[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

Which role is the Best? What' role would you love playing the most?

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It does delight me to see you so desperate that you've actually completely thrown away the flavor of the game to speculate that the Prince needs to keep the White Death alive. Most amusing
Hmm... I can see why someone might find him a little suspicious, but I mean, its not like he survived a superkill. Also I have mech that confirms that he is not the White Death, so....
Seeing as the white death is the mafia gf. Your results would probably suggest he is in fact the white death

* not that I believe you have results

*** inb4 "my results say blah blah blah, so he can't be the mafia gf and the white death"
Seeing as the white death is the mafia gf. Your results would probably suggest he is in fact the white death

* not that I believe you have results

*** inb4 "my results say blah blah blah, so he can't be the mafia gf and the white death"
Ah, the old "You're wrong because I'm right". Well, I can only think of one response to that

You're wrong because I'm right.

If you told me at the beginning of the game that Kiku would dunk this hard on Polar I would of not believed you LMAO. God DAYMN!! Complete and utter annilihation LMAO, girl dunked so hard, the dude polar forgot the flavor of the game, and crumbled like a wet tissue paper. The dude literally can't hold up any argument anymore and lying out of his ass hoping something sticks. Just throw the white flag at this point bro, this is beyond savageness, it's hard to watch, she completely murdered you.
Polar this game

>Survived a kill from fuji gun
>Survived a super kill
>is an allegedly a miller cop and at this point it's actually impossible to have another miller beside Ultra
>Lied about pot shooting me and fuji talking about it for days, back tracked when pot asked him for reciepts, just desperate attempt at painting me mafia here
>Apparently he has a passive that helps him tank kills
>Was in the 5 player gun game last DP and white death is 100% in that list.
>Faked and played theatre that he is going to die, and then acted surprised that he survived when he was about to shoot himself.
>Lied about me and kiku voting for alwaysmind last DP, we never did. That was a sad attempt to get into AM good graces.
>Ignored almost if not all the points directed at him this DP, because he knows he is cooked.
>Ignores the fact that my abilities are confirmed, my watcher abilities and my neighbor ability, white death does not have those kind of abilities, if you do a quick google you would see I do not fit the character
>Ignores the fact that I was literally been setup for a mislynch last DP, like it's extremely obvious. If I am scum, I have to be brain dead to suicide and force a lynch on myself.
>Lied about me pocketing him regarding ekko when it was vice versa, I never once mentioned polar in my exchange with ekko, while polar publicly announcned to the world that he 'Agreed with everything i said regarding ekko'. Just lies on top of lies.
>If he thinks kiku who I think it is, the fact that he is going for me here instead of her and acting ignorant to the flavor now is some next level desperation to survive. The dude is just scum who got caught, got utterly destroyed in the back and forth and just spewing complete nonsense.

Reading his posts this DP so far reminded me of watson post regarding him.

you're not the most honest player and don't have a track record showing me or anyone we should react like "oh yeah, he wouldn't risk his position if he rolls town in future games"

you lie for fun. give another rebuttal because this one isn't going to cut it
Dude lied soo much this DP to save face and hope something stick, it's not even funny anymore. That post he made about him solving the game before ekko started doing stupid post is probably the final nail to the coffin, that post was soo scummy. Like he is trying to appease to the crowd with his BS like he was trying to solve the game.

He is the lynch this DP and shall be smited down and sent to scum hell. He is done for.
What's this about a super kill?
Look, he is acting surprised now. You gonna deny surviving a super kill now? when it was being stated multiple times throughout this DP? LOL. So much for paying attention huh? or acting ignorant on purpose here?

You tried to get your hands on the super kill when you started that mini game of yours, acted like you are about to die (poor you) and then acted surprised that you survived lol.

This guy xD
We fought on the beaches.

We fought in the mountains.

We fought through the towns.

We lost brothers along the way.

But we did not head the call to vanquish evil from this earth, although that was our objective.

We did not pick up arms and march towards the battlefield for glory.

It wasn't even for country or honor.

We sacrificed our lives and the lives of our fellow man, for one reason and one reason alone.

