This is what I said about Gambit.
I could have kept it discreet and to myself but instead of doing that I openly stated a possibility because I have worked with al as a host. I placed five names and not one.
Using such tactic isn't good but it's not bad either because it gives reactions.
And, it's not Just that I specifically pin pointed gambit. I did with tac as well but I didn't raise any sus on tac. Did I?
I called him a probable candidate because he is most experienced. Key word here is "probable" . There was nothing definite.
I followed this by asking him to give his Reads (in above post itself)
He replied but didn't give any Reads.
Now this is the post when I exactly raised sus on him. Look at the reason. I asked for his reads again.
And, he replied with over reaction and completely fixated at my tactic of al as if I struck some nerve.
And,it was followed with him getting heated and throwing shades at me and neutral.
So when exactly I sussed him based on al?
You people Never used such tactics to fish reactions then it's not my fault.
@Seraphoenix now answer me. Why you so eager to defend gambit?
Do you know something which we don't?