No no. This is not an assumption. This is a conclusion based on the words of Putin himself and his imperialist ideology.

The same way we can say that Netanyahou wants to prepare Gaza for the colonization, we can say the same for Putin.
You dems always run on the assumptions you make and expect the other side to accept your dogmatic truths. Well, I don't. Israel openly says they wanna destroy Gaza. Putin would have done peace talks with Ukr in 2022 if Boris Johnson didn't stop them.
You are also extremely incoherent, you say you don't want war but you want to recover all of Ukranian territories. Anyone with a grain of awereness would understand that these two positions are mutually exclusive. So yeah, huge conversation and it's been a waste of time like always. I feel we are unnecessarily monopolizing this thread so I will probably stop responding after this.
can they even get past the current ones? they are still struggling
No man you don't understand they won't stop until they have Lisbon and London.:gokulaugh:
I'm a leftist. Democrates are my political ennemies.

the assumptions you make and expect the other side to accept your dogmatic truths
There is no dogmatic truth on my side. Our ideology is supported by research and real activist who know how reality looks like.

Well, I don't. Israel openly says they wanna destroy Gaza. Putin would have done peace talks with Ukr in 2022 if Boris Johnson didn't stop them.
You have to look beyond the words and more toward the ideology mate. If you don't understand why Putin invaded Ukraine in the first part, you won't understand why he won't stop to small territories.

You are also extremely incoherent, you say you don't want war but you want to recover all of Ukranian territories.
No I'm not. You simply do not pay enough intention.

I'm not against war if this war is needed. For example, if nothing can stop a fascist country to do a genocide, I'm for a full scale intervention. But ONLY on the basis of helping the population NEVER on the basis of political interests or ressources. War is necessary when ALL the others possible solutions have been tested to end the conflict. War should not happen to defend a country but a population.

So yeah, I'm against war. But I know that sometimes, there is no other solutions.

So long
I'm a leftist. Democrates are my political ennemies.

There is no dogmatic truth on my side. Our ideology is supported by research and real activist who know how reality looks like.

You have to look beyond the words and more toward the ideology mate. If you don't understand why Putin invaded Ukraine in the first part, you won't understand why he won't stop to small territories.

No I'm not. You simply do not pay enough intention.

I'm not against war if this war is needed. For example, if nothing can stop a fascist country to do a genocide, I'm for a full scale intervention. But ONLY on the basis of helping the population NEVER on the basis of political interests or ressources. War is necessary when ALL the others possible solutions have been tested to end the conflict. War should not happen to defend a country but a population.

So yeah, I'm against war. But I know that sometimes, there is no other solutions.

So long
My arguments are based on facts (ie: things that actually happened), your arguments are based on the assumption that you are somehow smarter and more educated than anyone else here and everyone must accept your bizzarre opinions about future events.
INo I'm not. You simply do not pay enough intention.

I'm not against war if this war is needed. For example, if nothing can stop a fascist country to do a genocide, I'm for a full scale intervention. But ONLY on the basis of helping the population NEVER on the basis of political interests or ressources. War is necessary when ALL the others possible solutions have been tested to end the conflict. War should not happen to defend a country but a population.

So yeah, I'm against war. But I know that sometimes, there is no other solutions.

So long
-Brush: so are you against WWIII in Europe?

-Logiko: yeah.

-Two days later

-Logiko: what I actually mean is I am in favour of war because Russia is fascist, you are not paying enough "intention".

-two days wasted discussing on WG instead of studying for exams.
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you mean +2 lead on NYT/Sierra, +3 the most accurate polster from 2020 and more on rasmussen yeah go cry about that🤡
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Would have no chance? He had the most voice as the sitting president the only reasons are NY and California stop talking bullshit. Your country literally banned x and starlink Brazilian communist..
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Attempt #2 on Trump‘s life the third attempt will be coming soon...
Rasmusen polls :gokulaugh:
My arguments are based on facts (ie: things that actually happened), your arguments are based on the assumption that you are somehow smarter and more educated than anyone else here and everyone must accept your bizzarre opinions about future events.
Sure. And the grass is blue.