There was someone in need of help.

There is no greater calling then doing what must be done to help protect, liberate, and secure freedom for all.

With the threats growing, we must not surrender one inch of ground.

We must not waiver in our resolve.

We may bend but our nobility will keep us from breaking.

It may look bleak. Men and women will see their end.

But we will not, no, we cannot fall.

Dig in, tighten your grips.

For tomorrow will always come.

(I.E. vote SK and let's not fall to scum)
No, you are the deep wolf here, you are scum. You survived a kill, you survived a super kill, and you pocketed fuji. He was simply just wrong about you and was having doubts about you the more the PoE shrinked, you were in that 5 player gun game and did that theatre fake act where you thought you died lol.

You are a miller, you are a cop, you can survive kills and super kills, you can kill.

You didn't solve anything, you are just scum. You even tried to paint the ekko situation that I pocketed and buddied you when it was you who pocketed and buddied me lol. Took a while, but this is the end of the road for you my guy.

I was protected and I have a specific passive, so what now. You caught bro.

Also 2 of those nights all kills could have been stopped....so what now.

Man when you flounder you really founder lol.
Polar, remember when you told me scum do selective reading? you were projecting on me huh? because you sure been doing alot of selective reading this phase.

and now acting ignorant on purpose regarding the super kill you tanked now huh? when you replied to my post addressing it or ignoring it, can't tell at this point, but I find it funny. Your acting and lies know no end.

What's this about a super kill?
We fought on the beaches.

We fought in the mountains.

We fought through the towns.

We lost brothers along the way.

But we did not head the call to vanquish evil from this earth, although that was our objective.

We did not pick up arms and march towards the battlefield for glory.

It wasn't even for country or honor.

We sacrificed our lives and the lives of our fellow man, for one reason and one reason alone.

There was someone in need of help.

There is no greater calling then doing what must be done to help protect, liberate, and secure freedom for all.

With the threats growing, we must not surrender one inch of ground.

We must not waiver in our resolve.

We may bend but our nobility will keep us from breaking.

It may look bleak. Men and women will see their end.

But we will not, no, we cannot fall.

Dig in, tighten your grips.

For tomorrow will always come.

(I.E. vote SK and let's not fall to scum)

I am moved by this fake attempt. I guess this is the only thing left you can do at this point lol, when you are exposed as a goose in the streets, only thing you can do is put this theatre now.
Polar, remember when you told me scum do selective reading? you were projecting on me huh? because you sure been doing alot of selective reading this phase.

and now acting ignorant on purpose regarding the super kill you tanked now huh? when you replied to my post addressing it or ignoring it, can't tell at this point, but I find it funny. Your acting and lies know no end.
So you knew kiku tried to super kill me 5+ hours before she posted it in the thread?

🚨🚨🚨 SCUM SLIP 🚨🚨🚨

Man you all are dropping the soap right now 🤣
So you knew kiku tried to super kill me 5+ hours before she posted it in the thread?

🚨🚨🚨 SCUM SLIP 🚨🚨🚨

Man you all are dropping the soap right now 🤣
She posted it first thing in the thread, you acting dumb and ignorant on purpose now. Go back and actually read the game. Oh right, you don't read this game, you are doing selective reading. You are playing this ignorant card real well lol. Not sure how you even came up with that conclusion from that post LMAO.
Using the quotes you posted SK

No, you are the deep wolf here, you are scum. You survived a kill, you survived a super kill, and you pocketed fuji. He was simply just wrong about you and was having doubts about you the more the PoE shrinked, you were in that 5 player gun game and did that theatre fake act where you thought you died lol.

You are a miller, you are a cop, you can survive kills and super kills, you can kill.

You didn't solve anything, you are just scum. You even tried to paint the ekko situation that I pocketed and buddied you when it was you who pocketed and buddied me lol. Took a while, but this is the end of the road for you my guy.
This was 6 hours ago ⬆️

I superkilled you last night with the gun I won from the minigame. Sheesh, keep up
This was 1 hour ago ⬆️

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