Bro I am not reading all that shit or your posts ever again

You just implied "men don't bring any positive values" wtf lol
That's what Patriarchy is all about mate.
You have to be a brainless, delusional and brainwashed person to make such outrageous comment....
Actually, I was wrong. You don't have Socrates Dialectical process skill.
You just spew your rhetorics which you basically learnt from your like minded echo chamber.
And since I do not have the strenght to be always tolerant with your BS, for once, I'm telling you things as there are instead of trying to waste 1h on a discussion I know I will only waste my tiem with.
Because that's the problem. The dialectic approach of Socrates and the method I'm using ONLY WORKS when those two parameters are met:
1 - The interlocutor (me) asking questions is willing to be tolerant and respectfull of the other
2 - The receiving person is willing to put their judgment on hold and reconsider their rethorics when met with contradictory evidences or reasonning based on factual evidences of reality.
Right now, I'm not willing to do the first because I'm tired of this BS tonight, and you and others here are once again showing that you are not willing to do the second.
So there is no discussion possible.