Segway from one of the big topics, censorship because it can "hurt someone's feelings" is stupid. Words aren't harmful
And you are moderator...

What is this ignorant take ? Of course they can.

Yes, words can kill.

In so many ways..

"Immigrant" is to be censored to "(un)documented" person" because #1 of grown ass adults may find it offensive. Even the work "fuck" is being censored to an extent because less than #1 of adults find it offensive in mature-rated content.
I think I might be time for a trip down to linguistic lane.

First, I recommend to EVERYONE to watch this:

And then, check those ressources from the Leftist Library:



- [VIDEO] - Language shapes the way we think - Lera Boroditsky on Ted Talk - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Language shapes the way we think - A case study of people speaking a different language
- [VIDEO] - What words and their political meanings tell us
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Far-Rights and Conservative Dogwhistles - A brief Overview 1
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Far-Rights and Conservative Dogwhistles - A brief Overview 2
- [VIDEO] - Deep analysis of Dog Whistle used in Politics (11 YEARS OLD - BEFORE TRUMP ;) )
- [VIDEO] - Why inclusive language is important

You will understand why using certains words like "illegals" to designate migrants is problematic.

As for the mature rating, it might be simple BS. Which has nothing to do with actual leftist policy and more to do with conservatism.

Quote me where i said the surgeries were the cause of suicide.
The link of causility between the surgery and the suicidal rate was made by some of the articles you shared. But you are right, you never said that. You just "shared"

man i hate how long logiko's posts are. feels like a chore to scroll past them sometimes
Sorry, its my internet "OCD" (not really an OCD), I need to reply to everything I consider worth noting or i'm not feeling good.

dude posts whole bibles worths of text, his leftist library thread is literally the longest thread on the forum iirc, he hit the mark for the amount of words allowed in a thread
Fun fact. I had to trim a LOT of things. If I could I would add a lot of stuff in there.

Wasting his talents on Worstgen lol. Should be a journalist.
I've thought about creating some kind of alt account on twitter to post news on the side, but that would be too chronophage. If I get this kind of motivation, then there is no reason why I can work on my own thing really.

But as a hobby, yeah, why not
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@Logiko btw I'm curious (and sorry if I'm bothering you by talking to you a lot lately) what political spectrum do you think I'm on?
I don't mind.
I have no idea. I didn't talk with you enough to know (or I simply do not remember, you know, aside from a few name that are constantly arguing with me, I only remember people by their PP)

I know that you are sensible to some confusionnist ideas like the fact of not calling transphobia what is actually transphobia for example, but on the other hand you seems to respect sincerily trans people or at least have a real desire to respect them, so I guess that you are simply not really informed on the subject...

I really don't know. You can answer a few questions if you want, It will give me an idea :

- Are you more on the materialistic or the idealistic side ?

- What do you think about capitalism :

- Very Good ?​
- Good ?​
- Neutral ?​
- Bad ?​
- Very bad ?​

- About capitalism, do you think we should :

- Replace it by another system ?
- Regulated it until it vanishes ?
- Regulate it just a little bit ?
- Leave it as it is ?
- Strenghten it ?
- Deregulate it ?​
- Do you believe in meritocracy ?

- Do you think we should fight for Trans right no matter the age ?

- Do you think abortion until a certain week should be a constitutionnal right ?

- How would you takles the problems of wealth inequalities in your country ?

- Do you think that "woke people" are a problem ?

- Do you think that rightists are a problem ?

- Do you see Trump as:

- A fascist ?
- A cryptofascist ?​
- A far rightist ?
- A conservatist ?
- A simple rightist ?
- A leftist ?
- A communist ? (No joke, some people actually believe that)
- Do you see Biden as:
- A rightist?
- A leftist ?​
- Do you believe that sociology is a science or not ?

- Do you believe in systemic racism ?

- Do you think that patriarchy is a problem in society and that we must end it ?

- If you could write and decret one law, what would it be ?

- Do you believe that sex work is real work ?

- What do you think about police violences ?

- What do you think about toxic masculinity ?

- What do you think about global warming ?

- What do you think about the saying "every stories are political" ?

- What do you think about anarchism ?

- Is cancel culture something that scares you ?


Everyone can answer them if you want guys. Make me lie and show me that I'm wrong when I put labels on you.
Oh boy this is going to be a chore to talk about.
I don't mind.
I have no idea. I didn't talk with you enough to know (or I simply do not remember, you know, aside from a few name that are constantly arguing with me, I only remember people by their PP)

I know that you are sensible to some confusionnist ideas like the fact of not calling transphobia what is actually transphobia for example, but on the other hand you seems to respect sincerily trans people or at least have a real desire to respect them, so I guess that you are simply not really informed on the subject...

