I chose to involve myself, especially now, because this has reached cross-forum levels, and the Mafia players on both WG and OLF don't deserve to have their time wasted by the likes of you and your sibling. It's distasteful, and we have better things to do than sit around and have games be fucked up by two players who can't be arsed to play fair. You can both deny it all you want, but this is becoming quite sad, and I want to apologize to everyone who got dragged into this. Why do you think no one has come to your defense? People aren't stupid or blind; they see through the bullshit, but they tolerate it because they simply want to have a good time playing a game that brings excitement to them and serves as an outlet to distract themselves from crazy shit that may or may not be happening outside of these games and forums. I should have stepped in a long time ago, but I was dealing with a lot outside of the internet, and I simply did not have the strength or mental capacity to deal with people who talk shit behind my back and the backs of others this poor soul was involved with.

.............. are you on some new type of drug or something? lol