Actually they were and you are right and Trump want them for votes.

I saw a documentary which analysed how Trump won featuring his mangers and democrats managers.

And, they said in his early campaigning days he started noticing different sorts of groups in his rallies and one of the group was extreme right wing.

So, he started making adjustments to his speeches to attract more of all groups.
Call it whatever you want, but technically we are supposed to be United, even if we are all are under different views/walks of life... if bringing such extremist under heel and making sure they stay quiet, let's America run better... so be it.
You cannot please everyone, so why try... haha
Nazis and Communists belong in the grave, no quarter and no compromise with them
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Brother, no way did you just group Hitler, Stalin, and freaking Biden as examples of journalistic propaganda

Like how do you expect anyone here to take you seriously after this?
Lets be honest, most of these extreme left politicians aren't simply comparable to the likes of Stalin and Hitler simply because they don't have the means to create dictatorships(their wet dreams). Their rhetoric is not far from Nazis:
*Gun control: Nazis did it. They preach for it.
*Strict regulation of the economy: Nazis did it. They preach for it.
*Abortion/Euthanasia: Nazis had eugenic policies. They preach for it.
*Heavy propagada: Nazis did it and it seems they(the left) toke notes from Goebbels.
*Concentration of power/authoritarian state policies: Nazis did it. The whole fucking world was put into domestic jail and coerced to take experimental vaccines under the threat of jail.
*Anti-Jews/Israeli sentiment and rhetoric: Nazis did it and so does the left. Even to the point of cheering for terrorists like Hamas.
They only link missing here is the Nationalism and Arianism. Actually the only difference between Nazis and Communists is Aryanism and Eugenics. They are pretty SIMILAR in all other aspects(I'm not saying they were equals). Soviet subversion theory seems to me what happened with the West.
Demolition of tradition and creation of conflict/division by instigating vocal minorities is what happened to all of us. The political spectrum has being deformed by propaganda. The National German Socialist party was definitively not conservative or right wing. Communist are all hypocrites by the nature of their cultural movement.“Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.”
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*Gun control: Nazis did it. They preach for it.
Literally entirety of Europe banned guns, most of the world too, are we all Nazis now?

*Strict regulation of the economy: Nazis did it. They preach for it.
What strict regulation of economy?? Entire world is based on free market and capitalism. Name me one thing that is strict about economy lmfao

*Abortion/Euthanasia: Nazis had eugenic policies. They preach for it.
Again, majority of the world has this, are we all Nazis now?

And Nazis killed non Germans, they had pro natality policies for German population - The Hitler Youth

*Heavy propagada: Nazis did it and it seems they(the left) toke notes from Goebbels.
Omg who tf owns CNN, Fox News and Twitter? Right wingers. But you conveniently ignored that

*Concentration of power/authoritarian state policies: Nazis did it. The whole fucking world was put into domestic jail and coerced to take experimental vaccines under the threat of jail.
Right Wingers still salty about COVID, snow flakes

Anti-Jews/Israeli sentiment and rhetoric: Nazis did it and so does the left. Even to the point of cheering for terrorists like Hamas.
Zionism isn't same as Judaism. Zionist literally hate every other religion

Stop breathing 4chan and Reddit fumes and touch some grass
Literally entirety of Europe banned guns, most of the world too, are we all Nazis now?

What strict regulation of economy?? Entire world is based on free market and capitalism. Name me one thing that is strict about economy lmfao

Again, majority of the world has this, are we all Nazis now?

