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I‘m a pro Town Indie.

Have to help Town win the game. Count towards Town parity and can’t get converted. I have a Devil mode which is locked and gives a buff to my role, no idea how to unlock it though. Would be cool to have any Madoka lore experts (I hope it gives me a kill shot or revive).
What's your wincon that's imp
Which takes me back to Watson. Not really satisfied with how Ultra has tried to cool this wagon all the way - first he described it as a vanity wagon, then he misrepresented her emotions to argue that she's town. More interested in @Lord Melkor on this though, it hasn't escaped my notice that he's repeatedly made it very clear that he is deferring to me on her, and yet appeared to have no interest in my discussion with Ultra around Watson's reaction.

Frankly my time for this game is limited and I did not have time to analyze this in detail - i would expect Emotional response from Watson to be townie yes, but I also expect you to read her better than me. I will reread this stuff if I have time.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
oh my b, misread

But that's quite an extensive list of players who have (maybe?) posted quite a bit

What's the distinction between being comfortable vs good vibes, afaik they're simply both and not really different tiers, Pot-koon
The 4 were people with good contributions earlier

To word it better I have the 5 trending up quickly with them

Actually maybe not TAC lol he's still good vibes though
Catch up post incoming

Yes I investigated Nat, she's town
How serious are you rn? Kinda hard to believe in day investigation.

worst was supposed to get amp and shoot soulkiller, nothing so far.
That part is clear already.


Though that means Conejo Yujiro/Gensai has entered the game
Is it bad thing? What is it?

@MangoSenpai the orca can heal, didn't happen, from charlie quote, it was mix up.
Can't. Yeah.

@Charlie is it possible if u can have that summary in your sig? we'll help you keep it updated

it's MVP worthy play bro
I mean, it helps scum just as much. I can put it in later if people want it.

is that night discord safe?
I mean, there's always a catch. I've had it twice as Town. Once people who joined couldn't hurt me, once they generated resources for me. I'd guess there's hidden benefit for the user. Never seen it as scum ability but who knows.

This a real life picture of @Emil looking at the computer..

Cute af I'd say.

Okay first up, you're wrong in your conclusion and this is absolutely a wild leap. I will admit to the language hiccup, but I've referred to flower as Fleur in the past as well so this isn't a gotcha as you believe it to be. I assumed, without having checked, that it was the German word for flower due to it being her name on MU.

Though yes, I don't refer to her as that very often it has happened before, and whether she remember that or not doesn't really matter to me.

So what if it is specific, playing the championships was a memorable event, and coincidentally I re-read some of the game I played not too long ago.

Your reasoning here is entirely that I couldn't possibly remember her name, and the only reason i would refer to her by this name is that I must be on a team with someone who is a MU frequenter.

I know some people like to question my intelligence, but is this the level of standard I'm being held to?
I don't know if I should feel offended lmao
Pretty sure I wanted to say sth like "damn, you got offended a lot for something you think is nonsense". Basically i'd say this whole Fleur gate is meh at it's core but you kinda sounded like "scum caught for wrong reasons" here. I mean, it's OP forum and like every single Robin's move Has Fleur in it. I could see myself using it if I wanted to look quirky.

i.e im getting similar vibes i had when i was serial killer and pushed u in ratchet's game where u were scum and thought that i got you for wrong reason
My LM impersonation: Townie post

tldr think ratchet's overcooking with the MU thing but mang can be scum irrespective of that

Vote Lynch Fuji

in the meantime, for this boredom :pepeanger:
But he's Town host... Sus.

Also he's dead.

Also dead.

From what I recall, Indigo and Flower did not post any info in the thread at all about using it on SK. Only after the fact was it revealed in the thread that they used it on SK.

So SK had absolutely no idea who it was at the time, unless I missed something
That's kinda bs. They were talking publicly how Indigo should target SK with thing that "cleared" Flower. He knew it's from Indigo. Not to mention that's why he denied it.

will turn all ze participants handsome (or gorgeous if your a womanz), so zat all ze outsiderz will be jealous of our irresistable charm zat will slowly but surely wilt zeir feeble mindz.
I think i wanted to Ask if it's indie claim xd

You and Flower are both town.
Read, not mech i assume?

