''Speaking of Red-Leg Zeff''...talking in East Blue!!! about Zeff...has nothing to do with Sanji.
Zoro is much stronger physicaly than Sanji? Are you drunk or something? TB is the best showing that Sanji had a much more impressive feat than Zoro had in that Arc.
So you argument for Zoro being much stronger than Sanji is because he does more damage? lmao
You do realize that one is using his legs and the other one is using Sharp Weapons - Swords right?. What would cause you more damage? When someone would kick you in the stomach or cut your stomach with a freaking sword?
Obviously the sword would do more damage to you, because it would cut you open. Does it mean the one using it, is physicaly stronger? Ofc not.
Cutting steal is not based on physical strength, it's a technique...
Your Kuma example is also completely nonsense. Kuma's steal is way harder than normal steal - hence why Sanji couldn't damage it (Non DJ) and Zoro's strongest iron cutting attack only scratched it.
But we saw in the next arc - sabaody - that Sanji's DJ attacks were damaging the Pacifista, who have the same steal as Kuma.
And i also can't remember Sanji's DJ ever being overpowered in a head-on-clash.
I also want to remind you, that Sanji was breaking Jybura's Tekkai - who is specialized on that technique and more proficient than Kaku - even with non DJ attacks, while Zoro couldn't break Kaku's. The only attack which would have probably cut Kaku's Tekkai, was Shin sonson. But it was blocked.
Franky has better defense than every SH, he is a Cyborg after all.
I guess Zoro is not very good at blocking attacks either.
Luffy gets overpowered in his fights many times - but you are not saying he is bad at it. You literally cherry pick to ''prove'' that Sanji is bad at it, but ignore Zoro's and Luffy's moments where they got overpowered. And i am pretty sure, even now when i showed you panels of Zoro getting overwered (and this are only the one i remember) you stil won't say he is bad at it.
@critical mindset also showed alot of panels, which disproves your statement here.
And like i said before, when someone gets overpowered once or twice in a fight, it doesn't mean much. Happens all the time. Person X overpowers Person Y - but in the next page it's the other away around.