I really don't know. You can answer a few questions if you want, It will give me an idea :

- Are you more on the materialistic or the idealistic side ?

- What do you think about capitalism :

- Very Good ?​
- Good ?​
- Neutral ?​
- Bad ?​
- Very bad ?​

- About capitalism, do you think we should :

- Replace it by another system ?​
- Regulated it until it vanishes ?​
- Regulate it just a little bit ?​
- Leave it as it is ?​
- Strenghten it ?​
- Deregulate it ?​
- Do you believe in meritocracy ?

- Do you think we should fight for Trans right no matter the age ?

- Do you think abortion until a certain week should be a constitutionnal right ?

- How would you takles the problems of wealth inequalities in your country ?

- Do you think that "woke people" are a problem ?

- Do you think that rightists are a problem ?

- Do you see Trump as:

- A fascist ?​
- A cryptofascist ?​
- A far rightist ?​
- A conservatist ?​
- A simple rightist ?​
- A leftist ?​
- A communist ? (No joke, some people actually believe that)​
- Do you see Biden as:
- A rightist?​
- A leftist ?​
- Do you believe that sociology is a science or not ?

- Do you believe in systemic racism ?

- Do you think that patriarchy is a problem in society and that we must end it ?

- If you could write and decret one law, what would it be ?

- Do you believe that sex work is real work ?

- What do you think about police violences ?

- What do you think about toxic masculinity ?

- What do you think about global warming ?

- What do you think about the saying "every stories are political" ?

- What do you think about anarchism ?

- Is cancel culture something that scares you ?


Everyone can answer them if you want guys. Make me lie and show me that I'm wrong when I put labels on you.
(Keep in mind these answers are from someone who doesn't really care nor research about politics, but still has strong political beliefs, if that makes sense)
I think I'm idealistic.
Capitalism: Not sure
Meritocracy: Sounds good imo
Trans rights: I don't think children should get trans surgeries and medicines, I feel that they should mature before they make such life changing decisions. But trans adults can do what they want. I would support them and I wouldn't judge them, besides it's not my business what they do with their body. The only time I wouldn't support a trans person is if they seem to have malicious intent (i.e claiming you're mtf so you can get into a female bathroom and grope women), but it seems like that very rarely happens, so not a big issue.
Abortion: Mm, not sure. Again, taking away a baby's chance to live is pretty serious, but it really just boils down to the circumstances of it. If a girl was raped and has to get an abortion (assuming they couldn't take care of it or it's just too painful and risky to have the baby), then I feel that they should get that abortion. It would be sad to take out the baby before it's even born, but considering how stressful and painful pregnancy is, I think it's the lesser evil (especially since the girl could die from it). It'd be "better" for the baby to die than the girl, imo.
Sociology is a science, yes.
Systemic racism: Yes, it does seem to exist to a degree.
Patriarchy, not sure.
Sex work isn't real work, it's honestly kind of disgusting to me sometimes, not a lot of dignity or skill in it imo.
Police violence is a huge problem.
Toxic masculinity seems to be more common now for some reasons, not sure why, it's kind of terrible.
Anarchism seems like a bad idea.
Again, I've rarely ever cared about politics, and honestly I'm barely any more knowledgeable than a child on it. I just don't care enough to invest time in it and really study political things. So my takes on them will definitely be kind of weird or short sighted.
Oh boy this is going to be a chore to talk about.

(Keep in mind these answers are from someone who doesn't really care nor research about politics, but still has strong political beliefs, if that makes sense)
I think I'm idealistic.
Capitalism: Not sure
Meritocracy: Sounds good imo
Trans rights: I don't think children should get trans surgeries and medicines, I feel that they should mature before they make such life changing decisions. But trans adults can do what they want. I would support them and I wouldn't judge them, besides it's not my business what they do with their body. The only time I wouldn't support a trans person is if they seem to have malicious intent (i.e claiming you're mtf so you can get into a female bathroom and grope women), but it seems like that very rarely happens, so not a big issue.
Abortion: Mm, not sure. Again, taking away a baby's chance to live is pretty serious, but it really just boils down to the circumstances of it. If a girl was raped and has to get an abortion (assuming they couldn't take care of it or it's just too painful and risky to have the baby), then I feel that they should get that abortion. It would be sad to take out the baby before it's even born, but considering how stressful and painful pregnancy is, I think it's the lesser evil (especially since the girl could die from it). It'd be "better" for the baby to die than the girl, imo.
Sociology is a science, yes.
Systemic racism: Yes, it does seem to exist to a degree.
Patriarchy, not sure.
Sex work isn't real work, it's honestly kind of disgusting to me sometimes, not a lot of dignity or skill in it imo.
Police violence is a huge problem.
Toxic masculinity seems to be more common now for some reasons, not sure why, it's kind of terrible.
Anarchism seems like a bad idea.
Again, I've rarely ever cared about politics, and honestly I'm barely any more knowledgeable than a child on it. I just don't care enough to invest time in it and really study political things. So my takes on them will definitely be kind of weird or short sighted.

