General & Others Akainu never fought the Wbp + Croc etc

A homeless guy doing better reading than you ? lmao okay.

“Aokiji froze Sanjuan, Vasco and Doc Q, then he froze DFless Pizarro and Vasco, thats it. Only few members, majority were not frozen.”

Some tell your idol Blackbeard , it just few froze people , not all my people are frozen outside.
DFless Pizarro- except his fruit never increased durability or endurance. His fruit is aint zoan. Kuzan can freeze ocean in second .
It does increase his durability, freezing one man isn't same as freezing entire island LMAO.

Aokiji can freeze an entire island, but it would take some time so he couldn't do that to Pizarro.

Plus, it was cheapshot, so its not worth of considering.

“Mihawk is actively lying to be look weaker than Buggy. “
No, mihawk want peace and quiet , not he decide to pretend weaker than buggy . Lmao
Oda: ''Mihawk is hiding behind Buggy's shadow''.

Mihawk is trying to look weaker than Buggy on purpose.

Aokiji simply accepted Teach as his superior, he could be ally not underling, but end up as underling.

“Aokiji is not. They could be equal partners like Mihawk and Croc, or Kaido and BM, but nope, Aokiji accepted to be inferior. There were 1000 copes from clowns like you saying Aokiji is ally not underling, then its revealed I was right, because they didn't want to admit Aokiji was weaker so they were coping with ''ally'' thing”

. No kuzan didn’t admit inferior to Blackbeard . Blackbeard talk Kuzan as he offer him a job . Literally nothing do with strength . The Kuzan literally threat fight Blackbeard crew before Blackbeard offer Kuzan a job position. Teach even apologize to Kuzan. Kuzan didn’t beg Blackbeard for mercy , or ask for protection, or show sign of weakness to Blackbeard as supposed how Kuzan join Blackbeard crew.

Erkan12, offering people a job doesn’t mean you are stronger than him.
Aokiji threat them when they attacked them first, and then they tried to kill them, Aokiji was simply defending himself, what did you expect? Aokjii shouldn't defend himself? Teach apologize for his men trying to kill him, not for his own behaviour.

I told you, they could be ''equal partners'' like Kaido and BM, or Mihawk and Crocodile. Thats why Marines fans were coping with ''Aokiji is ally'' because if he end up as underling it would mean he is weaker.

Being underling willingly, (if there is no lie about it like Buggy Mihawk) is accepting that his superior is stronger. Thats also why they immediately declared Buggy as Emperor because they think Buggy > Mihawk, thats how it goes in One Piece world, you not admitting this is just cope.
Erkan showing that he doesn't actually like Blackbeard from the manga One Piece but his own headcanon version of Blackbeard
kinda like zorotards
dumbass Turk man . Dont stop crying when angry white American man beating crap your family and white man told you , they attack first
:vistalaugh: Did angry white American beat you up a lot? It looks like you lil bitch still crying.

This poor low IQ clown think Americans and Turks fought in battle before :gokulaugh: You clearly not educated enough to talk about history so you don't want to embarrass yourself with your low IQ
you are living in turkey , you don’t know anything about America lmao. I am using real life example to get through your skull . Go ask greence , Eastern European men what they about ottaman empire .
Is that Turk language, sneak attack someone but get ass kicked
You have no history and no knowledge about history you little homeless punk
If you are so interested about getting beat up by ''angry Turks'' you can try your chance but won't end well for you and you will end up homeless
Lol anyone can last one second fight against you . You must be on drugs if you actually believ
You have army experience like me now lil homeless clown?
It does increase his durability, freezing one man isn't same as freezing entire island LMAO.

Aokiji can freeze an entire island, but it would take time so he couldn't do that to Pizarro.

Plus, it was cheapshot, so its not worth of considering.

Oda: ''Mihawk is hiding behind Buggy's shadow''.

Mihawk is trying to look weaker than Buggy on purpose.

Aokiji simply accepted Teach as his superior, he could be ally not underling, but end up as underling.

Aokiji threat them when they attacked them first, and then they tried to kill them, Aokiji was simply defending himself, what did you expect? Aokjii shouldn't defend himself? Teach apologize for his men trying to kill him, not for his own behaviour.

I told you, they could be ''equal partners'' like Kaido and BM, or Mihawk and Crocodile. Thats why Marines fans were coping with ''Aokiji is ally'' because if he end up as underling it would mean he is weaker.

Being underling willingly, (if there is no lie about it like Buggy Mihawk) is accepting that his superior is stronger. Thats how it goes, you not admitting this is just cope.

It does increase his durability, freezing one man isn't same as freezing entire island LMAO.

Aokiji can freeze an entire island, but it would take time so he couldn't do that to Pizarro.

Plus, it was cheapshot, so its not worth of considering.”
Except you have no evidence his devil fruit increase durablity . Literally pica 2.0 with voodoo pain transfer to himself. Man is screaming in pain by foddder fire .
It is called one second to freeze ocean for Kuzan. Kuzan done before in marineford to freeze giant waves dwarf island . Pizarro get one shot even he is island man by Kuzan.