Why should I claim what I received?
Ekko knows what he send, I know what I received.

Your case is weak and I explained to Baki things when he said I would be informed.
You should reconsider if you are town.
How does it make you think of Usopp is the question. Is he strong Town read now or idk?

But wait there's more, At first glance you would think that their votes are sheep votes without sharing an opinion of their own or without anything of substance. , all this in the first 10 minutes after being called out to vote, the problem here is that they are also sheeping each other in the council vote pattern
For example the same people who are voting Soul without that much of an explanation are now voting Saber for a council spot
@Ultra Watson is looking better than Reloaded tbh, I think that we should strike in this throuple Saber-Reloaded- Alexis
Maybe Saber is playing everyone here and faked a poison on himself(herself?). Why would this pattern form? Coincidence? I think not!
Tbh, i think you overcooked here. Missing part is that Reloaded and Alexis aren't really active and they simply responded to mass quote. I could probably tag them, say you're scum and they should vote you and i think they'd do so.

watson is totally off town meta
plus i have like a 95% accurate read meter on her

recent town game for example:

plus watson has a certain degree of "quirkiness" to her posts
"adhd style" is how i think of it, a bit all over the place and jumbled but she tries her best to analyze ppls behaviors/posts and write up long posts where ur like ??? for 40% of each one
Well, to be fair, she said something about irl stuff early on? I think. Could that be the reason?

Saber is a good direction, it is totally possible that he was faking poison to waste heals
I mean, i could check one of sussy abilities that were posted before he's poisoned. See if it targetted him.

Anyone wanna claim this kill btw?
I didn't got any amp you get notified if you get any ?
Well, i know for sure i wasn't the target. I'd assume if someone wanted to claim, they would already. Can't check kills.

I don't remember who it was. Someone wrote a post so carefully written I didn't like it at all.

Me, talking about Flower's ability. It's weird af that you remember it tho.

Pretty sure wanted to Ask what mech.

If you think that's a lot I can do it like 3 or 4 times
Kinda broken. And selfish. Are you sure you're Town? Sounds like surv or sth.

Adam might be a Cult Leader.
Oddly specific.

I'm here

i'm the NPC
You wish. I'm NPC.

It sounds like a Cult Leader. It‘s host spec, but Fuji tends to give people some kind of insurance. 2 lynch dodges are fair for a CL in such a large game so they can get their conversions off and have a Cult before they get offed. The one for a different player could be for a convert.

Makes sense, doesn’t it. Would also explain why he wanted me to stop actions on a later night. Cuz he wants his conversions.
I mean, that could be any indie tbh.

Alright reset it is, 1 hour before EOD, no point wasting good town hours yet
F no. Only my night abilities are cool.

if you're town, then this was supposed to be used when a lot of townies died, probably town's trump card, why the FUCK are you all obsessed with the concept of a never-ending D1?
My LM impersonation: good post

He claimed Miller and is fairly obvious Town.
When? Missed it completely

Also i'll throw another bone

Who ever used this ability on me, knows who I am and never bothered to come forward with it
How do you know?

My role is basically GET DOWN MISTER PRESIDENT

but shit bcs I have to do it before vote lock
I don't understand ;(

I think Charlie mightve been keeping a vote count on that
No i am not xd VC2 is last one I've made.

How are we supposed to get Karma points again ?
Play well for your alignment.

Which means me being unable to gain Karma is some sick meta joke :s

is anyone town reading polar bear?
Tbh, i'm curious what he means by that he's "self resolving".

I quoted the thing too for joining
Tbh, i made that list early on when not much was happening. I thought maybe it's something potentially harmful so like, in case bunch of people got poisoned or sth, i could check it it's related. But so many people joined that i didn't pay that much attention to it anymore. Possibly i missed more people.

did anyone check wu for desert eagle target?
Can't check kills so i assume noone else can.

I asked him earlier, he said he save it for tonight what i recall.
Well, in that case i can't check ???

Well if u think it can give us some vital info go for it
Not really. I just want to do something. Haven't used anything yet.

thanks charlie, very townie of you to keep track of that, it helps fellas like me
Naaaaaaah. I'd do so as scum too. I think.
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