Seriously can anyone fill me in on stuff so far? Last 24 hours
2 wagons...
Ultra was poisoned D1, says he redirected it to Lanji among 10 other things about it, no proof, claimed indy Jack Sparrow after a day of dodging, no moves claimed, was thread revealed lie detected as well as being the TAC scum role, another move stated he was the serial killer. He says he is being framed and has been trolling the whole time that he can't die or be lynched, supposedly redirected away a move from Charlie that could have solved himself
People think TAC scum slipped a mafia color and Ratchet said he can ultra kill
TAC leading easily after Ultra was the obvious choice
Blue? Killed Watson who was purple mafia
A few people killed but janitor style i think
Melkor was poisoned but remains silent about it
No idea what happened between 4AM and noon my time
Probably missing a lot here lol