And Nazis killed non Germans, they had pro natality policies for German population - The Hitler Youth

Omg who tf owns CNN, Fox News and Twitter? Right wingers. But you conveniently ignored that

Right Wingers still salty about COVID, snow flakes

Zionism isn't same as Judaism. Zionist literally hate every other religion

Stop breathing 4chan and Reddit fumes and touch some grass
It seems i triggered you, let me answer your long ass shit post:
1-Modern day Europe is far from a great example of freedom and liberty.
2-Come down to Latin America and try to create a business. You need a bunch of paperwork that costs loads of money for the silliest of things. First world economies aren't nearly as regulated, that is one of the reasons you guys do better. Lets not talk about taxation lmfao.
3-No,the majority of the world does not have abortion and Euthanasia. Europe isn't the world. Stop. I said Eugenics because what the left is doing is basically preaching for Black/Mixed babies to be put down. Abortions are more common in the poor population. People of color are the poor folk of South, Central and North America.
4-hahaha You must be trolling. A handful of right wing outlets vs an entire left wing status quo/establishment. The left dominates culture and politics in most of the western world. and some people wonder why the world is going to shit
5-Very few people can admit they were made fools of. It seems you are one of those. Everyone was made a fool off. People got locked up, lost jobs, small business were ruined, some had their mental health ruined due to the lockdown, other had their physical health ruined thnx to the jabs. If you are alright with such authoritarianism, you are part of the problem. Covid was a scam. It wasn't nearly as lethal as they made it out to be. You guys traded freedom for safety.
6-Many leftists preach actual antisemitic rhetoric. Praising a terrorist group that wants to destroy the state of Israel and the Jews living there is antisemitism.
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CNN is famously left leaning and owned by Warner Bros.
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Literally entirety of Europe banned guns, most of the world too, are we all Nazis now?

What strict regulation of economy?? Entire world is based on free market and capitalism. Name me one thing that is strict about economy lmfao

Again, majority of the world has this, are we all Nazis now?

And Nazis killed non Germans, they had pro natality policies for German population - The Hitler Youth

Omg who tf owns CNN, Fox News and Twitter? Right wingers. But you conveniently ignored that

Right Wingers still salty about COVID, snow flakes

Zionism isn't same as Judaism. Zionist literally hate every other religion

Stop breathing 4chan and Reddit fumes and touch some grass
Mad cope,bro. Just admit the left is a Satanic movement.:pepecopium:
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CNN is famously left leaning and owned by Warner Bros.

CNN is at best center-left if not straight centrist liberal, its just as wrong to claim that they are a media who are pro radical-leftism as to claim them to be propagating us-conservatism or further right ideas (at least for us-standards and it should only be based on us political scape).

Can one of you Trump bootlickers explain to me in what context you can defend this man when he says that people won't have to vote any more after his reelection ?




So you might try the possibility that the plumber has his ways with your girl?
I don't think I will, but i'm not excluding the idea. (You also have to understand that it works both way, meaning that I will also have fun with someone else, I do not think I will like to watch)

You're just trying to cope your way outta the realisation that you're a cuck
Or maybe, I'm more confident in my own sexuality that you will ever be.

It is "rightist rhetoric" for stating you should finally leave your comfort zone and start something instead of bitching
The toxic injonction to work is a typical rightist thing to do. Not my jam, sorry.

It's your decision if you say "Fuck that mf, he has no idea what he's talking about" and it's your right, just like it's my right to say "Fuck, this guy wants to decide how much people should get paid from now on when he is doing nothing? Fuck outta here". Keep this in mind.
Don't talk then, because you are wasting both our time.

By arguing with Sentinel (me), Reborn, Rayan, MZTS and others in an anime forum? You did great.
There is a lot of ways to fight a system mate. Don't gatekeep.

Wow, how did it turn radical like that?
There is absolutely nothing radical in what I said.. you broke your compass

Yes, due to the reasons I often mentioned when debating with you.
It depends on the rich people. How much rich are we talking about? Filthy rich? I don't think so but I understand why they earn so much money when they manage multiple businesses. If it's about the guys earning 6 figures at least, again, if they rightfully earn this much by their skillset, competence and leadership, why not?
Nothing surprising here.

