Questions & Mysteries Will Pizzaru get up?

No he'll sit there and pretend he has mental health problems.

Or [this is more likely]

He'll do a sneak laser beam attack [like he was doing in Marineford], whilst everyone is distracted and leaving. It's the admiral thing to do really
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@Lee Ba Shou 's been crying ever since the GB Black Blade humiliation.

You can almost sense the saltiness & the tears in his posts where he cries about Zoro fans, it's just sad that he ended up becoming the Admiral fan equivalent of Ndule after being an entertaining poster lol.
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to become ndule."
...You realize that astigmatism has nothing to do with forgetting something?
:risicheck: Astigmatism only means that he SUCKS at drawing, not that it forces him to makes errors.

The examples you posted have nothing to do with intentionally coloring something in.
You realize that forgetting to draw/color something is not the same as coloring in for minutes or hours something that is not supposed to be colored in?

Also, here's another panel of Aramaki's black blade being drawn black again:

Colored manga is not canon in any way or shape

Oda's colors:

Colored manga:

Colored manga is done by random shueisha workers who they themselves come up with colors if Oda or anime did not release them.

The only canon colorings are from:
-Oda's volume covers
-Oda's colorspreads
-Oda's independent drawings
You can't read lmao
What about him coloring Luffy's black fist white originally?
He's made a ton of mistakes with colors and designs ever since the manga started. Mistakes he's never fixed. You can't even deny that, there's literal proof of it. You're just mad because you don't have anything that actually debunks my arguments.
Let this be the last time I click on ignored messages for a hooligan like you.
Why are you pretending you are not on board with everything fenaker peddling, including this one? :kobeha:
I don't agree with everything Fenaker says, he made a post about the recent Zoro VC about colouring and I argued against it.

His points here are not wrong though, it's just not the place.
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Every fanbase has their weird/diehard ones
@SakazOuki tbh though sometimes against certain fanbases reading comprehension issues sich details are needed to explain what is happening or they cry about things that go against their headcanon in the anime.
How? All soil dried up, no place to regenerate for GB.
You missed the point of GB powers his powers work even against contaminated areas or him developing a defense against counters much bigger than sand which is fire.

And just from a power level perspective he negs croc. End of story, this isn't an enel situation as Enel was a trash fighter, GB isn't.
You think pre-timeskip luffy beat greenbull ?
We were discussing Croc vs GB.

Keep up with the topic, retard.
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I bet your reply was based on some dumbass backward logic. You must be one of those idiots who thought Kizaru would matter here on EggHead only to realize he's knocked out.

Go re-read the entire manga. Everyone changes in power level. Lucci has awakening and changed, Kaku changed, Shanks is clearly stronger than before.
Croc wasn't the same powerlevel at Ace's execution as the way he fought pre-timeskip. And pre-timeskip Croc didn't fight to his full potential vs Luffy. Stop being a fucking moron. Thank you. Oh nevermind you have an admiraltard username, it's impossible for you.
I don't agree with everything Fenaker says, he made a post about the recent Zoro VC about colouring and I argued against it.

His points here are not wrong though, it's just not the place.
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@SakazOuki tbh though sometimes against certain fanbases reading comprehension issues sich details are needed to explain what is happening or they cry about things that go against their headcanon in the anime.
Wow you disagreed with colouring, crazy I rest my case :willight:
Imo Kizaru is not yet down, he has still some fight left, it is just that he has lost the will to fight and right now is pondering on his choices and what to do, this to say that most likely when the arc is about to end and Bonney and the SHs are in deep s*** Kizaru will go there and save them at the cost of his life or something on these lines.