Arcane (Netflix)

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Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Says Final Chapter. I'm heartbroken, but will await for whatever else Riot/Fortiche might produce, and hoping that this won't be the last time we see Steinfeld/Purnell as Vi/Jinx
Aye,, so true! I was hoping for 3 seasons for their story, this feels too short but it depends on how many episodes we get and how much they manage to pack in of course.

But there's so much to see of Zaun and Piltover yet, still many more new characters involved and I'm assuming after Arcane, they're gonna move to another region, probably Demacia or Noxus or even Ionia although, I would LOVE to see Bilgewater next especially, so I'm just wondering how the hell they're gonna wrap everything up satisfyingly without leaving too many loose threads and or rushing it too much.

I was hoping to see more of Jinx's manic happy side too but I guess for this adaptation it doesn't really fit? It's more grim/mature/serious and it might feel out of place if she started acting like that? But I'm still really happy in the direction they've gone with her and Vi, so glad after all these years of waiting to get it confirmed they are sisters finally despite all the foolish naysayers/skeptics too.

Yeah their VAs are amazing, I sometimes have to remind myself they are not the same VAs from the games and also trying to decide if I prefer Purnell and Steinfeld over their original VAs too haha. It's similar to how Vivienne replaced her VA cast for Hazbin Hotel and the new VAs took a lot of getting used to but some of them were not only identical to the originals but they did such an exceedingly spectacular job regardless, including with the singing especially for the show, as they were needed for too, its hard not to love them and thus the changes too.

I'm really happy for both Hailee and Ella, the former was so great as Gwen Stacy and has so many iconic titles under her umbrella now so to speak and so does Ella too actually, especially with that somewhat successful at least new Fallout adaptation series too. Some people really love her in that series too including Arcane/League/Jinx fans too so thats really nice to see too.

I was hoping Jinx would get her own specific spinoff game like Ekko did, maybe one for Vi and Cait too or give all 3 a game too at least, although I've yet to try Ekko's game too, I should really get on that....Although apparently in Ekko's game too, Jinx has her original VA, Sarah Anne Williams apparently too.

It would be realy cool if Riot made updated, higher tier skins for Jinx and Vi in League as successors to the Arcane ones that exist already. An updated, Legendary tier of them for example so they could add in new voice lines from Ella and Hailee for bother characters and not just be simple reskins like the Arcane skins already are in the game.

Riot likes to celebrate the anniversary of Arcane in League itself as an event and given the story is ending this year, 2 years after it first came out too and thus when Riot likes to do their anniversary celebration event of it, maybe, just maybe they might do something like this but I can imagine certain other characters are gonna get Arcane themed skins, to reflect their role in the show, as they should have gotten already too. Andessa, Mel's mother is being added as a champion to the game too.

Actually I just remembered hearing too, Riot wants to make Arcane canon in League of Legends lore itself, to the game and such, so that would give them more reason/excuse to reuse Ella and Hailee ideally. Hell, if we could get 2 different Jinxes and Vis running around with both of their VAs, to reflect both the originals and the Arcane ones, that would be AWESOME, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high of course haha.

Sorry Im yapping so much as usual lmao but yeah I completely agree, I hope we get more of them in future, even if we move to other regions for hopefully more new seasons/series of Arcane/Runeterra animated. I'm sure Riot will end up reusing them for other roles in future, maybe their upcoming fighting game for example for League? I think they are still reusing the original VAs but I believe Riot will rehire them for Vi and Jinx in future for something or the other.
I would LOVE to see Bilgewater next especially
Bilgewater would fit more with the Arcane feel of a steampunk, criminal, mature wasteland.

I'd love a Noxus/Demacia/Ionia but feel that'd be more like a GOT epic style production with multiple seasons. Plus Bilgewater could feature some Piltover or Zaun faces as an easter egg since it's closer to that region. Though Bilgewater would also lead to a revival of the Shadow Isles after the Ruined King event failure. Either way, would love a Bilgewater story.


Lunatic Queen
Sry, didn’t get notified (I wouldn’t have seen it until now a/w).

I’ve watched the trailer and I’m so excited for season 2! Everyone’s waitin for their dose of Arcane and it’s almost time, finally!:optimistic:

I hope they can reproduce oneself the brilliance of the 1st season. Gonna be hard to recapture that magic, but fingers crossed!

Maybe I’ll give my review of the 2nd season if I can.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Sry, didn’t get notified (I wouldn’t have seen it until now a/w).

