Theory Teach them how to throw Rocks and you will fell the Joy, Boy!!! (¬_¬")

Good day ladies and gentlemen, after a lot of time I'm back. I'm a bit rusty so don't be to rough on me( also I might like it, but I'll rather not find it out ( ̄_, ̄ ) ). This might be a little improbable with a touch of fiction, but OP is fiction and this is a theory so let's get started.


Five years a go I gave you this marshall d teach, the rebirth of rocks d xebec I'm not going to recap it to much but the idea was BB had Rox soul in him, but way I'm bringing this up ? Well in the same theory I said how Teach knew so much because of his soul, in fact BB had knowledge of fruits( he said he had read it in a book all about them) thank to Rox soul and recently we have seen his actions more and more focused towards a goal: claiming the OP and enter Majora. In fact I'll not be so surprised if he even knows about Im thanks to Rocks. But how did the later know so much what drove him? Well here is where the theory starts. Enjoy.


Lineage, power and knowledge at this point of the story looks to me more and important at this point of the story, and Rox/Rocks had all of them at some point of the story and he had them and made the high autority of the WG( Im and its 5 minions) in fear for a split second. Xebec's dream or maybe it is better to say desire, was that of becoming the King of the World. The question that come naturally is why would he want such thing, you might say well because he was wicked and evil or that for a pirate desiring owing everything come natural to want to be King comes natural. What if he knew something he had knowledge not fully but he knew some things remotely because passed down diluted by time. What are this things you might say:
  1. There is someone controlling the world.
  2. The D in your name has power, but you must stay hidden or death awaits you.
  3. There was some one in your past that had your own surname that wanted to be and fought to be King.( which by the way I went quite close in this theory)
All this for a kid that probably lived under hard circumstances must have ignited a fire and desire to find more about it all and get it for your self. At this point I'm certain you understood were I'm going... what if Joyboy surname was in fact Rocks D.

As I said at the beginning this is improbale and maybe just fiction, but what if it's true. It is far fetched and I'm basing this on 2 things and the first one as we saw many times it is not very reliable.

The first thing and what made me do this theory is the siluette of Joyboy. Finally we have seen his full body from far sure but we have seen it and the same siluette was already shown.

Yes we have seen the same siluette, maybe same is to much but very similar one, in Kaido's flashback and after seeing it in the last chapter it clicked for me. What if Xebec was in fact a descendant.
The second thing was Emeth reaction to Luffy's name when he heard D he knew we had to act because Joy Boy had it and why not Rocks. That would make some sense of why Xebec was so obsessed with his goal even more if he at some point in his youth was captured and enslaved and hearing a familiar name from the other that of Joyboy a name he might have heard from his family. The latter whom maybe was killed because of the D in they name exactly like Clover's brother, and thanks to the last chapter other thigs were made celare why Law hide his name and why in the illustration of kid Garp looked like an orphan. Does with the D were killed so history or even the thought of the past could be erased and as Im said they could just be at this point empty fangs. But I went on a different topic here.

Going back to the main topic I know is improbable Joyboy was presented as a righteous figure while Xebec as merciless individual but the winners write the history and hard environments create hard individuals.


So in conclusion what if Joyboy was Rocks D. Joyboy ancestor of Xebec whom inspired by the name and what could have been started his campaign of war by discovering step by step part of the story but not all and now its embodiment and knowledge lives in BB with the same objective become King of the world.

That is all from me folks have a nice day.

I doubt lolda makes Joyboy, the prototype/OG condom boy, anything other than unambiguously good.

So no. Rocks is not Joyboy descendant. At least ideologically.

And remember what WB said to BB. BB wasn't the one Roger was waiting for.

Xebec and BB are very similar. so if it isn't BB Roger was waiting for, it wouldn't have been Xebec that Joyboy was waiting for.
I doubt lolda makes Joyboy, the prototype/OG condom boy, anything other than unambiguously good.

So no. Rocks is not Joyboy descendant. At least ideologically.

And remember what WB said to BB. BB wasn't the one Roger was waiting for.

Xebec and BB are very similar. so if it isn't BB Roger was waiting for, it wouldn't have been Xebec that Joyboy was waiting for.
Exactly he is waiting for some one with Joyboy's will I haven't said he was wating for bb just that he might inherited the name and that their depiction opposites one Good/righteous the other one Evil/wicked individual.
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Exactly he is waiting for some one with Joyboy's will I haven't said he was wating for bb just that he might inherited the name and that their depiction opposites one Good/righteous the other one Evil/wicked individual.
But also one could inherit the will to conquer and become king but their actions can differ like the path they take
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Also luffy from the start was depicted caring Roger's will his and that of Joyboy might be different but with the same goal freedom
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