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Back to garbage chapter.
Whenever the chapter focuses on side characters, it always become better. When the chapter focuses back to Straw Hats, it becomes garbage again. Speaks volume how shitty the main characters are
Cat attacking Usopp getting saved by Sanji Zoro already happened in Little Garden…

This is going to be callback city
Do you have the panel
It's not fun
We're past those times

This is the endgame and Luffy is a Yonko
Nobody wanna be seeing the same old stuff
It’s one piece
Not everything has to be super serious or have huge plot ramifications. Some things can just be fun and that’s okay

Being upset at “fun” is weird
Like damn they literally just got on the island this chapter lol
Enel and urouge definitely need to show up this arc
Along with them I’m personally also hoping for the rest of the supernova, Kuzan, and Linlin

Yeah the surviving lunarians hiding in Elbaf definitely makes a lot of sense. Them and the giants working together due to their mutual love of joyboy/nika
Meeting them is probably when we’ll get a little flashback to what we missed from the seraphim fights
One of my old threads

Maybe also the Burned Scar Man:pepebusi:
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