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Your telling people we are brothers, twins, have the same IP address, live in the same house, are in the same room, (again according to Ral you don't know this) making up we look at each others computers (despite the fact we only play on cell phones)...again in some false crusade to harass and attack us for cheating that has not and will never happen
Nah you're just in complete hysterics. Acting like it's basically murder some people would rather not play a game with you. Kek
addresses can only give a rough location, like the city or region, based on the ISP’s info. They don’t provide an exact address or personal details. The geolocation of an IP isn’t precise because it usually tracks the ISP’s network, not the exact modem or user location. So, no one, including Administrators (or super moderators), can pinpoint your exact location from your IP.
Crux of it
There is no shady shit you fucktard
Backed into a corner and called out on your shady Mafia game tactics, and that’s all you have to say? I didn’t know I was talking to a parrot, repeating the same things over and over. If I were running this section, I would have banned you from playing Mafia a long time ago, but you were given the benefit of the doubt here, even on OLF, where the staff members who run our Mafia section have allowed you to play the way you play now.


Here you go, so Ultra despite some people trying to say otherise does know our actual IP Address and now according to Ral that only gives a city or generalized location...yet Ultra has been spewing far deeper shit. So again, this is fucked up
Honestly dude, can you shut the fuck up for one second and hear what kind of shit you are posting? You are getting to the point where you’re grasping onto any information you’ve read to try and defend yourself from something you know is wrong to keep doing. Yet here you are, still trying to use other people's posts to defend yourself instead of being straight with everyone. Give us solid proof that you aren't playing dirty and that you aren't sharing game info with your sibling, and we'll all gladly eat our words. Otherwise, stop slandering Ultra's name or anyone else’s who has caught onto your bullshit. If you have proof that Ultra has been "spewing" far deeper shit, then show the players in the game here your proof. Otherwise, please be quiet, take a seat, and play these games more fairly instead of wasting people's time, including my own.

Also fuck you. Id appreciate it if you and your staff would stop spreading lies and made up shit and calling me a cheater that has NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!
Cry me a river, dude, lol. I have spent enough of my morning wasting time trying to set this situation straight and put it to bed, but here you are, bitching and crying over being caught multiple times using unfair game tactics. I’m sure as hell confident that players who suspect you are playing dirty can come up with enough proof to yeet your ass from playing any Mafia games on WG and OLF. But just like me, they don’t want to waste time on someone like you who constantly tries to brush over the obvious.

I'll say this once more: if you have solid proof that Ultra or any staff member involved in my forum who also plays Mafia here has shared your personal IP address info, I’ll gladly yeet myself from this thread.

despite the fact we only play on cell phones
That only makes the accusations more solid in proof that you and your so-called "sibling" are playing dirty. It's extremely easy to sit in the same room with different devices, lol'ing as you both share important game information with each other. People aren't stupid, dude, and I'm honestly baffled that there isn't a rule about two or more players playing under the same roof not being allowed because it sure as hell shouldn't be. Though, to be fair, even if that were taken out of the equation, people can still message each other through other mediums to share information. The fact of the matter is that you are making Mafia not fun to play on this forum and OLF, and regulars are picking up a pattern with how unfair you play these games. If it were just one person accusing you, I’d understand your reason to be as defensive as you are now, but when multiple people are picking up on your shady playstyle, it’s not something others can ignore, even myself, simply spectating Mafia games unofficially by lurking.

I've said what I had to say on this matter. With that being said, let us know when you're ready to play Mafia properly here or anywhere else.

Then why is your issue more specific and without asking us? This is entirely specific, but you, Ral, and Ultra only know we live in a city

Another issue:
I am having an extremely hard time envisioning sharing a living space with someone that plays Mafiawithout something getting out there, even if it was just accidentally glancing at a scum PM while whoever they lived with was distracted or didn't change the web page and so on and so forth.
There's many circumstances that could lead to TMI even if it wasn't out of the way. You could subconciously and easily allude to alignment. You could have very highly specific tells that gives an advantage to the both of you and makes it easier to read compared to other players reads on you. Etc etc.
Backed into a corner and called out on your shady Mafia game tactics, and that’s all you have to say? I didn’t know I was talking to a parrot, repeating the same things over and over. If I were running this section, I would have banned you from playing Mafia a long time ago, but you were given the benefit of the doubt here, even on OLF, where the staff members who run our Mafia section have allowed you to play the way you play now.