-Brush: so are you against WWIII in Europe?

-Logiko: yeah.

-Two days later

-Logiko: what I actually mean is I am in favour of war because Russia is fascist, you are not paying enough "intention".

-two days wasted discussing on WG instead of studying for exams.
Mate, if for WWIII not to happen we have to accept genocides and crime against humanity, I see really no reasons to keep calling ourself humans.

Yes, we must do everything to stop WWIII from happening, but it doesn't mean losing ourself in the process.

We talked about this, they are the left 😭
Still no.
They are on the left of Republican, that's true, but they are not the left. The left is not represented is the United States.
Mate, if for WWIII not to happen we have to accept genocides and crime against humanity, I see really no reasons to keep calling ourself humans.

Yes, we must do everything to stop WWIII from happening, but it doesn't mean losing ourself in the process.
The trench is waiting for us then. Hope you don't regret it once sh*t hits the fan.
U.S. Democratics aren't leftist. Nowhere close to it. They are right wing.
It's crazy how people in Europe have completely bought into the idea that democrats are somehow on the left when they don't even believe in a national healthcare system. Any social safety net programs Europeans take for granted is something the democrats have consistently failed to protect ever since the Clinton era. Hell, they even work across the aisle with republicans to cut funding for these programs.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
It's crazy how people in Europe have completely bought into the idea that democrats are somehow on the left when they don't even believe in a national healthcare system. Any social safety net programs Europeans take for granted is something the democrats have consistently failed to protect ever since the Clinton era. Hell, they even work across the aisle with republicans to cut funding for these programs.
Pro Immigration? Nah they depart a ton of migrants, far more than the Republicans party, so that companies to keep wages low and the govenrment gradually remove retirement benefits. Also funded Trump's wall plan.

Pro LGBTQ? Nah they help pass anti-LGBTQ legislation on the state level.

Pro Renewable energy? Nah they pass bills that allow for more oil and gas drilling.

Well hey, at least Democrats say nice things which is all that matters. European successfully fell for the marketing ploy.
Pro Immigration? Nah they depart a ton of migrants, far more than the Republicans party, so that companies to keep wages low and the govenrment gradually remove retirement benefits. Also funded Trump's wall plan.

Pro LGBTQ? Nah they help pass anti-LGBTQ legislation on the state level.

Pro Renewable energy? Nah they pass bills that allow for more oil and gas drilling.

Well hey, at least Democrats say nice things which is all that matters. European successfully fell for the marketing ploy.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
"Just in: Trump assassin has been identified as 58 year old Ryan routh. Routh is a registered republican from Hawaii who has a history of mental illness. Routh flew in from Hawaii to west palm beach and purchased the ak47 and full body armor that he was wearing during the assassination attempt."

My honest reaction to this paragraph

What in the actual Kentucky Fried Kaido is happening in this crazy ass fucking country?
"Just in: Trump assassin has been identified as 58 year old Ryan routh. Routh is a registered republican from Hawaii who has a history of mental illness. Routh flew in from Hawaii to west palm beach and purchased the ak47 and full body armor that he was wearing during the assassination attempt."

My honest reaction to this paragraph

What in the actual Kentucky Fried Kaido is happening in this crazy ass fucking country?
That makes 2 republicans who’ve tried to kill Trump. It is honestly mind boggling.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
First you don't understand what a notion is. Second that might be French terminology which I don't care for. Third name 3 political positions she has without actually looking it up. Tell me what makes you feel like she's better than a Macron or a Joe Biden.
"You don't understand what a notion is" is making me lose it, I'm laughing so fucking hard, the funniest random one liner I've seen on WorstGen, holy shit.

Oh I needed that after today, thanks.