Fanclub Loki "The Cursed Prince" of Elbaph Fanclub "Woki"

Just saying but Brogy and Dorry did this:

Then Kaido and Big Mom did this:

Watch out Loki doing something with will outperform even these both, ALONE.
I think Loki could pose insane physical power...
Loki will show a hakai attack, which gonna be insane op.
I think it could be two things with Loki, I'll start from the least likely:

1. Oda (somehow) intends to subvert expectations with him, making not Loki not "that" strong and more of devious trickster, "it is not what it seems" and stuff like that. That is one possibility.

But the thing is, Oda can easily make Loki a trickster while following this chapter's portrayal that depicts him as an absolute powerhouse. Oda does of course have his own version of the character and things really are going in the "absolute powerhouse" direction. Which brings me to:

2. The second possibility. Loki is an absolute monstrosity of a warrior. Everything in this chapter depicts him as such:

- Knowing that Elbaf is the strongest country (standing above the likes of Big Mom's Tottoland and Kaido's Wano), it took all its warriors to restrain him. Loki got put in chains and has almost no bandage on him. With them saying that it'll be the end of the everything if he frees himself.

- He ate a legendary devil fruit, passed down through the royal lineage. One theory is that it could be related to...
The mythical wolf Fenrir. A supremely powerful beast who got chained, and who is connected to the Ragnarok.
Regardless, this devil fruit got extremely hyped.

- He gives Yonko Luffy goosebumps and proclaims himself the "Sun God" who will bring the end to the world. He also mentioned the war attitude of Elbaf right before that, which again makes one think he really is a warrior through and through.