You need to define this part even further. Are we talking about same job hierarchies, same positions, different genders? For example, if x and y are both Junior Java Developers, starting their career, yes, they should earn the same amount. No matter their racial background and no matter their gender. Now, if x starts to reach higher positions while y stagnates in development, of course x should get higher salary.
Workers rights are workers rights. Its a very clear subject (work hours / minimal wages / union influences / Benefits / Working conditions / Working safety / Public holidays / Pregnancy discrimination acts / Right to refuse unsafe work / Disability / Unemployement wages / Social services for people who are unemplyed / Bullying and sexual harrasment / Employement standards / hirarchical abuse and legal rights of employees / Strike rights / Lay-off conditions etc..)

So you want the government to restrict business owners even further? Do you want the state to have more control over them? That's basically communism, dude. If they have the legal means to earn that much over their employees, especially since employers get their salary due to their own companies, even more if it's private.
So, for you, preventing business owner to be paid 50 times more than their employee or simply tax to 90% certain billionaires and millionaire (thus leaving them still with Millions) to avoid inequalities ... is communism ? Noted.

No idea, I don't really care.
Not a surprise. Genocides are generally overlooked by rightists.

Tell me, did something change with Macron?
Yes, somethings changed, inequalities increased and the far right multiplied.

Um, why? They have all means to get their finances due to advertisement, sponsors and other factors. I don't think it'd do the media good if they are more dependant by the state. Plus, people's taxes would be wasted even more, so no thanks.
Not a surprise either (In France, public medias are own by the state, they are the most critical of the power and the most truthfull outside of independant medias (not owned by billionnaires). Usually, if you want to create more authoristarism, you privatize all the medias. This will create a few monopoles owned by billionnaires and corporations. This will as a result shut down the influence of leftism and social rethoric and strenghten the influence of liberals and conservatists, especially the far right ones.

And look at that, that's exactly what is happening in Italy right now.

I think it needs to have a good balance over privatizing and nationalizing markets. I understand both aspects of right and left idealogies when it comes to the market. I don't have a definite answer over it tbh. You need to elaborate far more on this part, like how much do you think the market needs to be "controlled" by the government? All private enterprises and their assets or is it more about public buildings, ie. educational, healthcare and other forms of insurance agencies? I think the government should only be limited to less private things, too much involvement isn't good either. You can see it with China and Russia.

Only if it's highly supervised by parents and experts.

Migrants should only enter a foreign country with legal means and giving citizenship should be due to some conditions, 1.) proper integration, 2.) testing the immigrant, 3.) make sure this person doesn't have any criminal records or something like that.
I see

Even if I gave answers, which do not go along with your political compass, it still doesn't give you a concrete information about my political view because like I said, I'm a centrist (I was leftist in the past but decided to look at things more rationally, it's better this way). In some viewpoints, I can be viewed as a leftist, in some others, a rightist.
You are indeed not conservatist. But definitely a rightist. (there is a lot of parameters that can verify that : Your belief in meritocracy, your instant call of communism for simple social democrat politics, your lack of care for oppressions, your economic liberalism etc.

I don't think you were ever a leftist before, I think you have an idea of what leftism is, but you don't really understand it. Also, you may think you went toward rationnality but you did not because if you did, you would have gone the other way as science and researches are pointing toward the radical left and not toward the right.

What is YOUR issue? That's the thing.
Are you just pissed because you'd work for someone who earns much more than you and thus, you don't want to work as a "slave" or something like that?
Capitalism, racism, ableism and patriarchy, LGBTQIphobia and antiscientifism.

I don't have one issue, I have 6.

The bold sentence even disproves what you first said.
So it's not in fact easy to teach you things when it's difficult to prove you wrong in the first place.
Again, you don't understand. Proving me wrong is extremely easy. A lot of people have done that here already.

For that, you only need reliable proof, since what I say is always backed up by evidences either scientific, politic or artistic.

The problem is that I'm on the side of the proof. So you can't convince me unless you know more than me or you have work that contradict or precise what I say. And usually, the only person that can do that are on my left and not on my right.

You're not participating a single cent to society
I'm talking to you, we have an interaction. This means that yes, I'm participating in society. Simple logic mate.

You confuse the fact of participating in society with doing labor for the economy or creating economic value. That's the mind of a capitalist. I'm sorry, but that's not very rationnal. Participating in society means participating in ONE OF its aspect, it doesn't necessarily means creating value or being productive.

