I am not just randomly calling him a retard and shit, I usually try to prove him wrong and I can discuss with him for hours. You basically just entered a discussion randomly calling people retards for disagreeing with you. Attacking US media would also entail talking about the US, so it is still not coherent. You also can't just barge in here telling people what they can or can't talk about.
I didn’t randomly call you a retard, you made a retarded comment so I called you accordingly. The fact that I even laid the reasoning perfectly and you still can’t understand shows how fucking empty that head of yours is.
So let's talk about American journalism instead of wasting time with random foulmouths. A couple of days ago, right after the attempt on Trump, news agencies were saying it was a gun fight between two random people with no link to Donald. They probably weren't 100% sure about what had happened, but their first instinct was spreading a tale that favoured their political allegiance. Truly ethical journalism.
Redirecting and outright lying about the actual incident in a published article isn't the worst thing that could happen. Sometimes, an article gets published the first time in a news site and a couple days later, the article somehow gets deleted...and thus, a source of proof for an incident or a story, gone, just like that.

A lesson to be learned IRL: Never let an opportunity slip; you might witness it only once!
Because they aren't journalists, Just propagandists. yet people lick it up and believe the lies they are told. Talk about no critical thinking skills.
These people are sellouts.
I mostly follow sources opposing the US and especially the Dems but I swear, after one hour of international papers repeating that it was two random nutties duking it out outside, even the sources I follow were saying it was not related to Trump. They were so shameless in telling their lie that even people who distrust them the most didn't think they were faking it.
I didn’t randomly call you a retard, you made a retarded comment so I called you accordingly. The fact that I even laid the reasoning perfectly and you still can’t understand shows how fucking empty that head of yours is.
Yeah yeah you did everything perfectly honey.
Just try to understand that right now, the same people working in factories, creating all of the goods that we use and enjoy, made the decision to work there so they can provide for the families back home.

It's likely that without their current job, their families (including the kids) might end up becoming homeless, and job opportunities are harder to come by and pay jack sh1t in those countries.

The sunshine and the rainbow never shine upon the poorer countries 😮
Let's not use the fact that people have a job to justify our bad usage.

Yes, in a capitalist and interconnected world, you and me cannot do without a phone without suffering highcore social consequences. But this doesn't mean that this is cool or that we cannot challenge de system. That would be an imperialist and colonialist point of view.

I usually try to prove him wrong and I can discuss with him for hours
By sayin that I'm dumb lol. The day you will manage to provide evidence to our conversation, there will be one. For now, it's me showing you evidences and you calling my evidences bonkers.

Great point

A video about an unrelated but (equally) controversial topic. It's an occupation that's as old as time itself.

It's really interesting because this video shade a light on a lot of subjects that Japan is struggling about more than any other country. But there is a big takeway :

Women are refusing to have sex and in consequences men seek sex elsewhere which result as more women having to have sex for work.

On one hand it's interesting because it shows that some women would be ok with their partner just simply going out for sex. This shows quite an healthy vision of sexuality (from women). On the other, this shows that there is a deeper problem behind it and NO MATTER what happen, it's women who have to bare the burden of frustrated men (in the best cases).

In reality, this does not shock me. It's actually quite logical. Patriarchy in Japan is just on another level but it's a very taboo topic.

What this video doesn't show is that there are great deal of burden put on women to be housewifes (women are often harrassed at work because they are women). And men on the other hand are not educated to take the feelings and the consent of women into account. This creates a situation where men think that they have sexual need that need to be fullfiled by a non repulsive woman and women that are put in front of men that completely denies their desire.

So of course women do not want to have sex with them and I find that good that they still have the strenght to refuse. But ... as a result, other women have to bare the burden and since Japan is so incapable of questionning itself, they go deeper and deeper into creepy stuff and as poverty is growing, younger and younger women have to find ways to live and men are going toward prostitution thinking that they are doing a favor to those young women

This is really a vicious circle. The solution is obviously not to attack prostitution because it would only put more women in precarity, but at least attacking the roots of different problems such as child trafficking and child prostitution and social service to help those in need would be a plus. If we started to stop seeing work as such a moral peak value and care for the exploitees.. that would be a start and maybe japanese people would be able to have an healthier vision of work and relationships in general.

But above all else, we need activist to really push the questionning of patriarchy there. Men cannot act like they have acted for 400 years anymore. Things need to change and women need to be taken into account.
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Idc about his shithole country
Says the Murican🙃
Redirecting and outright lying about the actual incident in a published article isn't the worst thing that could happen. Sometimes, an article gets published the first time in a news site and a couple days later, the article somehow gets deleted...and thus, a source of proof for an incident or a story, gone, just like that.

A lesson to be learned IRL: Never let an opportunity slip; you might witness it only once!
Or the story was true and the guy they caught now is being framed to sway public opini
A video about an unrelated but (equally) controversial topic. It's an occupation that's as old as time itself.
Second comment:
That would be an imperialist and colonialist point of view.
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Routh had no military experience, but already in his late 50s, he traveled to Ukraine and began pushing the idea of recruiting U.S.-trained former soldiers from Afghanistan to fight in Ukraine. “I’m talking to a hundred soldiers every day,” he claimed in a 2023 interview with the news site Semafor. Routh admitted in that interview that Ukrainian officials opposed the idea and “pretty much yelled at me every time that I suggested that we bring in Afghans.”
Why does it seem to be the norm that Trump assassins have been in the spotlight at some point before the incident? This alone makes them suspicious.