Honestly dude, can you shut the fuck up for one second and hear what kind of shit you are posting? You are getting to the point where you’re grasping onto any information you’ve read to try and defend yourself from something you know is wrong to keep doing. Yet here you are, still trying to use other people's posts to defend yourself instead of being straight with everyone. Give us solid proof that you aren't playing dirty and that you aren't sharing game info with your sibling, and we'll all gladly eat our words. Otherwise, stop slandering Ultra's name or anyone else’s who has caught onto your bullshit. If you have proof that Ultra has been "spewing" far deeper shit, then show the players in the game here your proof. Otherwise, please be quiet, take a seat, and play these games more fairly instead of wasting people's time, including my own.

Cry me a river, dude, lol. I have spent enough of my morning wasting time trying to set this situation straight and put it to bed, but here you are, bitching and crying over being caught multiple times using unfair game tactics. I’m sure as hell confident that players who suspect you are playing dirty can come up with enough proof to yeet your ass from playing any Mafia games on WG and OLF. But just like me, they don’t want to waste time on someone like you who constantly tries to brush over the obvious.

I'll say this once more: if you have solid proof that Ultra or any staff member involved in my forum who also plays Mafia here has shared your personal IP address info, I’ll gladly yeet myself from this thread.

That only makes the accusations more solid in proof that you and your so-called "sibling" are playing dirty. It's extremely easy to sit in the same room with different devices, lol'ing as you both share important game information with each other. People aren't stupid, dude, and I'm honestly baffled that there isn't a rule about two or more players playing under the same roof not being allowed because it sure as hell shouldn't be. Though, to be fair, even if that were taken out of the equation, people can still message each other through other mediums to share information. The fact of the matter is that you are making Mafia not fun to play on this forum and OLF, and regulars are picking up a pattern with how unfair you play these games. If it were just one person accusing you, I’d understand your reason to be as defensive as you are now, but when multiple people are picking up on your shady playstyle, it’s not something others can ignore, even myself, simply spectating Mafia games unofficially by lurking.

I've said what I had to say on this matter. With that being said, let us know when you're ready to play Mafia properly here or anywhere else.

Fuck you. If you all stop slandering my name we can talk

Also, there you go again, saying we sit in the same room live under the same roof etc, You don't know that
Fuck you. If you all stop slandering my name we can talk

Also, there you go again, saying we sit in the same room live under the same roof etc, You don't know that
@Fujishiro see the issue here lol. They say only super mods get IP addresses, then oops no all mods can, then say it only gives a generalized city location, but then start doing all this oddly specific stuff about being in the same house, being in the same room, etc...but by their own admission don't even know that
Alright, sorry to interrupt the game, everyone, but this has gone on far enough. I feel the need now to step in and put an end to this drama once and for all.

Listen dude, I don’t know what your problem is other than people catching onto your shady play style with your so-called sibling. Ultra isn’t the only one to pick up on this, and I’m sure others here, outside of those who are already registered and play regularly on OLF, have noticed too. One thing I do not appreciate is you trash-talking my staff and the very forum I’ve spent years pouring my heart and soul into, so I’d appreciate it if you’d stop slandering its name just because you can’t get your way.

Let me also school you on how IP geolocation works because you seem to have some major gaps in understanding.

IP addresses can only give a rough location, like the city or region, based on the ISP’s info. They don’t provide an exact address or personal details. The geolocation of an IP isn’t precise because it usually tracks the ISP’s network, not the exact modem or user location. So, no one, including Administrators (or super moderators), can pinpoint your exact location from your IP. If you were so concerned about your IP address being revealed, you would’ve used a VPN, like Ultra mentioned in a previous post. Instead, you immediately went on the defensive and dragged public knowledge into the conversation to shit on whoever it is you don’t like, along with players who don’t like the way you and your sibling play Mafia on any forum with regulars.

Modern devices also allow for dynamic MAC and IPv6 addresses, which is why IP lookups aren’t always accurate. This is especially true when you’re traveling and your phone or other devices attempt to connect to the nearest cell tower. Furthermore, you’d have to be a really good hacker or have intimate knowledge of how computers and networks work in order to pinpoint the exact location of a user based solely on their IP address.

And let me make this clear: if I ever found out that one of my staff members was abusing their powers or sharing private information like an IP address, I would immediately permanently ban them from the forum. I don’t tolerate that kind of behavior, and I never will. Do you have any solid proof that Ultra obtained and shared your IP address? Because if you do, I’ll investigate and take the appropriate action.

Furthermore, no one likes pity parties or people who go for the throat with false accusations because they can’t get their way or are trying by any means necessary to make others believe they’ve done no wrong. I’ve watched you play Mafia on OLF before because I lurk in games to gain knowledge on how to play and adapt to how others play Mafia. You don’t play fair, and other players see that. While I don’t have solid proof that you and your sibling are playing dirty by sharing information at any given time, other players are picking up on your shady playstyle without even needing to blink. So please, stop slandering my members and forum. It’s not cool, dude. And even if you were joking, which you obviously weren’t, it’s getting really tiring.

