Chapter Discussion Is Oda cooked or is Elbaf's server broken?

I think you guys don't understand the level here. We are not simply talking about 2 or three little mistakes (something that is quite inevitable) we are talking about a chapter FILLED with mistakes and errors of continuity OR complete design change.

There are two explanations :

- Either Oda constructed this chapter in a deconstructed ways (but this doesn't explain some of the mistakes)
- Either Oda left us a big clue for the future of this storyline.

Usually there are 2.. maybe 3 mistakes at worse. Here, it's more than 20 ! And not just that, it's RECURING errors and real design changes, sometimes in the SAME page.

Any editor checking that would be very surprised.
A manga is a hand crafted product not going through a real q n a process (one other human that lives in odas studio)

Seems I actually understand it very well, it statically not that crazy

All these errors happened individually already last arc like the shape shifting sword of horseman for example
I think you guys don't understand the level here. We are not simply talking about 2 or three little mistakes (something that is quite inevitable) we are talking about a chapter FILLED with mistakes and errors of continuity OR complete design change.

There are two explanations :

- Either Oda constructed this chapter in a deconstructed ways (but this doesn't explain some of the mistakes)
- Either Oda left us a big clue for the future of this storyline.

Usually there are 2.. maybe 3 mistakes at worse. Here, it's more than 20 ! And not just that, it's RECURING errors and real design changes, sometimes in the SAME page.

Any editor checking that would be very surprised.
Dude the errors are mostly just a sword that Oda has never drawn before and is just for this one arc and is not the part of Nami Oda cares about.

You’re reading way too deep into this
A manga is a hand crafted product not going through a real q n a process (one other human that lives in odas studio)
Actually it does. That's the job of the editors. They are not just here to supervise the overall story, they are here also for quality check. And were are talking about a BIG slip up here, not just the common mistake that we usually see.

All these errors happened individually already last arc like the shape shifting sword of horseman for example
Again, they will happen pretty much each chapter. What is not normal is how many there are here.

Dude the errors are mostly just a sword that Oda has never drawn before and is just for this one arc and is not the part of Nami Oda cares about.
The error is not just the sword, the error comes from the fact of making the sword appear AND disappear multiple time, the band appear and disappear MULTIPLE times, the switching shapes of the designs, the clear change of OBJECTS between panel of the SAME page, the error of moves, the thematic of the illusion, the repetition of a combo panel.

We call that a pattern. It's not a simple case of a few errors, it's multiple occurences that should not even be possible unless there was a problem during the creation of the chapter OR by design.

You’re reading way too deep into this
Really, no. You should be amazed by the number of error here. This NEVER happened on this scale. (at least not in my knowledge)

Is there any prove that shows that Oda write manga chapters? Because it could be all assistance
Also fun fact: it's all about errors on the characters and not the environement.


Again, In term of continuity, it's not just three errors, it's AT LEAST 20.
Probably just mistakes. Having a whole scene of Usopp being sure it's a hallucination, just to get slapped with the reality of the situation seems pretty convincing. Maybe there's some trickery going on, but I doubt it's all a hallucination.
If those are all indeed mistakes, Oda should take a long time off.

I've counted at least 10 (!) pretty big consistency errors this chapter.
I'm not talking about the characters, I mean the lego buildings.
If you have two people working on the same thing without good coordination, the end product will feel disconnected. This Smoke on bike scene is an example. The bike is drawn by his editor, after editor finished it, then Oda drew Smoker on top of his editor's work. Oda don't draw Smoker holding the handle might be because editor and Oda have two different perspectives, scene like this should drawn by one person. Also it will cause mistakes that require to erase partial of the bike which Oda probably doesn't want to overlap his editor's work.
That doesn't logically follow and here's why:
A mangaka storyboards their chapter alone and does the character art (at the very least). Oda's assisstants, as of the last time we got an update on it, only drew background buildings.
Second of all, if his assisstant first drew the bike then Oda would have an easier time drawing a Smoker that actually holds the bikes' handles, don't you think so?
Smoker was drawn like that because he powers his bike with his DF and doesn't need to hold the handles + he looks cooler that way. Simple as

Assisstants' work is never used as the base, ever, otherwise that would make them the mangaka and not Oda (or whoever else)
If those are all indeed mistakes, Oda should take a long time off.

I've counted at least 10 (!) pretty big consistency errors this chapter.
If those are not errors, I think it's a magistral way to introduce the fact that we are in an illusion. It's so meta

Idk if it’s that weird but when nami fell down she didn’t end up getting hurt at all with another pitch black panel popping up before we see her land. Same type of panel popped up when she woke up
I agree.

I just really hope it is done on purpose, otherwise it would be a pretty big letdown tbh.
More than that, it's would be scary. This should not be happening or even pass through the editor or even Oda himself.

Imagine, it's like you are a film director and there is a continuity error on every shots. It's a nightmare for the editor later.

On a first read, it was smooth for me.. (even if I sensed a weird stuff from the jump of Nami without damages), but it's obvious once you see it. The errors and discontinuities are everywhere. It's like Oda played a game of "how many error can I put without being spotted?"
Making an entire chapter without one single mistake is very hard by design.. but here... it's just another level.

The nature are similar, yes. The recurrence are not normal.

