Speculations The Return of Scopper Gaban

Is this Scopper Gaban?

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Easy answer is he was looking for Brook or the remaining crew. The moment Brook was confirmed to still be alive he went to Laboon.

Him getting there first isn't really an issue if he's there surprise brook as well.

Again, the emotional pay off outweighs these issues
What about the rest of the crew that went with Yorki?
@Paperchampion23 it’s pretty much “the possibilities are endless. It can be any character old or new, dead or alive, etc. excluding gaban because it doesn’t make sense because I said so”

I don’t even care if it’s him tbh but it’s ridiculous to act like it could be any character but him lol. Which I believe just comes down to trying to shit on sanji somehow through gaban. Despite them not being the same character
@Paperchampion23 it’s pretty much “the possibilities are endless. It can be any character old or new, dead or alive, etc. excluding gaban because it doesn’t make sense because I said so”

I don’t even care if it’s him tbh but it’s ridiculous to act like it could be any character but him lol. Which I believe just comes down to trying to shit on sanji somehow through gaban. Despite them not being the same character
It’s true. A lot of Sanji haters really want Gaban to be irrelevant because he’s the #3 of the Roger Pirates
@Paperchampion23 it’s pretty much “the possibilities are endless. It can be any character old or new, dead or alive, etc. excluding gaban because it doesn’t make sense because I said so”

I don’t even care if it’s him tbh but it’s ridiculous to act like it could be any character but him lol. Which I believe just comes down to trying to shit on sanji somehow through gaban. Despite them not being the same character
I just asked myself 2 things:

- Who would Crocus celebrate happily with?
- Assuming the Sillhouette matches this person, could they travel to Elbaf alone?

Thats all this really comes down to. The first one can be Yorki, sure. But the latter one cannot if they end up being the same person since Yorki is like 90.

If they are the same person, then who could realisticallty travel the entirety of Grandline faster than the crew did? A Roger Pirate would.

If they arent the same person, then sure, Yorki could be the guy with Crocus, but he isnt the man at Elbaf.

Could it be anyone? Of course. I just think Oda is finally touching on this person with Crocus, who is likely Scopper imo. Rayleigh isnt going to give us more Roger pirate lore since he isnt around, but Scopper could. He also could tell us about the Burned Scar Man assuming he knows who took the 4th RP. He could also be our gateway into more of God Valley and Rocks, because we have no one else to tell the story unless its a Rocks or Roger pirate.

Im just thinking on multiple levels here, not about some emotional resolution for one Strawhat.
How stupid do you have to be to think scooper would be in the new world to help the sh after we already had Ray to play that role . Scoopers an irrelevant bum
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It’s true. A lot of Sanji haters really want Gaban to be irrelevant because he’s the #3 of the Roger Pirates
When you’re wrong what will your cope be ? Of course scoopers irrelevant are you not reading the story lol?
Why would Oda create a ridiculously convoluted backstory for a flashback character who serves no purpose but to overshadow Brook's own goal?
The Gorosei are the size of skyscrapers, you are stuck on the idea that Oda didnt accurately portray Jupiter compared to the others lmao?

Ironic, you can count to 6 and still deny it lol
I can see the thing that you think is Peter

I have no idea how any thought at the time it was a Gorosei, and now that he has been revealed to be a massive sandworm, even less idea how it is supposed to correspond to Peter.

And yet we have a complete body to compare here, what even is this argument lol?
That it’s not a complete body, it’s sitting down so we can’t see the legs, the top of the head is cut off and the back is covered by speech bubbles and sfx.

It’s not a clear frontal look like we got of the main Holy Knight when Dragon spoke about him. It’s far closer to the Vegapunk from the back silhouette

Arent you the one saying 90 year old Yorki is just sitting the for rest of the series waiting for Brook to come back?
You just arguing to argue or?

You are saying

Why would Oda create a ridiculously convoluted backstory for a flashback character who serves no purpose but to overshadow Brook's own goal?
When ignoring that Gaban is

- a flashback character
- far less important than Yorki
- not anywhere near as relevant as Rayleigh

But Oda is setting him up to have a huge role on Elbaf, which ties into a huge role for EoS overall.

You’re also easily confused if you think “ashamed to have broken his promise to his crew, delighted to learn that one is still alive” is somehow convoluted

Or it was just a way for Oda to explain this scene lol:
Uh huh

And Oda’s way of resolving that scene was that the only other named character from Brook’s flashback is seen sailing off with a mysterious disease, still alive.

Oda could have written “half the crew left because they were scared and gave up/got disease/return Yorki’s body/any other reason.“ It would take like half a panel. Instead it’s specifically left unanswered as to whether Yorki died or not, which avoids him to avoid the Rumbar Pirates getting destroyed.

So did Yorki survive, and that’s how Crocus knows for a fact that the crew left? He heard Captain Yorki was seen in North Blue or whatever?

