News One Piece: Vivre Card (Data book)-Discussion Thread

He wasnt dominating big he has his organs busted by law
On top of focusing on stiching them
Doffy was doing multi tasking
He was beyond nerfed
"He WaS nERfEd", are you fucking stupid "L"57? Then go and explain to me what difference would it make if Doflamingo was competely healthy except making him endure the attacks better? Does it increase his AP? His reflexes would be better, yes, but that's irrelevant when his only response was spamming threads worth of towns at him.
His other techniques, Flap Threads, were struggling to break base Luffy's hardening defence. Only his God Threads would legitimate puncture holes in Bound Man's techniques but that's a finisher - Katakuri didn't use Zangiri Mochi on Bound Man either.

I know he was nerfed you genius but guess what, I'm gonna stick by the facts. I could also go on and argue that Katakuri would just 100% dodge all Snake Man hits with no issues if he was healthy. So use arguments instead of relying on your fantasy.
He's talking about the mode.

Boundman is above Mingo. But Luffy with Boundman is below Mingo.

Not complicated
Boundman was above Base Doffy. Once he used awakening, Luffy landed 1 hit in 20 minutes, and was fucked by the end. I know Oda off-screened most of that battle cause DR was getting too long as it was, but he put bits and pieces here and there if you pay attention.

I think people get carried away too much by the "hype reveal" moments. ACoC Luffy started like this

and ended like this

Granted, Boundman and Awakening Doffy were much closer in power, since Luffy did win in that form, but it wasn't without fuckery and Luffy sleeping for a week or whatever later.
If Mr. Go who is > YC1 Gucci, struggled with Drake yet Yamato gave no fucks to his impediment and door-diffed his ass

Yamato stocks indirectly go up. Zero chance she's anything less than Admiral level by now
Imo it's
Yamato > Lucci > Drake >= Guernica
The Guernica > Lucci stuff is a blatant lie, Lucci could clash with casual Zoro for a while (though Zoro wasn't taking their fight very seriously at all) while Guernica was struggling with Drake and Apoo with Maha helping him
Imo it's
Yamato > Lucci > Drake >= Guernica
The Guernica > Lucci stuff is a blatant lie, Lucci could clash with casual Zoro for a while (though Zoro wasn't taking their fight very seriously at all) while Guernica was struggling with Drake and Apoo with Maha helping him
So is there a quote specifically stating Go is the strongest CP0 agent or nah? Tired of debating on pending statements