It's funny how triggered are by the mear idea that other peoples might be suffering more than they are...

What lies ?

You fully know that you are making things about oppression politics. Subtext -- a favoured term of yours during the C4N era -- should be setting off alarms in your mind right now. Lie as you will, everybody can see through it.

Nobody is triggered by people suffering more than they are. To speak for myself, I am tired of people believing others deserve an easier ride just because they were born with a tougher hand. I never expected that for myself. Those who advocate for that are inadvertently looking down on the disadvantaged, for they wish to treat them with children's gloves, so to speak.

You're very good at ascribing intent to your opposition, Logiko, but not very good at understanding people. You're the holier than thou saviour who wishes to help all the disadvantaged, when you're the one who needs saving from yourself it seems. If my greatest advocate was you, I'd feel even more despair.
He says he is a mad man himself so it's not my fault, I also told him not to engage me in conversation.
Besides he is advocating for us christians to be insulted while other faiths can't be touched, he should just move to Israel or Saudi Arabia.
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." - Romans 12:18

He should learn that, instead of waging covert war against faiths he despises.
It's not surprising that in his country burning or desecrating churches has become a national hobby. But you are not a minority (yet) so shut up.
He cares not for the suffering of anyone if they are not a minority.
To him, every attack on the current orthodoxy is a net positive towards his supposed utopia.
The ever sliding scale of progressivism, so to speak.

What he lacks comprehension on is that in his lack of care for anyone other than the minority, he becomes an actor of malice - not virtue.
You fully know that you are making things about oppression politics.
Hm.. no ?
I'm only following what researchers, activists and social workers on the fields are saying bra

Lie as you will, everybody can see through it.
Well.. obviously not you, since you are completely missing the point of what I'm sayin lol

Nobody is triggered by people suffering more than they are.
Wuat ? And in english ?

I am tired of people believing others deserve an easier ride just because they were born with a tougher hand.
So you expect people to suffer because you suffered. Got that !

Those who advocate for that are inadvertently looking down on the disadvantaged, for wish to treat them with children's gloves, so to speak.
You must have hated Robin hood stories...

You're very good at ascribing intent to your opposition
Trust me, I don't have to make a lot of efforts, you are an open book

but not very good at understanding people.
Well.. I pin pointed your ideology pretty quickly here. So... I guess you are wrong on that lol

You're the holier than thou saviour who wishes to help all the disadvantaged
I'm not a saint and I'm not some good guy. I'm simply someone who started to have empathy for those who are suffering and can't stand to do nothing.

when you're the one who needs saving from yourself it seems
That's not wrong

If my greatest advocate was you, I'd feel even more despair.

He says he is a mad man himself so it's not my fault
It's like calling a black person the N word because they are using the term. I can say it for myself (only), you can't mate.

Besides he is advocating for us christians to be insulted while other faiths can't be touched, he should just move to Israel or Saudi Arabia.
Do you have the quote where I said that christian should be insulted ?

I guess I can't remember what I'm saying.. or ?
having a mental issue doesn't make someone mad :seriously::seriously:
He actually said he is a mad man some weeks ago.
Hm.. no ?
I'm only following what researchers, activists and social workers on the fields are saying bra

Well.. obviously not you, since you are completely missing the point of what I'm sayin lol

Wuat ? And in english ?

So you expect people to suffer because you suffered. Got that !

You must have hated Robin hood stories...

Trust me, I don't have to make a lot of efforts, you are an open book

Well.. I pin pointed your ideology pretty quickly here. So... I guess you are wrong on that lol

I'm not a saint and I'm not some good guy. I'm simply someone who started to have empathy for those who are suffering and can't stand to do nothing.

That's not wrong


It's like calling a black person the N word because they are using the term. I can say it for myself (only), you can't mate.

Do you have the quote where I said that christian should be insulted ?

I guess I can't remember what I'm saying.. or ?
-No, a black person cant use the N-word either here.
-You said that insulting christians is fair game but other faiths can't be touched.
-Any interaction with you is a huge waste of time so don't talk to me.
Are you serious now, Logiko?

I do not wish anybody to suffer. I reach out my hand to those in need. I do not, however, elevate them above others.
There is a difference between charity and pity.

People do not need your pity.
You are the only one who is giving pity.

Pity is a feeling. Pity does not protect.

What do you do when you see a woman harrassed by 5 men in front of you ? You ignore the situation in order not to give the woman your "pity" or you try to help her ?

-No, a black person cant use the N-word either here.
I'm not talking about this forum

-You said that insulting christians is fair game but other faiths can't be touched.
Where ?


-Any interaction with you is a huge waste of time so don't talk to me.
You can put me on ignore. I'm always replying to everything.

You'd laugh at a Christian, but not a Jew or Muslim.
I don't laugh at believers no more mate

You'd deride a white, but not a POC.
Oh ? On what quote of mine do you base that lie ?

You'd deride a CIS person, whilst protecting a Trans.
Not necessarily no.

If a trans person say reactionnary stuff but a Cis one say cool things in return, I'll not protect the speech of the trans person mate.

Your entire comment history is a deep dive on your beliefs, Logiko.
I'm still waiting for the quotes..

He's telling me that it's fine to insult my faith but other faiths shouldn't be touched
W.H.E.R.E ? . ? . ?

Al, isn't it somewhat odd that Logiko can churn out allegories that insinuates that laughing at Christians is fair game, but nobody can make jokes about his illness?
Where did I say that ?

It's crazy, 95 % of my answer on this post have been answers to a lie


You guy completely gave up the field of the arguments to just spread a lot of missinformation about what I think. You know that people can search and check, right ?