It's the opposite, the moment Zoro came to the roof top, people shitted on King and said Zoro is already beyond commander level, only for King to trash Zoro (albeit it was also due to Enma taxing him, but that aside, King was also easily eating Zoro's attacks and sending him through the walls).
That was Zoribros who said that and they were right, Zoro was already beyond commander level.
Non-Zoribros were still playing the same tune as I described or rather they were quiet because Zoro was handling 2 Emperors which destroyed their headcanon that Zoro is commander tier because he hasn't fought commander tier people.
King never trashed Zoro, never managing to land a single clean hit is proof of it.
He was eating Zoro's attacks because his defenses are above top tiers, forget commander tiers. Same for his raw physicals.
If you lift King where he belongs, among top tiers, you will understand that Zoro has nothing to do with commander tier at that point.
His best feats were scored against top tiers at that time, pulling off the impossible. Imagine a commander level capable of that... lol
Well, he is a commander. An underling of a Yonko who calls his captain the strongest. Aramaki himself called King and Queen mere commanders.
Oden is a commander, Zoro is a commander, Rayleigh is a commander, Beckman is a commander, Sabo is a commander, etc...
None of them are commander tier when it comes to strength. Calling his captain the strongest is anti-King argument? lol
Aramaki can call them whatever he wants, reality is that he enjoyed all the plot armor one can ask and still couldn't do shit to already defeated King without flames.
But Yamato also has CoC coating. Zoro now is in the top tier category himself, don't get me wrong. He just lacks the feats that justify him being jazzed up to Yonko level, let alone above. Though he will eventually get there, obviously.
Yes and we have to treat Yamato as one of the very strongest, whether we like it or not.
No one without aCoC should be above her, unless it is someone with even bigger hype than aCoC - godly Lunarians.
Feats of rooftop Zoro(pre-handful of strongest PU+KOH) cannot be found among top tiers, forget high tiers.
FMI Zoro was top tier already, in the lower echelon where all those top tiers without power of handful of strongest belong aka Admirals.
After aCoC and KOH, he moved up in the upper echelon of top tier alongside others with handful of strongest ability.
Considering that aCoC was just a stepping stone, obviously, we will see Zoro leave the top tier and settle where destiny awaits, god tier.