Again, sorry for interrupting the game, everyone. I just felt this needed to be addressed.

Id love to just play games, even on OLF. But as I said, the shady stuff going on there is very concerning at many levels. Its nice to see you want to address this. So maybe fuckimg address it.

Words matter, meanings matter.

What you posted here here makes you look just as culpable as all of the admin and mods on OLF.

I specifically said a general location

I have specifically posted wanting answers that you and your mods and admins continue to blatantly lie about which further makes you and your site look shady

Ultra: Tells people we have the same IP address

Watson: Ultra doesn't even have access to IP addresses from OLF

Ultra: thats right i got the info from Whicker

Polar Bear: then there is some shady shit going on at OLF bc Whicker doesn't have or know our IP addresses

Ultra: actually i do have access and have lied all along

Then we have this

Ultra has known we where brothers since we joined OLF, something like a year and a half ago.

OLF mods and administration presumably have known the same time bc they approved the accounts

No problem at all for a year...but in that time we have learned players playstyles gotten meta and improved our overall skill level

Then all of a sudden after Ultra gets caught too many times he starts to reveal personal information about us on multiple sites

Ultra: Telling people we are brothers, twins, have the same IP address, live in the same house, are in the same room, (again according to Ral you don't know this) making up we look at each others computers (despite the fact we only play on cell phones)

Then without ever investigating things or even talking to us we get banned from playing together and literally via your admin and mods called cheaters and broadcasted to multiple sites as such, despite full well knowing it is a fabricated lie and has never happened once ANYWHERE

So your admins and mods are posting personal information about your members. Blatantly lying about your members, and going to multiple sites to do so.

You want your precious website to not be called shady

Then why is your issue more specific and without asking us? This is entirely specific, but you, Ral, and Ultra only know we live in a city

Another issue:
I am having an extremely hard time envisioning sharing a living space with someone that plays Mafiawithout something getting out there, even if it was just accidentally glancing at a scum PM while whoever they lived with was distracted or didn't change the web page and so on and so forth.
There's many circumstances that could lead to TMI even if it wasn't out of the way. You could subconciously and easily allude to alignment. You could have very highly specific tells that gives an advantage to the both of you and makes it easier to read compared to other players reads on you. Etc etc.
Do you or do you not live together?

Whicker shared the info you were brothers and lived together when you first signed up to OLF - hence the assumptions being made.
If you didn't want that made public, that's a different issue and something you should take up with Whicker.
@Fujishiro see the issue here lol. They say only super mods get IP addresses, then oops no all mods can, then say it only gives a generalized city location, but then start doing all this oddly specific stuff about being in the same house, being in the same room, etc...but by their own admission don't even know that
Because it *used* to be only smods and admins. Ral clarified to me that he changed that down the line to give mod's powers in order to spam clean. Literally. That's it.
Then why is your issue more specific and without asking us? This is entirely specific, but you, Ral, and Ultra only know we live in a city

Another issue:
I am having an extremely hard time envisioning sharing a living space with someone that plays Mafiawithout something getting out there, even if it was just accidentally glancing at a scum PM while whoever they lived with was distracted or didn't change the web page and so on and so forth.
There's many circumstances that could lead to TMI even if it wasn't out of the way. You could subconciously and easily allude to alignment. You could have very highly specific tells that gives an advantage to the both of you and makes it easier to read compared to other players reads on you. Etc etc
The bolded is entirely the point though. Your buddy explained your circumstances (because everyone had assumed you were dupes and should have been canned, this was actually the charitable situation)

Now you're saying this isn't the case. I mean, possible it's not true, but doesn't seem likely, based on the fact that your friend was explaining this as an alibi for you two. You know if you stopped gaslighting maybe people wouldn't suspect foul play...
Id love to just play games, even on OLF. But as I said, the shady stuff going on there is very concerning at many levels. Its nice to see you want to address this. So maybe fuckimg address it.

Words matter, meanings matter.

What you posted here here makes you look just as culpable as all of the admin and mods on OLF.

I specifically said a general location

I have specifically posted wanting answers that you and your mods and admins continue to blatantly lie about which further makes you and your site look shady

Ultra: Tells people we have the same IP address

Watson: Ultra doesn't even have access to IP addresses from OLF

Ultra: thats right i got the info from Whicker

Polar Bear: then there is some shady shit going on at OLF bc Whicker doesn't have or know our IP addresses

Ultra: actually i do have access and have lied all along

Then we have this

Ultra has known we where brothers since we joined OLF, something like a year and a half ago.