Except it is not cheapshot , when Blackbeard crew literal attack first .

Oda: ''Mihawk is hiding behind Buggy's shadow''.

Mihawk is trying to look weaker than Buggy on purpose.

Aokiji simply accepted Teach as his superior, he could be ally not underling, but end up as underling.”

That is not proving mihawk pretend to weake than buggy .

Kuzan accept job from Blackbeard , but doesn’t mean Kuzan admit inferior to Blackbeard.

Aokiji threat them when they attacked them first, and then they tried to kill them, Aokiji was simply defending himself, what did you expect? Aokjii shouldn't defend himself? Teach apologize for his men trying to kill him, not for his own behaviour.

I told you, they could be ''equal partners'' like Kaido and BM, or Mihawk and Crocodile. Thats why Marines fans were coping with ''Aokiji is ally'' because if he end up as underling it would mean he is weaker.

Being underling willingly, (if there is no lie about it like Buggy Mihawk) is accepting that his superior is stronger. Thats how it goes, you not admitting this is just cope”

So you admit blackbeard crew attack first and kuzan didn’t cheapshot them . Second of all the Blackbeard want to hunt devil fruit. Blackbeard save his face , You forget Blackbeard can just black hole chocke on boa Hancock yet he doesn’t do it on Kuzan unless Kuzan is stronger than BB and BB find easy way out than fight Kuzan.

underling mean weaker than captain is hilarious wrong logic . Rooftop zoro outshine luffy . Mihawk Is underling of buggy . He is ain’t even equal partner with buggy or crocodile. Mihawk reason cross guild was literally for peace and quiet. So how come buggy can make mihawk and crocodile to find one piece if you think captain > underling. It doesn’t change the fact Mihakw is underling of buggy and you stock it with your retarded logic .
Akainu bulldozing through all WB Commanders was obviously never a real feat in MF

Can he do it? Sure if he goes all-out no holds-barred like in PH. Did he do it in MF? No, he was too busy leading a propaganda agenda against pirates

It does increase his durability, freezing one man isn't same as freezing entire island LMAO.

Aokiji can freeze an entire island, but it would take time so he couldn't do that to Pizarro.

Plus, it was cheapshot, so its not worth of considering.”
Except you have no evidence his devil fruit increase durablity . Literally pica 2.0 with voodoo pain transfer to himself. Man is screaming in pain by foddder fire .
It is called one second to freeze ocean for Kuzan. Kuzan done before in marineford to freeze giant waves dwarf island . Pizarro get one shot even he is island man by Kuzan.

Except it is not cheapshot , when Blackbeard crew literal attack first .

Oda: ''Mihawk is hiding behind Buggy's shadow''.

Mihawk is trying to look weaker than Buggy on purpose.

Aokiji simply accepted Teach as his superior, he could be ally not underling, but end up as underling.”

That is not proving mihawk pretend to weake than buggy .

Kuzan accept job from Blackbeard , but doesn’t mean Kuzan admit inferior to Blackbeard.

Aokiji threat them when they attacked them first, and then they tried to kill them, Aokiji was simply defending himself, what did you expect? Aokjii shouldn't defend himself? Teach apologize for his men trying to kill him, not for his own behaviour.

I told you, they could be ''equal partners'' like Kaido and BM, or Mihawk and Crocodile. Thats why Marines fans were coping with ''Aokiji is ally'' because if he end up as underling it would mean he is weaker.

Being underling willingly, (if there is no lie about it like Buggy Mihawk) is accepting that his superior is stronger. Thats how it goes, you not admitting this is just cope”

So you admit blackbeard crew attack first and kuzan didn’t cheapshot them . Second of all the Blackbeard want to hunt devil fruit. Blackbeard save his face , You forget Blackbeard can just black hole chocke on boa Hancock yet he doesn’t do it on Kuzan unless Kuzan is stronger than BB and BB find easy way out than fight Kuzan.
No clown, DFless Pizarro didn't get freeze in first time, it was in second time which was cheapshot.

Garp's Ad.CoC Galaxy Divide + Koby's Honesty Impact didn't KO him, of course his DF increase durability its obvious, stop coping clown lmao.

Kuzan listened BB's orders and undo his powers why you clown think BB should've attacked him with darkness when he is just protecting himself.

Lmao, Aokiji heard Lafitte talking thats why he attacked, Pizarro wasn't expecting thats cheapshot, are you delusional?

Aokiji only freeze 2 or 3 lower level crew members, and 2nd time was cheapshot anyways.

underling mean weaker than captain is hilarious wrong logic . Rooftop zoro outshine luffy . Mihawk Is underling of buggy . He is ain’t even equal partner with buggy or crocodile. Mihawk reason cross guild was literally for peace and quiet. So how come buggy can make mihawk and crocodile to find one piece if you think captain > underling. It doesn’t change the fact Mihakw is underling of buggy and you stock it with your retarded logic .
If you seriously believe Rooftop Zolo was stronger than Luffy lmao you are desperate and also dumb af. :gokulaugh:

I already told you retard just because Mihawk become Buggy underling, they immediately declared Buggy as Emperor, thats the common perception in One Piece, because being underling mean accepting his captain as stronger, after that Mihawk decided to keep lying not before. Otherwise they would be partners.
No clown, DFless Pizarro didn't get freeze in first time, it was in second time which was cheapshot.