Right here, I'm participating in the social aspect.

Are you being restricted when the government most likely covers your living expenses?
Yes, I DON'T have enough to buy everything I need.

Bro, not many countries have these kind of privileges when it comes to unemployment.
And ? Because there is hell on the outside, does this means that I don't need to care if my house is starting to burn ?

I'm sorry, but I won't take moral lesson about inequalities from someone who don't even care about outside oppressions.

You have this weird perception that almost all "riches" are filthy rich
Nop, just a small part. You are projecting here.

exploiting the "weak"
That, is a fact, yes.

the small business owner
Do you really feel as I'm targeting small business owners in my rethoric here ?

is a smaller Trump or other kind of things
A smaller Trump is still a Trump

Same with your manager if you previously worked before.
I worked in fast food. I know what working pressure and abusive managership looks like. I also know how some people simply do not have the choice you or I might have.

So I'm choosing to find a way to support them instead of supporting those who exploit them.

My manager is a super chill dude who even helps us out if we're in busy seasons.

The world is not black and white like that, boy.
No, its red. Red because of the blood of the oppressed and exploited.

No it is not lmfao
Point of meritocracy is merit, and if one person can't be what they want it just means they didnt' have enough merit.

Some have easier way getting what some harder, at the end of the day their merit will decide if they make it
This is what (shematized) meritocracy AS A BELIEF SYSTEM looks like:

Link toward the visualizer :

This is what reality (highly shematized) looks like:

Link toward the visualizer :

In Blue: Economic capital
In Red: Social capital
In Green : Cultural capital

In purple: Asset accessed because of those Capitals

Meritocracy is and will always be a myth

Fox News - Right wing media

Twitter - Literally owned by Musk who is Right Wing and he controls what goes on there and what doesn't
Both are far right and conservative, genius.

Ya anyway, anything slightly right leaning is still heavily censored on social media
That must be why there is a rise of racist and lgbtqi+ phobe and unmoderated rethorics on twitter since the buyout by Elon Musk... Weird

Is it true that they mocked up jesus and last supper in olympic?
Well, The artistic director seemed to be a leftist so, sounds about right. Good stuff.

Communists belong in the grave
Well, this will be reported. Its not better than Bob's "leftists should be killed". I do not accept to see fascist rethoric here.

Lets be honest, most of these extreme left politicians aren't simply comparable to the likes of Stalin and Hitler simply because they don't have the means to create dictatorships(their wet dreams). Their rhetoric is not far from Nazis:
Ignorance is 4k

*Strict regulation of the economy: Nazis did it. They preach for it.
Wrong. Nazis tried to deregulated capitalism and privatize the industry.

*Gun control: Nazis did it. They preach for it.
Extremely fallacious comparison. Most european country did it. This is a dumb comparison.

*Abortion/Euthanasia: Nazis had eugenic policies. They preach for it.
Same thing. Boartion is something done in Europe.

On the other hand, the far right (guys like you) are going against the rights of handicaped people. This is what eugenism is ignorant.

*Heavy propagada: Nazis did it and it seems they(the left) toke notes from Goebbels.
The left usually do not lie. On the other hand, I could quote you HUNDREDS of the lies of you or the far right, simply because of you macious intent or you immense ignorance on many subjects.

*Concentration of power/authoritarian state policies: Nazis did it. The whole fucking world was put into domestic jail and coerced to take experimental vaccines under the threat of jail.
Unless you are talking about communist that is aiming for the dictatorship of the proletaria (so not really the type of concentration of power you are describing), the left is actually against the concentration of power. Also without the vaccines or the lock down, we would be living on top of million of bodies right now. So keep you anti-scientific and ignorant a*s out of medical discussions please. Don't make me put your head into the dirt of your previous leader and the impact of his politic.

*Anti-Jews/Israeli sentiment and rhetoric: Nazis did it and so does the left. Even to the point of cheering for terrorists like Hamas.
No leftist are cheering for Hamas. On the other hand, I see a lot of rightist and far rightist like you deny the genocide done by Israel, worst.. supporting it.