I sence the potential for a contradiction. Especially concerning meritocracy and the scientificity of sociology (logically, if you consider one as legitimate, you can't consider the other as rationnal). But I think it might simply boils down to a lack of knowledge about the subject.

You recognize the systematism of certain form of oppressions (like Police violences or systemic racism) which is a very good thing but you are not sure about patriarchy, which is ..meh. Once again, this might be related to a lack of knowledge about sociological datas. So nothing really alarming for me.

I sence a problem regarding the agentivity of women however : Your position on abortion is very soft and doesn't really take the choices of women into account, and you consider the choice of women to use their body as they like (with sex work) as disgusting and "not real work". This could create a radicalization toward a lesser vision of women over time. So I recommend caution.

There is also the problem of the agentivity of trans kids, but I think that it is also only due to a lack of knowledge about the subject. If you had the facts and the number of victim of gender disphoria and its consequences on mental health and potential suicidal rate, I think you could change your mind.


So overall for now:

I can't put you into the leftist side of the political scale. Your lack of care for politics is simply showing that the realities of oppressions are not really enough - for the moment - to make you wish for a change in the system. Which is literally what leftism is : A movement toward change and social progress.

I can't put you into the conservative side or the reactionnary side either. Your perception of systemic violences and sociology is something that is incompatible with the ideas of those movements.

On the other hand, you believe in meritocracy. Which gives us a clue. You might think you are apolitical, but in reality you support a belief in a system of inequalities (meritocracy) and it aligns with your idealism. Those two notions goes hand in hands.


There is something interesting here.

Someone who believes that sociology is a science should be aware and accepting the sociological tool that is the notion of "capitals". This is something that we can't go around when we talk about the sociology of a person's life. And yet... you believe in meritocracy.

This is a contradiction. The notion of "capitals" negates completely the reality and pertinency of the belief that is meritocracy. Worst, it shows that it is dangerous and has never existed.

This means that at one point or another, if you push your knowledge of sociology forward.. you will be going against a contradiction. You will have the choice to either keep believing in the pertinency of meritocracy or stop believing in it.

In other word, it means that you are halfway through a process of radicalization toward leftism.

As of right now, I put you in the liberal rightist side with a tendancy toward both sides.

You have a potential to radicalize toward conservatism if you surround yourself only with conservative informations because of your vision of women and their agentivity.


You also have the potential to radicalize toward leftism... if you keep yourself informed about scientific datas, especially about the structures of society, the rights of women, patriarchy and the notion of capitals.

My guess is that, with the state of this current thread, chances of you getting closer and closer to conservative ideas are very high.

So I highly suggest for you to take a closer look to the leftist library that you will find : HERE and check all the subjects I talked about:

- Notions regarding the rights of women and sex work
- Patriarchy
- Meritocracy and the notions of capitals.

And ONCE you have done that (and not before), we might have a discussion about materialism and idealism.


I would place you toward Liberalism/rightism with an big oscillation between conservatism and socialism


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
I don't mind.
I have no idea. I didn't talk with you enough to know (or I simply do not remember, you know, aside from a few name that are constantly arguing with me, I only remember people by their PP)

I know that you are sensible to some confusionnist ideas like the fact of not calling transphobia what is actually transphobia for example, but on the other hand you seems to respect sincerily trans people or at least have a real desire to respect them, so I guess that you are simply not really informed on the subject...

I really don't know. You can answer a few questions if you want, It will give me an idea :

- Are you more on the materialistic or the idealistic side ?

- What do you think about capitalism :

- Very Good ?​
- Good ?​
- Neutral ?​
- Bad ?​
- Very bad ?​

- About capitalism, do you think we should :

- Replace it by another system ?​
- Regulated it until it vanishes ?​
- Regulate it just a little bit ?​
- Leave it as it is ?​
- Strenghten it ?​
- Deregulate it ?​
- Do you believe in meritocracy ?

- Do you think we should fight for Trans right no matter the age ?

- Do you think abortion until a certain week should be a constitutionnal right ?

- How would you takles the problems of wealth inequalities in your country ?

- Do you think that "woke people" are a problem ?

- Do you think that rightists are a problem ?

- Do you see Trump as:

- A fascist ?​
- A cryptofascist ?​
- A far rightist ?​
- A conservatist ?​
- A simple rightist ?​
- A leftist ?​
- A communist ? (No joke, some people actually believe that)​
- Do you see Biden as:
- A rightist?​
- A leftist ?​
- Do you believe that sociology is a science or not ?

