy can even be in this position, so in that sense you can shut your baboon mouth. Because if MIhawk changed his mind and decided he wanted to be the yonko instead, he would be on that panel, but that is simply not who he is.

Edit: There are plenty of characters in fiction who are renowned for their strength, that don't have to play some major crucial role in the narrative that an author is focusing on, especially eos, but are still badass. Mihawk is One pieces version of that. In fictional fantasy settings where you have stories with world changing events, not everyone has to be a major player in those events, you're going to have characters that go about their own storylines, separate from those events, but are still entertaining. Someone could be off doing something completely different, while the fate of the world is decided on a completely different continent, that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. Or the character any less.

Mihawk in this instance however isn't still alone somewhere on an island, but has become involved in the race to raftel, he's still involved. Oda found a way to integrate him into these events and have it make sense. It's better than rotting away somewhere else simply just waiting for zoro to visit him. It's more entertaining this way. There is nothing to cry about.
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They called me crazy for saying Kuzan was Garp but on steroids. Garp tier puncher but with god tier Logia ontop of it.

Student always surpasses master remember that. Prime Kuzan is > Prime Garp. Just as Prime Akainu is, Kuzan is Akainu's nigh equal. No chance Akainu is weaker than Prime Sengoku at the very least.
I am hesitant on putting Kuzan above Prime Garp for now, I think Kuzan might have weaker haki overall but having a top logia on top of equal punching power to prime Garp, so overall similar, but the edge to prime Garp maybe but def close since I feel like Coby will surpass Garp by defeating Kuzan, and I think same can be applied to Shanks if Teach beats him he'll surpass Xebec implying Shanks is not that far at all.
But yeah I've never put Sakazuki and Kuzan below Prime Sengoku and I personally consider them, Shanks, Dragon as above Kaido and Luffy and like really close to Roger, Prime Garp and Prime WB and it is not out of the window that Sakazuki might be even stronger then Prime Garp, but for now I see the general portray as the closest to the very tops of old Gen the very tops of the "mid" one


Bald Spoiler Provider
the real swordsmen are going after the one piece

mihawk holding on to that attendence award for dear life pretending like he is retired want to seattle down and cook all day
Mihawk isnt the challenger, its the rest who need to challenge. buggy gonna use mihawks name to make it to raftel. I legit see buggy screaming to red hair" your superior is here so watch out".