Garp's Ad.CoC Galaxy Divide + Koby's Honesty Impact didn't KO him, of course his DF increase durability its obvious, stop coping clown lmao.

Kuzan listened BB's orders and undo his powers why you clown think BB should've attacked him with darkness when he is just protecting himself.

Lmao, Aokiji heard Lafitte talking thats why he attacked, Pizarro wasn't expecting thats cheapshot, are you delusional?

If you seriously believe Rooftop Zolo was stronger than Luffy lmao you are desperate and also dumb af. :gokulaugh:

I already told you retard just because Mihawk become Buggy underling, they immediately declared Buggy as Emperor, thats the common perception in One Piece, because being underling mean accepting his captain as stronger, after that Mihawk decided to keep lying not before. Otherwise they would be partners.

No clown, DFless Pizarro didn't get freeze in first time, it was in second time which was cheapshot.

Garp's Ad.CoC Galaxy Divide + Koby's Honesty Impact didn't KO him, of course his DF increase durability its obvious, stop coping clown lmao.”

Lol you headcannon DF made Pizarro more durability when it is not .

Island man Pizarro got hurt by fodder fire . That is not improve durability or endurance.

Kuzan listened BB's orders and undo his powers why you clown think BB should've attacked him with darkness when he is just protecting himself.

Lmao, Aokiji heard Lafitte talking thats why he attacked, Pizarro wasn't expecting thats cheapshot, are you delusional?”

Kuzan just feel to listen BB as he feel like , not he is obey guy. Except BB darkness pull literal have no risk like he did boa Hancock .

Kuzan literally scream and he will fight everyone. Is Pizarro completely deaf ? He is sitting next to Kuzan beforr fight happen.

“If you seriously believe Rooftop Zolo was stronger than Luffy lmao you are desperate and also dumb af. “
Dumbass turk, yes zoro outshine luffy in rooftop.

“I already told you retard just because Mihawk become Buggy underling, they immediately declared Buggy as Emperor, thats the common perception in One Piece, because being underling mean accepting his captain as stronger, after that Mihawk decided to keep lying not before. Otherwise they would be partners”

‘As I told you Mihakw want peace and quiet life , no he didn’t pretend to be weaker than buggy . Mihawk is WSS and stronger than shanks. Mihawk is ain’t partner with buggy . The underling logic is very bad . Heck DBS don’t even believe like Gas .
@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases. He is mile mile better. Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
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@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases. He is mile mile better. Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases.

@MarineHQ teach me this Itachi level Genjutsu you cast upon this fool

Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
^Bro seeing mirages in the desert
@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases. He is mile mile better. Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
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@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases. He is mile mile better. Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
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Which MarineHQ are you talking about bro. Disrespecting and insulting other fanbases is all I do on here.

@MarineHQ teach me this Itachi level Genjutsu you cast upon this fool

^Bro seeing mirages in the desert
Akainu fought commanders and Croco for a while before marines helped him just like Sengoku fought bbp for a while before Garp & marines went to help
Which MarineHQ are you talking about bro. Disrespecting and insulting other fanbases is all I do on here.

Still best admiral fan at least on this forum imo, say alot about the rest. when I say you are respectfull I wasnt saying you are solf nor dont injure either if anything most of your post are fun for me to read plus above all liked your tenacity in the dark time for kizaru. And dont take my positivity about you as being a fan either. You can point sommeones qualities without being in the same team lol. My post was also a rebutal that you are another kinyagi who was changing agenda every weeks.
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Akainu fought commanders and Croco for a while before marines helped him just like Sengoku fought bbp for a while before Garp & marines went to help
It was all marines vs commanders and croco just that akainu was highlightned by oda as he did garp and sengoku vs blackbeard pirates.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases. He is mile mile better. Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
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@MarineHQ is best admiral fan, always cool when debating, doernt take it personal and will admit if he was wrong plus most freindly toward the others fanbases. He is mile mile better. Plus I remember when kizaru was getting trashed by the whole OP community so bad that the admirals fans themselfs didnt show up anymore marinehq was always there to protect his favs all while respecting the others fanbase.
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MarineHQ trashtalked Kizaru you delululu
In fact, we can see numerous Marine soldiers right behind Akainu. In all the panels, it's not possible to see a single relevant commander in front of Akainu, like Marco or Vista, and we see other commanders focused on eliminating the Marine soldiers. So, it's not that 1 vs. all commanders fight that people blatantly lie about Akainu having done. If they want a 1 vs. all example, the greatest one is the monstrous feat of Kaidou vs. the 9 powerful samurais.
