Bougya AdvCoC is colorful lightning

Roger adding 5% Conqueror to 95% Armanent attack.
I'm laughing so hard at this. You're a fucking legend bro :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
You don't need much CoC to control a Famed Blade.. The hard part is attaining CoC..

You can't have everything in this life. As I've already shown you, either the colors don't matter or you have to admit that Zoro has AdvCoC. I repeat that right now I don't care about the levels, I just want to establish a visual pattern to determine when there is AdvCoC.

Ok, I agree that there are touch AdvCoC and non-touch AdvCoC. Two questions then:

- How do we identify the AdvCoC when it hits?
- Is there any specific point that justifies why sometimes the AdvCoC touches and other times it doesn't touch?
Ok here's your visual pattern that 100% confirms that Zoro doesn't have AdCoC but you will deny it..

I'd say Showdown of power will be no touch AdCoC like sky splitting, Shanks completely overwhelming Kidd, Big Mom Fulgorra and one shotting Page One..

Efficient use of AdCoC will be touching, so used in usual combat..
You don't need much CoC to control a Famed Blade.. The hard part is attaining CoC..

Ok here's your visual pattern that 100% confirms that Zoro doesn't have AdCoC but you will deny it..

I'd say Showdown of power will be no touch AdCoC like sky splitting, Shanks completely overwhelming Kidd, Big Mom Fulgorra and one shotting Page One..

Efficient use of AdCoC will be touching, so used in usual combat..
Continue to look foolish.

You don't need much CoC to control a Famed Blade.. The hard part is attaining CoC..

Ok here's your visual pattern that 100% confirms that Zoro doesn't have AdCoC but you will deny it..

I'd say Showdown of power will be no touch AdCoC like sky splitting, Shanks completely overwhelming Kidd, Big Mom Fulgorra and one shotting Page One..

Efficient use of AdCoC will be touching, so used in usual combat..
Could you please forget about Zoro for a while? We'll get there.

First, let's find a pattern and rules to identify AdvCoC that will justify all those images in which we are 100% sure that there is AdvCoC, then, we will study other cases in which we are not so sure and that pattern and those rules will determine who has and who does not have AdvCoC, whatever their name is.

At the moment we have two clear rules:

1- We have already come to the conclusion that in a black and white manga the colors do not mean much.
2- There is AdvCoC that touches and AdvCoC that does not touch.

Now let's determine what the difference is between the two:

Why does Kaido hit Luffy in the first image and not in the second. What is the justification?

Oda said "take it easy with that supreme haki".

"take it easy with that"

it does not take a genius to know thats 100% CoC on an attack which means AdvCoC.

Take a sleep pill
Not very convincing.. Take it easy with that CoC powered CoA Famed Blade..

Continue to look foolish.

I showed you all the same motion as Zoro and you show me all contrary motion.. What a poor argument..

Could you please forget about Zoro for a while? We'll get there.

First, let's find a pattern and rules to identify AdvCoC that will justify all those images in which we are 100% sure that there is AdvCoC, then, we will study other cases in which we are not so sure and that pattern and those rules will determine who has and who does not have AdvCoC, whatever their name is.

At the moment we have two clear rules:

1- We have already come to the conclusion that in a black and white manga the colors do not mean much.
2- There is AdvCoC that touches and AdvCoC that does not touch.

Now let's determine what the difference is between the two:

Why does Kaido hit Luffy in the first image and not in the second. What is the justification?

Luffy used no touch AdCoC in the second image...
Not very convincing.. Take it easy with that CoC powered CoA Famed Blade..

I showed you all the same motion as Zoro and you show me all contrary motion.. What a poor argument..

Luffy used no touch AdCoC in the second image...
So the only reason the attacks don't touch is Luffy? Does that mean Kaido can't use by himself AdvCoC without touching? I remind you that you yourself have said several times that Kaido is a master of AdvCoC.
Not very convincing.. Take it easy with that CoC powered CoA Famed Blade..
You are arguing Oda's words now. He said CoC. He said nothing about any CoA famed blade nonsense u came up with.

Take it Easy = hold off/hold back from using something too much. aka CoC on an attack = AdvCoC

Oda said AdvCoC and said nothing about blades etc etc. he talked about the attacks.

Go sleep now
So the only reason the attacks don't touch is Luffy? Does that mean Kaido can't use by himself AdvCoC without touching? I remind you that you yourself have said several times that Kaido is a master of AdvCoC.
No here both are not touching but then you bring up your non sense rule that Kaido has to demonstrate alone no touching..

You are arguing Oda's words now. He said CoC. He said nothing about any CoA famed blade nonsense u came up with.

Take it Easy = hold off/hold back from using something too much. aka CoC on an attack = AdvCoC

Oda said AdvCoC and said nothing about blades etc etc. he talked about the attacks.

Go sleep now
You're the one assuming Supreme King means AdCoC.. Same assumption the One Piece community does when it comes to Zoro having AdCoC when he doesn't..

Roger was a Master at AdCoC, Black Red lightning AdCoC is used by beginner AdCoC user because they don't know how to effectively utilize that power, Roger's Kamusari was a CoA energized attack..

You sound like you got an argument here when you don't..

Pretty sure he will start like :
If you open your fuckin eyes , and collect all the light entering your eye and see properly you will see there's only 5 % red and 95 % black. Hence my conclusion
How much CoC does Luffy need to make one fodder pass out?..
You're the one assuming Supreme King means AdCoC.. Same assumption the One Piece community does when it comes to Zoro having AdCoC when he doesn't..

Roger was a Master at AdCoC, Black Red lightning AdCoC is used by beginner AdCoC user because they don't know how to effectively utilize that power, Roger's Kamusari was a CoA energized attack..
There is no assumption here. Oda said the attacks were supreme haki aka Attacks imbued in CoC aka AdvCoC.

You are the one denying the manga author here. Oda never said anything about any bullshit you are spewing.

Oda said that then anything you say is meaningless Oden has it Roger used it against him. No matter what you say Oda made his decision so its a fact.

No here both are not touching but then you bring up your non sense rule that Kaido has to demonstrate alone no touching..
No no no, Kaido doesn't have to prove anything. We've already come to the conclusion that there are AdvCoC that are touched and AdvCoC that aren't touched. Now we're seeing when it's one and when it's the other.

I ask again, what's the difference in both images so that in the first one Kaido ends up hitting Luffy and in the second one he doesn't.

There is no assumption here. Oda said the attacks were supreme haki aka Attacks imbued in CoC aka AdvCoC.

You are the one denying the manga author here. Oda never said anything about any bullshit you are spewing.

Oda said that then anything you say is meaningless Oden has it Roger used it against him. No matter what you say Oda made his decision so its a fact.

It's assumptions, he said CoC, not AdCoC.. Don't try to appropriate what Oda said to yourself.. I recognize my headcanons do you yours?..

Roger's Kamusari is a CoA attack and you need CoC to bend its powers to your will, just like Zoro with Enma.. Swordsmanship has always been primarily CoA focused..

No no no, Kaido doesn't have to prove anything. We've already come to the conclusion that there are AdvCoC that are touched and AdvCoC that aren't touched. Now we're seeing when it's one and when it's the other.

I ask again, what's the difference in both images so that in the first one Kaido ends up hitting Luffy and in the second one he doesn't.

Second image no touch, first touch..