I’ve watched the trailer and I’m so excited for season 2! Everyone’s waitin for their dose of Arcane and it’s almost time, finally!:optimistic:

I hope they can reproduce oneself the brilliance of the 1st season. Gonna be hard to recapture that magic, but fingers crossed!

Maybe I’ll give my review of the 2nd season if I can.
No worries, I've been slacking on replying to this thread too for shame on my part lol.

Right?! From what I've seen (I didn't see the leaks) from promos and such, it looks very promising and Jinx goes a VERY radical route as expected, a new look and such later on.

There were some rumours going around that I really didn't like about her but someone nastily spoilt something important about her in this season too, they posted a fanart of her after a "certain life-changing moment" and they claimed it was just "their idea" of what could happen but it turned out to match what the leaks supposedly said, so they were purposely trying to spoil us on the story before the actual leaks even dropped!

I won't say what it is ofc but I'm pretty pissed off about it especially if it's true! It was a well done fanart but that person was being pretty selfish and careless to spoil something like that. I'm gonna be really angry if it's true too. (A lot of people won't be that bothered by it but it's something extremely personal to me for various reasons, especially a weirdly hyperspecific one so yeah, don't worry about it too much ofc lol.)

Apparently we're getting 9 episodes split into 3 acts, Act 1 on November 9th, Act 2 on November 16th and thus Act 3 on November 23rd?

Unfortunately Riot couldn't also resist spoiling us on the story too so I'll put this in spoiler tags ofc:
but it seems like Amnessa and Mel survive this season. Ambessa just released as a new champion (with a generic/lazy/recycled moveset I may add that is also VERY OP so far) and Mel has already been leaked to be a new champion coming next too!).

I did say I didn't see the actual leaks and I haven't ofc BUT I did get spoiled on a certain character's fate who I've not mentioned yet, I won't say who nor give any hints or spoilers ofc but it's pretty sad and not surprising what happens to them, very expected. I feel very sad for the people affected by it, this season is gonna be VERY emotionally challenging as expected, its truly gonna be a bloodbath emotionally, mentally and even literally!

I'm gonna be rewatching Season 1 soon to remind myself of the whole story and to prepare for Season 2, so I can also cry TWICE as much (just like I cried for
in MHA hohohoho) but god knows Season 2 is gonna be a cryfest for real too! Can't believe Arcane is gonna be ending with this season but I HOPE we get more seasons in other regions, I'm DYING to see Bilgewater but I can see Ionia and probs Demacia getting seasons ofc, definitely Noxus too and most likely Shurima too at least.

Bilgewater would fit more with the Arcane feel of a steampunk, criminal, mature wasteland.

I'd love a Noxus/Demacia/Ionia but feel that'd be more like a GOT epic style production with multiple seasons. Plus Bilgewater could feature some Piltover or Zaun faces as an easter egg since it's closer to that region. Though Bilgewater would also lead to a revival of the Shadow Isles after the Ruined King event failure. Either way, would love a Bilgewater story.
Sorry I never responded! Got sidetracked and took "vacations" from here so I wasn't around to reply too for some times.

Yeah thats true, GOT is a very apt comparison too ofc. There's still SO MUCH they can do with Piltover and Zaun too its insane! They've only really hit the surface so far and we've yet to see Jinx in her prime, being her chaotic, anarchistic queen of chaos, chicanery, shenanigans, explosions, destruction etc but I imagine we will see it in Season 2 somewhat at least ofc! I hope we get a reprise of Get Jinxed happening, maybe even Jinx singing it herself with her VA for Arcane doing it, I'd love that! Ella singing Get Jinxed? Yes please! It's so jarring shes in the Fallout show too, I keep seeing/hearing Jinx as the MC of that too but hey its post apocalyptic and retro futuristic so it fits LOL!

YEEEEEES! That would be so great! Oh god yeah the Shadow Isles of course! That would be a MUST for the animated series and tikes perfectly into Bilgewater story as you said ofc, Bilgewater would go so hard and feel like a more fantastical and literally animated version of POTC too for example ofc!

Gosh imagine what this team could do with Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles, the whole Viego/Ruined King stuff and Harrowing and such? It makes me shudder with hype and chills (pun intended I guess) thinking about it!

Not to mention the other important events, storylines and such in League/Runeterra's storyline ofc! I'd LOVE to see Briar appear and meet Jinx too, the queens of chaos together! I feel they would get along lol.


Lazy is the way