Questions & Mysteries How did Blackbeard stay in Whitebeard Pirates for so long without raising any suspicions?

Blackbeard slicing Shanks face long before he ate Yami Yami no Mi is one of those mystery but the biggest one for me is how did he join Whitebeard Pirates for 20 years without raising any suspicions? Did he mask his true colors?

If those with CoC can sense people's powers and evil intent like Luffy and Reyleigh showed then why didn't Whitebeard sense something was off about Blackbeard before he brought him to the ship? He even knows all about the D history yet did nothing until it was too late.
Blackbeard slicing Pranks face long before he ate Yami Yami no Mi is one of those mystery but the biggest one for me is how did he join Whitebeard Pirates for 20 years without raising any suspicions? Did he mask his true colors?

If those with CoC can sense people's powers and evil intent like Luffy and Reyleigh showed then why didn't Whitebeard sense something was off about Blackbeard before he brought him to the ship? He even knows all about the D history yet did nothing until it was too late.
It's not CoC that let's you sense people's intentions and emotions but CoO.
Blackbeard slicing Pranks face long before he ate Yami Yami no Mi is one of those mystery but the biggest one for me is how did he join Whitebeard Pirates for 20 years without raising any suspicions? Did he mask his true colors?

If those with CoC can sense people's powers and evil intent like Luffy and Reyleigh showed then why didn't Whitebeard sense something was off about Blackbeard before he brought him to the ship? He even knows all about the D history yet did nothing until it was too late.
CoO does that, not CoC
And CoO can be fooled and not many people (I think even 3? Might be aisa coby and sanji from my my memory) even shown the usage of detecting lies or emotions beyond immediate attacking intent

Also they are countless example of this, like X-Drake or Viola who weren't sniffed out either
Unlike most other traitors, Blackbeard was actually pretty loyal. Obviously his ambition eventually won out, but without the Yami appearing he didn't have anything bad to hide. He respected Whitebeard and got along with the crew. Even after killing Thatch, he admitted they were friends.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Blackbeard slicing Pranks face long before he ate Yami Yami no Mi is one of those mystery but the biggest one for me is how did he join Whitebeard Pirates for 20 years without raising any suspicions? Did he mask his true colors?

If those with CoC can sense people's powers and evil intent like Luffy and Reyleigh showed then why didn't Whitebeard sense something was off about Blackbeard before he brought him to the ship? He even knows all about the D history yet did nothing until it was too late.
Manipulation and lies at it's finest

Gigabeard for a reason :steef:
CoO does that, not CoC
And CoO can be fooled and not many people (I think even 3? Might be aisa coby and sanji from my my memory) even shown the usage of detecting lies or emotions beyond immediate attacking intent

Also they are countless example of this, like X-Drake or Viola who weren't sniffed out either
Just another one of Oda's inconsistencies. Luffy has a great affinity of sensing out people's motives, Zoro has shown it as well, but it would be lame if the arc twist was immediately sniffed out in the first encounter with a character ig
Horrible judge of character, he and the rest of the crew didn't see or glossed over the warning signs about Teach. Also Teach is insane and has his own warped views of morality and companionship.

Also observation haki, and haki as a whole, are inconsistent as fuck.