Do not give moral lesson of dehumanization Trump wanabee.

Actually the only difference between Nazis and Communists is Aryanism and Eugenics
How can you stay so ignorant when me and others keep on giving you valuable informations ? Its really something..

The political spectrum has being deformed by propaganda.
Yes, your propaganda

The National German Socialist party was definitively not conservative or right wing.
It literally was. its an historic and documented fact.


CNN is famously left leaning and owned by Warner Bros.
CNN is liberal leaning progressive. Its not leaning toward leftism.

1-Modern day Europe is far from a great example of freedom and liberty.
Especially Italy who is right now under a crypto fascist regime

No,the majority of the world does not have abortion and Euthanasia. Europe isn't the world.
Which doesn't mean that we are wrong on abortion.

The left dominates culture and politics in most of the western world
Liberalism dominates. Not leftism. You are confusing the two Bobby.

Many leftists preach actual antisemitic rhetoric

Praising a terrorist group that wants to destroy the state of Israel and the Jews living there is antisemitism.
Not in western countries mate.
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I'm only asking questions

The crazy man went a step further. Last time in 2016 it was "I could shoot someone in the crowd and you'd still love me" and now it's "let's end democracy". Typical tyran here. He is the dumbest mofo that ever sat his ass at the oval office.

I probably already said this in 2016 but literally any schmunk could get elected at this point.
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Do you live in US? If yes then in which State?
Happily, I live in Paris
The crazy man went a step further. Last time in 2016 it was "I could shoot someone in the crowd and you'd still love me" and now it's "let's end democracy". Typical tyran here. He is the dumbest mofo that ever sat his ass at the oval office.

I probably already said this in 2016 but literally any schmunk could get elected at this point.
I don't think he is dumb. He knows exactly what he is doing. This guy is dangerous



Can one of you Trump bootlickers explain to me in what context you can defend this man when he says that people won't have to vote any more after his reelection ?




I don't think I will, but i'm not excluding the idea. (You also have to understand that it works both way, meaning that I will also have fun with someone else, I do not think I will like to watch)

Or maybe, I'm more confident in my own sexuality that you will ever be.

The toxic injonction to work is a typical rightist thing to do. Not my jam, sorry.

Don't talk then, because you are wasting both our time.

There is a lot of ways to fight a system mate. Don't gatekeep.

There is absolutely nothing radical in what I said.. you broke your compass

Nothing surprising here.

Workers rights are workers rights. Its a very clear subject (work hours / minimal wages / union influences / Benefits / Working conditions / Working safety / Public holidays / Pregnancy discrimination acts / Right to refuse unsafe work / Disability / Unemployement wages / Social services for people who are unemplyed / Bullying and sexual harrasment / Employement standards / hirarchical abuse and legal rights of employees / Strike rights / Lay-off conditions etc..)

So, for you, preventing business owner to be paid 50 times more than their employee or simply tax to 90% certain billionaires and millionaire (thus leaving them still with Millions) to avoid inequalities ... is communism ? Noted.

Not a surprise. Genocides are generally overlooked by rightists.

Yes, somethings changed, inequalities increased and the far right multiplied.

Not a surprise either (In France, public medias are own by the state, they are the most critical of the power and the most truthfull outside of independant medias (not owned by billionnaires). Usually, if you want to create more authoristarism, you privatize all the medias. This will create a few monopoles owned by billionnaires and corporations. This will as a result shut down the influence of leftism and social rethoric and strenghten the influence of liberals and conservatists, especially the far right ones.

And look at that, that's exactly what is happening in Italy right now.



I see

You are indeed not conservatist. But definitely a rightist. (there is a lot of parameters that can verify that : Your belief in meritocracy, your instant call of communism for simple social democrat politics, your lack of care for oppressions, your economic liberalism etc.

