Trump would end the war between Ukraine and Russia. He said it should have never happen.

People still against the guy are just war mongering sad anti-life communists.
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And where is RFK? It should be discussion around RFK vs Trump. MSM so biased ...
No mate. I said that I MIGHT try. This is called a potentiality.
So you might try the possibility that the plumber has his ways with your girl?

You're just trying to cope your way outta the realisation that you're a cuck, lol. But don't worry, I ain't kink shaming you.

Forget about the "visions of the world". If those visions show people should jump off from the bridge, would you do it as well? Either you're wiring for this kind of thing or not, lol.

See, another rightist rethoric. You are shining more and more mate, you are no different than others
So what, mate?
Are your parents berating you about this kind of stuff as well lol? It is "rightist rhetoric" for stating you should finally leave your comfort zone and start something instead of bitching in a weeb forum all day and blaming everyone for the things which you're suffering from?

You know, "should" is even the wrong word here because nobody can force you to leave your comfort zone but you. It's your decision if you say "Fuck that mf, he has no idea what he's talking about" and it's your right, just like it's my right to say "Fuck, this guy wants to decide how much people should get paid from now on when he is doing nothing? Fuck outta here". Keep this in mind.

Fight the system ?
By arguing with Sentinel (me), Reborn, Rayan, MZTS and others in an anime forum? You did great.

Yes you can, let your voice be heard. Vote for the right people. Unionize, create association and influencial groups, turn the tables.
Wow, how did it turn radical like that?

Okay. let's try this method. Prove me wrong:

Do you you believe in meritocracy ?
Do you think that rich people deserves their money ?
Do you think that we should strengthen the rights of workers in businesses ?
Do you think that we should not allow bosses to be pay themselves 50 times more than their employees ?
Do you think that we should tax to a minimum of 90 all rich people over a certain degree of fortune ?
Do you think that Israel is an apartheid state and that Netanyahou should be arrested ?
Do you think that Biden or Macron are actually increasing inequalities in their countries ?
Do you think that media should be able to be financed by the state ?
Do you think that we must privatize less and nationalize more ?
Do you think that we should allow children to get gender affirming care ?
Do you think that migrant should be able to enter the country and be given citizenship ?
I can never prove you wrong because you already set your biased opinion about me either way.
So no matter what I argue, you will see me as a rightist but well, at least I can try.

  1. Yes, due to the reasons I often mentioned when debating with you.
  2. It depends on the rich people. How much rich are we talking about? Filthy rich? I don't think so but I understand why they earn so much money when they manage multiple businesses. If it's about the guys earning 6 figures at least, again, if they rightfully earn this much by their skillset, competence and leadership, why not?
  3. You need to define this part even further. Are we talking about same job hierarchies, same positions, different genders? For example, if x and y are both Junior Java Developers, starting their career, yes, they should earn the same amount. No matter their racial background and no matter their gender. Now, if x starts to reach higher positions while y stagnates in development, of course x should get higher salary.
  4. So you want the government to restrict business owners even further? Do you want the state to have more control over them? That's basically communism, dude. If they have the legal means to earn that much over their employees, especially since employers get their salary due to their own companies, even more if it's private.
  5. No idea, I don't really care.
  6. I think Biden needs to join a nursing home and someone more competent needs to replace him. As for Macron, I'm not familiar with the development in politics when it comes to France. Tell me, did something change with Macron?
  7. Um, why? They have all means to get their finances due to advertisement, sponsors and other factors. I don't think it'd do the media good if they are more dependant by the state. Plus, people's taxes would be wasted even more, so no thanks.
  8. I think it needs to have a good balance over privatizing and nationalizing markets. I understand both aspects of right and left idealogies when it comes to the market. I don't have a definite answer over it tbh. You need to elaborate far more on this part, like how much do you think the market needs to be "controlled" by the government? All private enterprises and their assets or is it more about public buildings, ie. educational, healthcare and other forms of insurance agencies? I think the government should only be limited to less private things, too much involvement isn't good either. You can see it with China and Russia.
  9. Only if it's highly supervised by parents and experts.
  10. Migrants should only enter a foreign country with legal means and giving citizenship should be due to some conditions, 1.) proper integration, 2.) testing the immigrant, 3.) make sure this person doesn't have any criminal records or something like that.
Even if I gave answers, which do not go along with your political compass, it still doesn't give you a concrete information about my political view because like I said, I'm a centrist (I was leftist in the past but decided to look at things more rationally, it's better this way). In some viewpoints, I can be viewed as a leftist, in some others, a rightist.

No it won't solve the issue.
What is YOUR issue? That's the thing.
Are you just pissed because you'd work for someone who earns much more than you and thus, you don't want to work as a "slave" or something like that?

Its VERY EASY to teach me thing. Really, you have no idea how much my mind is actually malleable.

But for that, you need to prove to me that I'm wrong and that's not something every can do.
The bold sentence even disproves what you first said.
So it's not in fact easy to teach you things when it's difficult to prove you wrong in the first place.

I don't know why I would need to be a slave of society for my demand of a better society to be more legitimate sir.

I have the priviledge of being able to talk and the time to learn. So trust me, I will use it.
You're not participating a single cent to society, so why do you feel the need to restrict people from earning more than you?
Are you being restricted when the government most likely covers your living expenses? Bro, not many countries have these kind of privileges when it comes to unemployment.