OLF mods and administration presumably have known the same time bc they approved the accounts

No problem at all for a year...but in that time we have learned players playstyles gotten meta and improved our overall skill level

Then all of a sudden after Ultra gets caught too many times he starts to reveal personal information about us on multiple sites

Ultra: Telling people we are brothers, twins, have the same IP address, live in the same house, are in the same room, (again according to Ral you don't know this) making up we look at each others computers (despite the fact we only play on cell phones)

Then without ever investigating things or even talking to us we get banned from playing together and literally via your admin and mods called cheaters and broadcasted to multiple sites as such, despite full well knowing it is a fabricated lie and has never happened once ANYWHERE

So your admins and mods are posting personal information about your members. Blatantly lying about your members, and going to multiple sites to do so.

You want your precious website to not be called shady

IP address lookup has been a tool that's been available even in older forum boards such as PHPbb. It's used for dupe hunting and other means, but it's pretty archaic, especially when we have more modern tools and add-ons that can catch dupes and VPN users with ease. To give you the benefit of the doubt, I have removed the ability for Super Moderators to view users' IP addresses on OLF, because honestly, that should be something only viewable by Administrators and above. However, it comes by default with the installation of the forum because, as I said previously, it's a tool used to catch dupes and to also ban users by IP address, which isn't used often. I'm sure the same permissions apply to this forum as well, so by me removing that permission for Super Mods on OLF, only Administrators will be at fault if any information about IP addresses from a user is revealed outside of staff sections or conversations strictly between staff members.

Then why is your issue more specific and without asking us? This is entirely specific, but you, Ral, and Ultra only know we live in a city
I don't know jack shit about where you live because I don't spend my time doing IP lookups on members, nor do I care where you live to begin with lol. So please, leave my name out of your posts because I don't really appreciate you trying to drag me, my friends, and even staff members through the dirt.

I am having an extremely hard time envisioning sharing a living space with someone that plays Mafiawithout something getting out there, even if it was just accidentally glancing at a scum PM while whoever they lived with was distracted or didn't change the web page and so on and so forth.
Um... I'm preeeeetty sure you just told on yourself my dude lol. This was way too specific to be looked away from as a mere coincidence or example.
IP address lookup has been a tool that's been available even in older forum boards such as PHPbb. It's used for dupe hunting and other means, but it's pretty archaic, especially when we have more modern tools and add-ons that can catch dupes and VPN users with ease. To give you the benefit of the doubt, I have removed the ability for Super Moderators to view users' IP addresses on OLF, because honestly, that should be something only viewable by Administrators and above. However, it comes by default with the installation of the forum because, as I said previously, it's a tool used to catch dupes and to also ban users by IP address, which isn't used often. I'm sure the same permissions apply to this forum as well, so by me removing that permission for Super Mods on OLF, only Administrators will be at fault if any information about IP addresses from a user is revealed outside of staff sections or conversations strictly between staff members.

I don't know jack shit about where you live because I don't spend my time doing IP lookups on members, nor do I care where you live to begin with lol. So please, leave my name out of your posts because I don't really appreciate you trying to drag me, my friends, and even staff members through the dirt.

Um... I'm preeeeetty sure you just told on yourself my dude lol. This was way too specific to be looked away from as a mere coincidence or example.
Your mods, friends, and yourself are calling us cheaters. You aren't free from criticism and being dragged into this

Also those were @Dr. Watson words to me in a PM. Not mine
IP address lookup has been a tool that's been available even in older forum boards such as PHPbb. It's used for dupe hunting and other means, but it's pretty archaic, especially when we have more modern tools and add-ons that can catch dupes and VPN users with ease. To give you the benefit of the doubt, I have removed the ability for Super Moderators to view users' IP addresses on OLF, because honestly, that should be something only viewable by Administrators and above. However, it comes by default with the installation of the forum because, as I said previously, it's a tool used to catch dupes and to also ban users by IP address, which isn't used often. I'm sure the same permissions apply to this forum as well, so by me removing that permission for Super Mods on OLF, only Administrators will be at fault if any information about IP addresses from a user is revealed outside of staff sections or conversations strictly between staff members.

Why not address any of that post that you should be, whoops you can't

So let's get your train of thought

Ral: don't call my site shady

Ral: publically supports that conduct by his admin and mods but not to another site, to an actual living person

You don't have the high road and are actually knee deep with the others bc you are partaking in the acts that you wanted to step in and put a stop to, except your words and actions are far worse
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