Not the ending we asked for but the one we got. There is also more to the convo and Akainu appears to apologise to Kizaru after he sees how it hurt him.
Akainu is a man of business but he isn't and never was heartless to his comrades. First letting Kuzan live, then congratulating Issho for achieving his goal, then thinking about where Kuma ends up and now showing sympathy towards Kizaru despite failing at capturing Luffy.
Fuck it. The Admirals are Oda's best side characters and we'll get the feats we want when they're taken down.
So nothing changed. The Goat will move out and he'll do it himself.
@Kurozumi Wiwi @Extravlad @Dragon777 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @ZenZu @Tyki_Mikk and other Admiral bros.