- Do you believe in systemic racism ?

- Do you think that patriarchy is a problem in society and that we must end it ?

- If you could write and decret one law, what would it be ?

- Do you believe that sex work is real work ?

- What do you think about police violences ?

- What do you think about toxic masculinity ?

- What do you think about global warming ?

- What do you think about the saying "every stories are political" ?

- What do you think about anarchism ?

- Is cancel culture something that scares you ?


Everyone can answer them if you want guys. Make me lie and show me that I'm wrong when I put labels on you.
I'm bored and can't sleep so I'll Answer out of pure curiosity

Looking up the definitions I'm more Idealism

Capitalism is good, If I ran a company I wouldn't want the government to control it especially when I worked so hard to build it up

Capitalism is good the way it is

I have zero problems with any person or their political, religious or personal views I might not fully agree but everyone is entitled to an opinion and I have no problems with them on a personal level

I see Trump as the guy from the apprentice when I think Trump I don't think president Trump I think apprentice Trump

I see Biden as an old grandpa who needs to go to a nursing home

Yeah Sociology is a science it's the study of the brain and behavior plus what else would you label it has? Math?

Yes systematic racism does exist but I don't think it's has prevalent it's more lowkey on the individual levels

No Patriarchy isn't a problem In general but I do think I'd rather hear from a woman discussing women's issues than a man who won't fully understand what they may be going through

If I can write a law? Pedophilia and any sexual crimes should be punishable by death

Toxic Masculinity- I don't mind it in general it's whatever but when people like say Andrew Tate hop online and pass around low iq rhetorics saying you're not a man because you don't fo things this way or because you don't have that can be annoying

It was 109 degrees F every day last week and my eye balls melted everytime I checked the mail global warming sucks

I've never heard this saying but it's probably true politics play some kind of role in every story I can think of

Yes Sex work Is real work, would I want my children to be sex workers oh heavens to Betsy no but they use their skills and bodies to make money it's parasitic work that takes advantage of many lonely men but at the end of the day I'd still consider it work

Police violence is bad but it used to be a lot worse, I do think the media inflates the problem a lot, I'm not saying there isn't a problem with police violence especially here in the states but when all the media shows is the bad the thousands of good cops get lumped in with the bad

After looking up anarchism it seems like an absolutely terrible idea government's keep order, with order comes peace take away the government you take away the order you take away the peace it would be Armageddon

Does Cancel culture scare me? Nope I'm not a celebrity or a public figure who needs to watch what they say or their career would be ruin I'm just a random guy who can say whatever the fuck he wants to say.

100% I agree with Metrirocracy people chosen based on abilities and merits just makes sense

Do I think we should fight for Trans right? I personally don't care if Bobby wants to be Tiffany now that's not my business but Bobby shouldn't be allowed to enter the woman's UFC Division and suplex the women and expect to be praised I also think they should have their own separate category for things like say women of the year, people who are women and been women for their entire lives would do anything for that honor only for a dude named Timothy to win because he decided to be Samantha?

I'm not a woman, I have no kids, never even attempted to make kids but it's each individual persons decision on whether they want to go through with abortion or not, me personally I'd go the adoption root if I'm not ready for a child but I Will never judge another's person decision especially when i don't know the circumstances around it

I think I answered everything, 🤔 answered out of order a bit tho
A couple of things about this video:

- If the doctor indead prescribed puberty
Watch the video and listen to the information provided. Do you have ADHD? Serious question.

Also learn to spell. It's indeed.
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How is « sub Christian movement » even considered legit when it comes to trans people ??
It's as legit as any other movement or ideology. How is trans movement even a thing when nobody can ever fully transition given current technology. Getting butchered doesn't mean you changed your biological sex and then when it's too late people realise that and opt out of life.

Christian movement at least offers a way out of suicide for those people.
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I need to reply to everything
No you don't.
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I think de-transizioners are considered to be so rare that the "risk taken" is considered worthy

Well that and surveys/researches on de-transitioners i have seen come to the result that majority mention unsupportive family and/or scrutiny faced in other social circles and work in everyday life as the reason why they de-transition often only temporarily and not permanently because they realized that they are actually fine with their birth-gender but in worst case already got GRS done and/or were on HRT for multiple years.

Edit: Saw 2 articles now published on BigThink almost 3 years ago and 1 years with research data that had 55% of respondents saying tho that they did not receive adequate evaluation before gender transition from clinicians and apparently recent studies show a rise of de-transition to between 2-10% while it was barely 1% in research data from 1960-2015.

I will try to answer to @Roo response in particular the next few days even if there are even more pages of new posts since then.
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