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It was 5am my time, I was exhausted, extremely frustrated, and fuji simply pushed me over the edge and I slipped, I wasn't thinking at that point. I have no excuses for my actions. I simply lost my composure. Can we please move forward? I acknowledged that what I did is wrong on the spot. Mistakes happens, I don't recall the last time I lost my composure like that and went on the dark side.
Yeah you didnt, you straight up keep berrating me for leaving this town even after you did bro. I get that you didnt know the context but now that you do in knowing my history with Alcohol that maybe you should stop that.
Yeah you didnt, you straight up keep berrating me for leaving this town even after you did bro. I get that you didnt know the context but now that you do in knowing my history with Alcohol that maybe you should stop that.
Have you ever seen me lose my compsure like that?? like I am not sure what exactly you guys want from me? you make a mistake, acknwoledge it on the spot and move on. I never lost my composure like this before, not in any recent memory. You didn't make it easy either, I literally asked you god knows how many times to just leave me alone, but you kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing until I snapped.

You leaving the game and subbing out is a different story.
Well, no

You keep beating a dead horse literally

He is going to be on the defense and double down, always
I know you don't give a shit, I know you have no real malicious intent

Like what even is the purpose of constantly replaying this debacle other than stripping away your sanity piece by piece my dude
If it's not a time waster for you then whatever
But it does get distracting reading it in game

Kudos to you for trying to genuinely scumhunt or townsearch when you know it's best for games in the end
Per usual I'm only half sure of what you're saying, but you don't have to validate his pathetic crocodile tears at my expense. I pointed the mod to my scum chat over his behavior. He is saying I am a criminal without a hint of irony. Suck my dick Watto
Per usual I'm only half sure of what you're saying, but you don't have to validate his pathetic crocodile tears at my expense. I pointed the mod to my scum chat over his behavior. He is saying I am a criminal without a hint of irony. Suck my dick Watto
him accusing you of being a criminal is laughable but i didn't want to bother with that wildly wrong accusation to begin with
Have you ever seen me lose my compsure like that?? like I am not sure what exactly you guys want from me? you make a mistake, acknwoledge it on the spot and move on. I never lost my composure like this before, not in any recent memory. You didn't make it easy either, I literally asked you god knows how many times to just leave me alone, but you kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing until I snapped.

You leaving the game and subbing out is a different story.
Me leaving the game after you said that is not only the same story but the main reason for why I left, and its perfectly understandable and you shouldnt berate me for leaving town to its fate. I am past your insult and dont care bro, youre alright but lets not act like what I did wasnt warranted.
Me leaving the game after you said that is not only the same story but the main reason for why I left, and its perfectly understandable and you shouldnt berate me for leaving town to its fate. I am past your insult and dont care bro, youre alright but lets not act like what I did wasnt warranted.
You didn't leave after that though, only after you went back and forth with ratchet. But either way, subbing out generally speaking when things get too heated is not something I take too keen on personally. But you do you. Like this has nothing to do with our back and forth, and I wasn't looking at it from that Pov either, it's just a pattern I noticed with you. You might deny it all you want, but it's the truth.

Also, let's not act like you were an angel here by any means. You were suffocating to deal with and didn't want the game move forward besides one of us dying. You put me in your townie list because I snapped? that's fucked up. If you truly cared about reading me, you would of not even let it reach to that point. You the one who didn't wanna work with me here, not me. YOU.
From my perspective, I don't see harassment. I fully appreciate that I don't have the same perspective as you. So all I have to offer are compromises. I think/hope that without Ultra being in the game, you'd have more fun, and similarly he would enjoy it more. If that doesn't work then we'll have to explore something else.
Really, he has been doing it for months across sites, promoting OLF here as cheating free specifically mentioning us, after I quit posting on there...came here and started it all up and has continued it even more because he isn't getting his way, tried to have me replaced forcibly this game and get you involved for me voting him, has multiple people believing his lies and those people won't play with me cause of what he said, etc. I could go on. I have done nothing but react. Its not even about Ultra not being in a game. Some of this have been before games, in mafia chat, discord chat etc. This isnt just some thing to sneeze at
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