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Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Alomancy was used on ???

Indie Killer was used to ultra kill @Mashiro Blue completely​

Conejo Share was used on ???

Focus Energy was activated

Hyperfang was used to ultra kill ??? but it failed



ok now that i'm feeling this game again

this mf is basically an evil version of my role, I really doubt he's town
The Abyss is a mechanic in this game, and it is based on the abyss from berserk
@Reborn also claimed he had ties with it
there's no space for town skull knight in a game where both me and reborn are townies
RN probably the one bringing back scum as tree stumps btw
ahh my submission.
Nat tanked an Ultra Kill

holy shit
she scum mates with flower.
The killer was finally bought to justice
hes helping town though haha
ripped and nat skoom.

and flower.

all that sheeping you did for her and she repaid you with taking away your protection and getting you killed
I did what none of you had the guts to do.

Deadpool is a bad franchise. It needs to be stopped
WTF did you say you little shit?!
In my head @Naomi has a high pitched kinda hyper active voice
lmfao i can actually see this
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