You don't know the struggles to maintain a business, dude. You have this weird perception that almost all "riches" are filthy rich, exploiting the "weak" and are complete scumbags but no, the small business owner, a few blocks away from you, isn't necessarily a selfish and greedy person who exploits his employees or is a smaller Trump or other kind of things. Same with your manager if you previously worked before.

My manager is a super chill dude who even helps us out if we're in busy seasons. The world is not black and white like that, boy. You need to get out of your shell and perceive the world with your own eyes. It's just an advise at this point, so no mockery. Social media and all those single bubbles won't do you good mentally, on a long run. Sometimes, you need to get away from it.
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So you might try the possibility that the plumber has his ways with your girl?

You're just trying to cope your way outta the realisation that you're a cuck, lol. But don't worry, I ain't kink shaming you.

Forget about the "visions of the world". If those visions show people should jump off from the bridge, would you do it as well? Either you're wiring for this kind of thing or not, lol.

So what, mate?
Are your parents berating you about this kind of stuff as well lol? It is "rightist rhetoric" for stating you should finally leave your comfort zone and start something instead of bitching in a weeb forum all day and blaming everyone for the things which you're suffering from?

By arguing with Sentinel (me), Reborn, Rayan, MZTS and others in an anime forum? You did great.

Wow, how did it turn radical like that?

I can never prove you wrong because you already set your biased opinion about me either way.
So no matter what I argue, you will see me as a rightist but well, at least I can try.

  1. Yes, due to the reasons I often mentioned when debating with you.
  2. It depends on the rich people. How much rich are we talking about? Filthy rich? I don't think so but I understand why they earn so much money when they manage multiple businesses. If it's about the guys earning 6 figures at least, again, if they rightfully earn this much by their skillset, competence and leadership, why not?
  3. You need to define this part even further. Are we talking about same job hierarchies, same positions, different genders? For example, if x and y are both Junior Java Developers, starting their career, yes, they should earn the same amount. No matter their racial background and no matter their gender. Now, if x starts to reach higher positions while y stagnates in development, of course x should get higher salary.
  4. So you want the government to restrict business owners even further? Do you want the state to have more control over them? That's basically communism, dude. If they have the legal means to earn that much over their employees, especially since employers get their salary due to their own companies, even more if it's private.
  5. No idea, I don't really care.
  6. I think Biden needs to join a nursing home and someone more competent needs to replace him. As for Macron, I'm not familiar with the development in politics when it comes to France. Tell me, did something change with Macron?
  7. Um, why? They have all means to get their finances due to advertisement, sponsors and other factors. I don't think it'd do the media good if they are more dependant by the state. Plus, people's taxes would be wasted even more, so no thanks.
  8. I think it needs to have a good balance over privatizing and nationalizing markets. I understand both aspects of right and left idealogies when it comes to the market. I don't have a definite answer over it tbh. You need to elaborate far more on this part, like how much do you think the market needs to be "controlled" by the government? All private enterprises and their assets or is it more about public buildings, ie. educational, healthcare and other forms of insurance agencies? I think the government should only be limited to less private things, too much involvement isn't good either. You can see it with China and Russia.
  9. Only if it's highly supervised by parents and experts.
  10. Migrants should only enter a foreign country with legal means and giving citizenship should be due to some conditions, 1.) proper integration, 2.) testing the immigrant, 3.) make sure this person doesn't have any criminal records or something like that.
Even if I gave answers, which do not go along with your political compass, it still doesn't give you a concrete information about my political view because like I said, I'm a centrist (I was leftist in the past but decided to look at things more rationally, it's better this way). In some viewpoints, I can be viewed as a leftist, in some others, a rightist.

What is YOUR issue? That's the thing.
Are you just pissed because you'd work for someone who earns much more than you and thus, you don't want to work as a "slave" or something like that?

The bold sentence even disproves what you first said.
So it's not in fact easy to teach you things when it's difficult to prove you wrong in the first place.

You're not participating a single cent to society, so why do you feel the need to restrict people from earning more than you?
Are you being restricted when the government most likely covers your living expenses? Bro, not many countries have these kind of privileges when it comes to unemployment.

You don't know the struggles to maintain a business, dude. You have this weird perception that almost all "riches" are filthy rich, exploiting the "weak" and are complete scumbags but no, the small business owner, a few blocks away from you, isn't necessarily a selfish and greedy person who exploits his employees or is a smaller Trump or other kind of things. Same with your manager if you previously worked before.

My manager is a super chill dude who even helps us out if we're in busy seasons. The world is not black and white like that, boy. You need to get out of your shell and perceive the world with your own eyes. It's just an advise at this point, so no mockery. Social media and all those single bubbles won't do you good mentally, on a long run. Sometimes, you need to get away from it.

Ok, so right now I will go to sleep because I haven't slept in 24h hours and after that, I will answer everything and more I promise.
No it is not lmfao
Point of meritocracy is merit, and if one person can't be what they want it just means they didnt' have enough merit.

Some have easier way getting what some harder, at the end of the day their merit will decide if they make it
There are people out there that make the craziest sacrifices to achieve what they want. Denying meritocracy is bullshit.