(Chap 1126)
- The sword with a spherical pummel and a simple circular guard appears
- The bandana appears
- The circle vest button appears

Chap 1127:
> The sword disappears
> The band on the left arm disappears

- The sword reappears

> The sword had now a circle pummel

- The bandana reappears

> The circle vest button is a square now

> The sword disappears

- The sword reappears

> The band on the left arm disappears

> The sword now has a fancy guard, not a circular one

- The band on her left arm reappears

(notice here that even in panels where Nami is just suggested, Oda take the time to draw the sword and the band on her arm)

- Usopp's bag appears

> The sword diseappears (middle panel)

(Notice that those three are on the SAME page)

(still no sword)

> The band on the left arm disappears

- The sword reappears
- The band on the left arm reappears

> The sword disappears
> Usopp's bag disappears

- The bag reappears

(Still no sword)

(Still no sword)

> The band on the left arm disappears

(Clearly still no sword)

> Usopp's bag disappears

(still no sword ?)

(yeah, still no sword)

> Luffy uses a Gear 3 attack but calls it Gear 4
> Luffy has no weapon behind his back
> Luffy has no strawhat showing

Why is Nami shocked ? (she should know that the trio would take care of that)

(Still no sword)

> A sword appears on Luffy's back

(Still no Usopp's bag)
(Still no sword on Nami)
(Still no strawhats)

- The band on her left arm reappears

(Still no strawhat)

The dialogue here, feel a bit eefy, but it could be a confirmation bias

> An axe appears on Luffy's back
> Is this really Enma on the bottom left ?

(Still no sword)

> The vest button is a CIRCLE again

I count at least 20 mistakes and at least 20 inconsistancies.

Something is off.
On top of that assuming they all drank a similar amount sanji, usopp, and luffy should no way be awake before nami. Tho luffy along with chopper probably didn’t drink since they don’t really like it

Based only on the last chapter only nami, zoro, sanji, and usopp drank. Which imo makes the most sense

Besides luffy and chopper who don’t drink zoro is probably okay too unless he underestimated the fairy drink. I could be wrong but I don’t think we’ve ever seen zoro deadass shitfaced

Maybe while nami, sanji, and usopp accidentally got fucked up they took the sunny while luffy, zoro, and chopper where knocked out from eating and zoro being zoro

So maybe x2 if the “drunk trio” separated so will the “sleep trio” to look for them. It probably being luffy and nami, zoro and sanji, and chopper and usopp. Tho I wouldn’t mind it being mixed up those just seem like common pairings
That doesn't logically follow and here's why:
A mangaka storyboards their chapter alone and does the character art (at the very least). Oda's assisstants, as of the last time we got an update on it, only drew background buildings.
Second of all, if his assisstant first drew the bike then Oda would have an easier time drawing a Smoker that actually holds the bikes' handles, don't you think so?
Smoker was drawn like that because he powers his bike with his DF and doesn't need to hold the handles + he looks cooler that way. Simple as

Assisstants' work is never used as the base, ever, otherwise that would make them the mangaka and not Oda (or whoever else)
Of crouse Oda did all the design and storyboard first.
I'm trying to say Oda doesn't subject to one design, he often reiterate the design while drawing them. So the initial design that Oda gave to his assistants were not actually his finite desired design. After his assistants drawn them, he have to follow on that work which limiting his creativity. This is just my guess, sometimes I feel oda is frustrated, he just simply scribble on them.
Of crouse Oda did all the design and storyboard first.
I'm trying to say Oda doesn't subject to one design, he often reiterate the design while drawing them. So the initial design that Oda gave to his assistants were not actually his finite desired design. After his assistants drawn them, he have to follow on that work which limiting his creativity. This is just my guess, sometimes I feel oda is frustrated, he just simply scribble on them.
Again, you're confused regarding the process: Osda's assisstants only draw backgrounds. Anything interacting with the characters or the characters themselves is drawn by Oda's hand start to finish
I highly doubt Sanji described IJ in vivid detail between arcs for zero reason…

It’s not a hallucination.
He could just have said : "Nami swan I made a new move called Ifrit Jambe, it makes blue electricity"... The rest Nami already saw the position of Sanji's attacks, and she saw the exact same combo move (named similarily)

If it is not an hallucination, Nami is clearly having a bad trip and puzzling her reality with informations she already knows.

The thematic of the chapter is about hallucinations AND the land is not called "Elbaf", but the "Land of Mystery".

The coincidence is too big to be just a pattern. Let's sum up :

- Nami is first talking about dreaming
- At least 20 continuity mistakes
- We are in a toy town, literally a fake town
- Usopp and Nami are talking about having an hallucination
- Nami falls but doesn't take real damage and she just get back up the way she woke up.
- The cat turned into a Lion.. without reasons
- The last combo panel is a replica of chapter 162 that Nami witnessed.

All of this could be nothing and we would need to have a serious discussion about Oda. Or.. we are simply in front of a masterclass.

They are mistakes, we see people outside of the SH perspective
Yes. Did you notice the fact that they do not have giant size ?

Weird, right ?

Again, you're confused regarding the process: Osda's assisstants only draw backgrounds. Anything interacting with the characters or the characters themselves is drawn by Oda's hand start to finish
Plus there is something weird:

The design of Nami vest broche, is similar at the end of chapter 1126 and at the end chapter 1127, but NOT during the entire 1127 chapter.

So we can rule out the fact that Oda just changed the design while drawing UNLESS, he drew the ending of 1126 and 1127 at the same time, which is possible. (But then, he purposefully removed the sword)