[FNZ] Light game Naruto Chunin Exams Filler Game

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@Marimo_420 Isn't the doc's role that he/she can protect someone before the kill happens or something?

This might be from another game tho.


Lazy is the way
Because after I said that the pile on Zara looked like scum and I mentioned Jew D and Rayan, Jew D changed his vote and brought up some weird SK angle for why he changed his vote. Add that to his earlier jump on two people based on something Reborn said, I think he is scum.

I wish I could claim credit for killing TAC :steef:
Yeah but changing vote last second is really too much for a real scum. I don't think a scum would take that risk. But yeah once again Jew made a weird move.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Iโ€™m gonna be off for a while, Iโ€™ll give reads when I get back. Anyone who got pissy with me for โ€œpushingโ€ something on TAC, Iโ€™ll take your apology whenever.


Zoro Worshipper
What threw me off about Jew was his reason to unvote. SK holds prominence in being eradicated, however he chose to remove his vote once he heard one was featuring in the game.


First thing's first, for the sake of our lovely @Trismegistus

unvote FinalBeta

I feel the cookie is a scam
Don't spread your lies about my cookies! Down in the scum list you go.

Meg is town. Lock it. I'll even give you a cookie for this. Madara is the best character.
1) I donโ€™t currently see either one as scum, mostly because I donโ€™t have ANY scum reads as nothing substantial happened until you came in with a statement vote. If anything, Iโ€™m just piggybacking off you because I trust your judgment, but I havenโ€™t automatically cleared you as town in my mind either.

2) See number 1, I personally have no intention of voting this early without evidence of something being amiss.
I get that you trust a town Reborn's judgment but I would like to know what you have seen from Reborn at this point in the game that made you want to piggyback?
Also, your reaction isn't going down well with me.

Throwing shade and getting heated could be scum tactic as well to brand himself as angry townie.
Sure, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider it. Does it appear to you as if he's faking it or is being genuine?
Shit...we have a third party killer, right?

Unvote @AL sama
Zara mentioning his wincon makes me nervous...heโ€™s got the majority of votes anyway, I just donโ€™t know if heโ€™s third party or not.
I really don't understand why you would unvote because of that. The bolded in particular, you could just apply that logic to anyone.
Zara and Gambit was weird when they didn't want to lynch. I think one of the 2 is sus while leaning towards Gambit.

Beta is being a beta but his vocal seems a lot more toned down than usual.

Melon and Jew seems iffy with Melontonin's calculative posts and Jew the diplomat. Jew mate I know you can still be a decent scum while hiding your alignment.

Cobra is the one I have the most problem with. I don't like that his first two posts were just saying he's town in all caps for no reason. Also like a few have observed he seemed way more inactive than in all of his previous games in which he was town. I don't want to vote him when the guy has just gone to sleep so I will vote for my next big sus- Gambit


The rest of you are null atm.
Not a big fan of that Zara and Gambit read. It's pretty vague and you're just basing it off on a pretty minor thing. I don't feel like you're genuinely scum reading them and just more or else piggybacking off others and going with the consensus which is a Gambit and Zara scum read.

Finger of suspicion on the green head. Actually no, make that five fingers.
Fallen went quite and I am sussing him more now.
You sussing him because he went offline?

I will replace nataljia from melon.
What does this mean?
I finally caught up. :catpole:

I had to read like 18 pages. You guys wrote so much.

I kinda guess my opinion on Zara is irrelevant now since he is already getting lynched...
Do tell what was your opinion on Zara.
In the end though, because Gambit has not done a lot he will have my vote. vote lynch Gambit @AL sama
I voted for gambit because of lack of scum hunting, I have a post on it.
Is that it? Why only come after Gambit when there are several players that also haven't done anything substantial. I'll even call them out.

Rayan, Cobra, Marimo, Zara and Don Da. I think from these guys, Zara was the only one you interacted with and were questioning, but even then, it was hard to say whether you had a definitive scum read on him.

So why is that Gambit was the only here you targeted for not scum hunting when you got these other guys too? I would like to point out that Gambit was a general suspicion by quite a few people at that the time that you announced your suspicion and vote on him. My point here basically is, I don't think your scum read on Gambit is a real one. But just a sheep vote.


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Jew removing his vote made no sense, imo.

Even if he wanted to save Zara somehow, he wouldn't have been able to do so at the last minute. Especially when most of us had already the vote on Zara.

So I require some explanation there.
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Loooool NW died in fact.
He died? where does it say?
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Meg is town. Lock it. I'll even give you a cookie for this. Madara is the best character.
Ikr. :myman:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
There is something off with the two people who got killed last night

Why tac and NW got targeted?

Why these two?

It's bugging me.

Anyway, I stand by my yesterday sus list.

I don't see jew backing out of vote as scummy as some are making out to be.
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