Do Americans have a conspiracy fetish or wuat ?

Did any of this actually get enforced?

Also totally not biased source, just by looking at the other headlines lol.
I agree on the source, but those seems to be facts.


I'm not an expert in American politics, maybe the article is completely lying. Perhaps someone with better knowledge can fact check these data ?

Also, note that what I accuse the far right of doing here (pinkwashing), liberals tend to do that ten fold.
I don't need to.

I've seen those type of comment before.
1-"My sister saved her son from John Money when her son was born with a condition that kept his penis from forming properly. He pressured her terribly but she refused to let them do a sex assignment surgery. He’s a happy married man now. It’s unreal how far this whole debacle has gone over the past 40 years. "
2-"I knew a family in Australia who were affected by this policy. The son was born with ambiguous genitalia and the family told it was best for him to be brought up as a girl. He was given surgery and was put on female hormones. At 15 he told his family he wanted to be a boy and they told him the truth. He then had to live the rest of his life as a castrated man - all because of the policy brought in by Money's legacy".
3-"This story always hit me so hard as a guy who went through the same thing with the botched circumcision. Thankfully the horror didn't extend to the depths of what happened to David...I hope he's in a better place and not in pain anymore."
There was a good one that i missed,i will look it up later. Actually, listen to people that lived that shit instead of parroting whatever BS the academcics are saying.
1-"My sister saved her son from John Money when her son was born with a condition that kept his penis from forming properly. He pressured her terribly but she refused to let them do a sex assignment surgery. He’s a happy married man now. It’s unreal how far this whole debacle has gone over the past 40 years. "
> Money is a bad man. We knew that already

2-"I knew a family in Australia who were affected by this policy. The son was born with ambiguous genitalia and the family told it was best for him to be brought up as a girl. He was given surgery and was put on female hormones. At 15 he told his family he wanted to be a boy and they told him the truth. He then had to live the rest of his life as a castrated man - all because of the policy brought in by Money's legacy".
This is a case where instead of leaving the child alone and ask him/them/her later what they identify as, the family and doctor choose to assignate a sex and a gender to the kid.

THis is literally a LGBTQI+ phobic act and this is literally what we fight against.

3-"This story always hit me so hard as a guy who went through the same thing with the botched circumcision. Thankfully the horror didn't extend to the depths of what happened to David...I hope he's in a better place and not in pain anymore."

There was a good one that i missed,i will look it up later. Actually, listen to people that lived that shit instead of parroting whatever BS the academcics are saying.
So here you literally gave me datas I'm already aware of and am ALREADY fighting against.

What you give me are pro Trans arguments, not anti trans ones. But I bet you didn't even realize that ?
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This is a case were instead of leaving the child alone and ask him later what they identify as, the family and doctor choose to assignate a sex and a gender to the kid.

THis is literally a LGBTQI+ phobic act and this is literally what we fight against.
So that man reaching to his family to tell them he wanted to live as he truly was is transphobic. This is why people don't respect you. You think you know better than people that actually lived this shit. You did the same with Okama. You are hopeless.
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Guys I'm thinking of committing Tax Fraud.
Buy bitcoin.
So that man reaching to his family to tell them he wanted to live as he truly was is transphobic. This is why people don't respect you.
No. What was problematic, was for doctors and family to choose for the child at birth the identity and sex of the child.

For example, if the genitalia is ambigious, choosing one or the other identity is literally an act of Interphobia. (the discrimination against intersex people)

That is a type of action WE (leftists) are fighting AGAINST.

And that's what you don't realize. Simply because you are uninformed on the subject.
No. What was problematic, was for doctors and family to choose for the child at birth the identity and sex of the child.

For example, if the genitalia is ambigious, choosing one or the other identity is literally an act of Interphobia. (the discrimination against intersex people)

That is a type of action WE (leftists) are fighting AGAINST.

And that's what you don't realize. Simply because you are uninformed on the subject.
Sex isn't about genitalia, its about your genes for fucks sake. He was a man that was born with a genital deformity and was forced to live as a girl. There are many people that are suffering the exact same right now and people like you are cheering it. If someone is anorexic, you don't stimulate them to undergo a diet,you send them to mental health care. Trans people need mental health care and NOT surgery.
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No. What was problematic, was for doctors and family to choose for the child at birth the identity and sex of the child.

For example, if the genitalia is ambigious, choosing one or the other identity is literally an act of Interphobia. (the discrimination against intersex people)

That is a type of action WE (leftists) are fighting AGAINST.

And that's what you don't realize. Simply because you are uninformed on the subject.
With younger people don’t you have concerns about it just being normal teenage uncertainty about who they are?

There is a reason we differentiate between adults. We don’t allow children to make life altering decisions because of this.