Doesnt matter if it doesnt overstep on his goal, it matters because "emotionally" Laboon has reunited with a Rumbar pirate already. It does shit on Brook's entire character, regardless of what the actual dream is. Bro waited 52 years to show up Brook lol.
The promise between them was never about just meeting again.

That’s why Brook never went to see Laboon during the timeskip.

It’s a romantic promise about doing the impossible and returning. Like, basic One Piece.

Not giving up less than halfway and coming back.

Yorki hasn’t fulfilled the goal, he doesn’t have the recording of the last song, and it’s possible that Laboon doesn’t recognise him. He’s there as an unexpected reward for Brook, who knows that Laboon is there waiting for him.

Or I think Yorki being alive utterly ruins Brook's backstory and character relationship with Laboon, but sure, lets make up nonsense about me thinking Brook isnt important. I dont think Yorki makes anything better for Brook.
Must just be your general “I know better” sneering tone whenever someone dares to disagree with you.

Same tone used when you said weeks that the Toppi Roppo hadn’t been defeated and that told everyone saying otherwise that they were idiots who just didn’t understand simple One Piece things as much as you, funnily enough.

Same tone you used when you started this whole thing with your whole “oh, typical powerscaling, I know so much better.”

Lol, once again, misunderstanding my point. Im talking about his clothing design. You said this person isnt a giant or wearing viking clothing, Im saying that its not relevant if he's the person talking to crocus and traveling grand line
Your point was dumb af and you had to go back to amend it to try and make sense out of it.

You initially said this, which implies that everything about the guy screamed out that that he had to be used on Elbaf, which was nonsense, then you had to go back to edit in “or anywhere else”.

And even with that “or anywhere else” point

Oda has to use the guy somewhere

There is nothing saying how that guy has to be used.

Okay bro, whatever you say. Says the person who thinks Yorki should have a bigger plot importance than Gaban, will never be shown again until the EoS because Oda isnt drawing him with Crocus.:kobeha:

Again with the huge amount of irony coming from the man who started this with “tut tut, powerscalers ruining everything“. But you want your theory to be true because it’s an uber powerful legendary figure from Roger’s crew with bombshell secrets about the past.

Can’t possible just be something that‘s not so earthshaking, but has a strong emotional payoff.

As things stand, Yorki does have far, far more plot importance than Gaban. Yorki is a hugely important part of one of the Strawhats backstories.

Gaban so far is a background character from a flashback. Everything about the guy having “big plot importance” is entirely fan speculation. He has had no influence on the story so far. You could remove him and literally nothing changes.

And the issue with any “It’s Scopper Gaban!” theories is that Rayleigh is already exists. Rayleigh can literally fulfil every purpose that Gaban can more effectively. We already have one older. wise, powerful, close comrade of Roger who has bonded with Luffy and helped him on his journey.

Why would someone who is not as close to Roger, not as close to Luffy, yes, not as strong as Rayleigh, not as important as Rayleigh, be for some reason moving into play as the last key for Luffy getting to be PK?

Why would Rayleigh not be fulfilling the role that Gaban apparently will, and is content to sit around drinking in Saobody and occasionally saving Hancock?

Why does it make sense for the random Gaban to be this last, vital role while Ray is happy to leave Luffy to his own adventure now?
Realistically it should be Gaben, even the hair looks the same
And about time we get some more juicy Roger Pirates flashback
Like who gives a shit about York anyways
Realistically it should be Gaben, even the hair looks the same
And about time we get some more juicy Roger Pirates flashback
Like who gives a shit about York anyways
We already have Ray in the story what type of idiot would include a less relavent weaker character later on in the story after we already met the vice captain . Saying it’s gaban is lunacy
Gaban along with Rayleigh are the only Roger pirates that kept their design since buggy flashback . He's clearly a major character to Oda and him playing a role in Elbaf is kinda likely with the shilloute shown
And what does Yorki do thats any better lmao? What actual lore relevant information does he bring to the table? You arent arguing a good case, you just expect one character and refute the other for whatever personal reason you have.

Yorki living effectively means Brook's entire dream is for nothing. He would have seen Laboon. Laboon would have recognized him and felt the Rumbar Pirates didnt abandon him. Better yet, why would Yorki take 50 years to visit Laboon again when he exited Grandline already?

Elbaf doesnt "need" anything, its just extremely likely this is Scopper because Oda has teased him in and out of the SBS, unlike Yorki surviving anything
Odas never teased gaban for shit
I know scopper gaban is a bit of a meme but it could definitely be him. It’s weird to see people so strongly opposed to idea of it. Scopper was given an expanded role in the anime during the oden flashback and we know for sure the staff has future knowledge of the manga, maybe oda gave them the word to do that because he knew gaban would have an upcoming role within the manga. Other than gaban though, my money would be on this being a new character. Yorki and shiki just make absolutely no sense.
Damn not wanting it to be another Roger pirate makes sense, but it’s wild how much people are hating on a character we’ve basically never met
many people subconsciously think that gabban is the sanji - equivalent roger pirate
so some people might hate on him or just glaze him