There are so many loose ends. I really hope that Oda doesn't rush it. He can drag it out as long as he wants, as far as I'm concerned. Ending such a long series is going to be a HUGE logistic matter for him and his editors.

Honestly, I've wondered if recent projects like the Vivre Cards and Knowledge King contests don't benefit Oda and his assistants just because so many factoids and details are being brought up and it helps him plan his writing. He did mention he uses the Japanese fan database recently. All of those little details might escape him sometimes (like Shanks' scar!) but keeping the trivia at the forefront of the fan discussion helps remind him and his assistants of what mysteries still need answered.
It really comes down to him actually addressing the plot points he has laid out officially. IMO, Rocks is great setup and backstory for Kaido/BM, but it also creates a logistical issue for whether or not he is expanding their plots even more than intended. Will we visit God Valley? How important will Rocks be in the future? Are BM/Kaido surviving beyond Wano? Is Edward Weevil a factor? His mother? How about the other former Rocks pirates?

Its things like this that keep it going longer. The Shichibukai and Supernova, while thankfully have made the series THAT much more alive and better, are also major reasons for why the series is as long as it is. Factor in little things like Sengoku mentioning that there are other Impel Down escapees still at large or the fact that Oda randomly introduced Underworld Emperors last arc, and you start to see an everlasting pattern of Oda entirely expanding his world pretty much every arc. CP-0? Randomly introduced in DR. Caesar and Judge are essentially characters made to increasingly characterize the ever mysterious Vegapunk and the heavy science concept Oda has been avoiding until now with the SSG (another new group btw). The 4 RA commanders aside from Sabo, Ivankov and Kuma? Just more personalities to handle. Fujitora and Ryokugyu? Oda just wanted more badass Admiral level characters lol.

Now I'm expecting to see a bunch of wacky designs from the Special Science Group run by Vegapunk, advanced unique Pacifista outside of Kuma, "zodiac" Vice Admirals to cover the other missing ones aside from Momousagi and Chaton. Other WG members under Supreme Commander Kong, and more.

Its just. so. much. Am I scared Oda won't address it all? Yes, of course. Its always scary to be invested in something this big and have it all crumble. We've seen that shit plenty through Mass Effect, Game of Thrones, and much more. I don't want to see it to my favorite thing ever lol. Do I want Oda to rush to cover everything? Fuck no. I'd rather he spend another 15 years (if he wants to) fully characterizing and tackling ever single plot beat, character and event before the end. We all should. Its not right for a 100 volume manga that has yet to hit its biggest and best plot beats to skimp on them. They NEED to be the longest and most intense portions of the manga, all things considering.
(assuming this is true) More Luffy fighting, why am I not surprised, to be honest im disappointed that luffy fights too much, give us some panels of Sanji, Jimbe and Zoro fighting, add in some Kidd, Killer and Law too. Luffy being the only one getting all these fights is tedius
I have a feeling (I guessed earlier) that they will all gang up on Luffy/Yamato, but by the end of the chapter, Luffy will leave to try and save Momo, leaving Yamato alone with the F6.
I have a feeling (I guessed earlier) that they will all gang up on Luffy/Yamato, but by the end of the chapter, Luffy will leave to try and save Momo, leaving Yamato alone with the F6.
Just too much oversaturation, you have a whole bunch of characters in this arc, who are bound to play a prominent role, and you spend 1/3 of the time focusing on Luffy while the other 2/3 of the time focusing on the other 15-20 promintent characters.
The way I expect it will go :

Yonko Saga :
Wano (60-70 chapters left) : June 2022
Elbaf (50 chapters) : November 2024
Shanks Arc (15-20 chapters) : May 2025
Laughtale : (30 chapters) : April 2026

Final War Saga :
Vegapunk Lab (20-25 chapters) : January 2027
Neo-Marineford (40 chapters) : March 2028
Mariejois Raid (10-15 chapters) : July 2028

Epilogue : (5-10 chapters) : October 2028


Hustlerversity Graduate
The way I expect it will go :

Yonko Saga :
Wano (60-70 chapters left) : June 2022
Elbaf (50 chapters) : November 2024
Shanks Arc (15-20 chapters) : May 2025
Laughtale : (30 chapters) : April 2026

Final War Saga :
Vegapunk Lab (20-25 chapters) : January 2027
Neo-Marineford (40 chapters) : March 2028
Mariejois Raid (10-15 chapters) : July 2028

Epilogue : (5-10 chapters) : October 2028
Anything above 2025 is crazy
Just too much oversaturation, you have a whole bunch of characters in this arc, who are bound to play a prominent role, and you spend 1/3 of the time focusing on Luffy while the other 2/3 of the time focusing on the other 15-20 promintent characters.
I mean, hes barely been featured lol. Hes really only had 1 fight chapter against Ulti. Apoo fought multiple people, so that really doesnt count. Nobody has really encountered anyone yet. Be patient
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Anything above 2025 is crazy
This comment is crazy, its not ending in 5 years
The way I expect it will go :

Yonko Saga :
Wano (60-70 chapters left) : June 2022
Elbaf (50 chapters) : November 2024
Shanks Arc (15-20 chapters) : May 2025
Laughtale : (30 chapters) : April 2026

Final War Saga :
Vegapunk Lab (20-25 chapters) : January 2027
Neo-Marineford (40 chapters) : March 2028
Mariejois Raid (10-15 chapters) : July 2028

Epilogue : (5-10 chapters) : October 2028
The final war saga being anything under 100 chapters, especially since it will probably have triple the characters Wano has (and thats easily clearing 150 on its own), is a pretty light estimate.

Naruto and Bleach's final arcs were like 1/3 of their entire stories each and they entirely lack the depth one piece has in terms of plot. Now factor that into what Oda has to finish. It will probably be the biggest arc in the series (~200 chapters easily)
I mean, hes barely been featured lol. Hes really only had 1 fight chapter against Ulti. Apoo fought multiple people, so that really doesnt count. Nobody has really encountered anyone yet. Be patient
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This comment is crazy, its not ending in 5 years
Luffy in all of Wano, Fought with Zoro, Sumo wrestled, Fought Holdem, Fought Kaido, Fought multiple 5-6 separate times in prison, was tought Haki in the prison, gave and extraordinary amount of unnecessary panels there when they could have focused on everyone else. Fought after Oden flashback going to onigashima, fought headliners, fought apoo, fought ulti, now is with yamato going to fight again

and that's barely scratching the surface compared to the panel time eveyrone else has gotten, the only other character who has had some panel time in wano is zoro and he wasnt even in WCI and luffy still has more than double him.

to each their own point but give some other characters spotlight and leave luffy out for a couple chapters

MD Zolo

It has nothing to do with closing plot threads. The threads you guys are speaking of can be closed in a short period of time.

How many of Wano chapters proactively handed out info? Oda spends chapter after chapter to build up secondary characters. That is why the arcs Post-Ts are so big.

But we won't be needing any secondary character post-Wano. Vegapunk, RHPs and BBPs are all primary players and they won't need ridiculous amount of chapters for readers to feel something for them.

Post-Wano, we won't need the nonsensical plot stagnation for so-called character build up. Post-Wano OP is likely to have a different pacing to pre-Wano OP.
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The Oda can take a bold move and stretch the battles against the WG over many years. Describing the outcome of the main battles, make a kind of chronological description of the war, showing in the manga only the events in which the SHs took part(leaving other events for possible spin-offs), bringing the dream of each of them closer to fulfillment, until finally it is time for the last decisive battle, which he will fully describe in the manga.
But we know that everything will be strictly according to the principle and rules of senen.
That would be possible if there were enough antagonists left. When a war wages on for 100 years, the players change and only the ideology remains.

So, to continue a war for a few years is doable, but it requires a large number of antagonist battalions. Oda could've actually done this to be honest.

He could've gone from Shichibukai, to Yonkou, to Marines, to the WG itself. That would've spread the war over a long period. He could've made it dynamic too: for example, while Straw hats are fighting a Shichibukai, Oda could've shown Revolutionaries fighting somewhere else. Oda could've mixed up the story antagonist line up from one Shichibukai to one Yonkou to a Marine group or any other combination.

That could've worked. But he didn't. And honestly, it wouldn't have felt engaging for many if say...we saw Zoro achieve his goal halfway through the story.
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