I don't think you were ever a leftist before, I think you have an idea of what leftism is, but you don't really understand it. Also, you may think you went toward rationnality but you did not because if you did, you would have gone the other way as science and researches are pointing toward the radical left and not toward the right.

Capitalism, racism, ableism and patriarchy, LGBTQIphobia and antiscientifism.

I don't have one issue, I have 6.

Again, you don't understand. Proving me wrong is extremely easy. A lot of people have done that here already.

For that, you only need reliable proof, since what I say is always backed up by evidences either scientific, politic or artistic.

The problem is that I'm on the side of the proof. So you can't convince me unless you know more than me or you have work that contradict or precise what I say. And usually, the only person that can do that are on my left and not on my right.

I'm talking to you, we have an interaction. This means that yes, I'm participating in society. Simple logic mate.

You confuse the fact of participating in society with doing labor for the economy or creating economic value. That's the mind of a capitalist. I'm sorry, but that's not very rationnal. Participating in society means participating in ONE OF its aspect, it doesn't necessarily means creating value or being productive.

Right here, I'm participating in the social aspect.

Yes, I DON'T have enough to buy everything I need.

And ? Because there is hell on the outside, does this means that I don't need to care if my house is starting to burn ?

I'm sorry, but I won't take moral lesson about inequalities from someone who don't even care about outside oppressions.

Nop, just a small part. You are projecting here.

That, is a fact, yes.

Do you really feel as I'm targeting small business owners in my rethoric here ?

A smaller Trump is still a Trump

I worked in fast food. I know what working pressure and abusive managership looks like. I also know how some people simply do not have the choice you or I might have.

So I'm choosing to find a way to support them instead of supporting those who exploit them.


No, its red. Red because of the blood of the oppressed and exploited.

This is what (shematized) meritocracy AS A BELIEF SYSTEM looks like:

Link toward the visualizer :

This is what reality (highly shematized) looks like:

Link toward the visualizer :

In Blue: Economic capital
In Red: Social capital
In Green : Cultural capital

In purple: Asset accessed because of those Capitals

Meritocracy is and will always be a myth

Both are far right and conservative, genius.

That must be why there is a rise of racist and lgbtqi+ phobe and unmoderated rethorics on twitter since the buyout by Elon Musk... Weird

Well, The artistic director seemed to be a leftist so, sounds about right. Good stuff.

Well, this will be reported. Its not better than Bob's "leftists should be killed". I do not accept to see fascist rethoric here.

Ignorance is 4k

Wrong. Nazis tried to deregulated capitalism and privatize the industry.

Extremely fallacious comparison. Most european country did it. This is a dumb comparison.

Same thing. Boartion is something done in Europe.

On the other hand, the far right (guys like you) are going against the rights of handicaped people. This is what eugenism is ignorant.

The left usually do not lie. On the other hand, I could quote you HUNDREDS of the lies of you or the far right, simply because of you macious intent or you immense ignorance on many subjects.

Unless you are talking about communist that is aiming for the dictatorship of the proletaria (so not really the type of concentration of power you are describing), the left is actually against the concentration of power. Also without the vaccines or the lock down, we would be living on top of million of bodies right now. So keep you anti-scientific and ignorant a*s out of medical discussions please. Don't make me put your head into the dirt of your previous leader and the impact of his politic.

No leftist are cheering for Hamas. On the other hand, I see a lot of rightist and far rightist like you deny the genocide done by Israel, worst.. supporting it.

Do not give moral lesson of dehumanization Trump wanabee.

How can you stay so ignorant when me and others keep on giving you valuable informations ? Its really something..

Yes, your propaganda

It literally was. its an historic and documented fact.


CNN is liberal leaning progressive. Its not leaning toward leftism.

Especially Italy who is right now under a crypto fascist regime

Which doesn't mean that we are wrong on abortion.

Liberalism dominates. Not leftism. You are confusing the two Bobby.


Not in western countries mate.
My brother in fur, I know you said you had a condition preventing you from working, which I respect and genuinely hope you get better. But can you find something remote/online as work from home?

This level of joblessness is crazy :josad: