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updated this thing, just don't pick whatever's already red
Ground Floor
Entrance Hall - Xlaw
Entrance Courtyard - Sir Yasheen
Great Hall
Staff Room - Alwaysmind
Filch’s office - Indigo
Classroom 11 - Polar Bear

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office - Jesse Pinkman
Slytherin Common Room - Flower
Dungeon Corridors - Alexis2282AE
Dungeons - York

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room - Luka

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Mr. Reloaded
Charms Classroom - Red Night
Transfiguration Courtyard - The Orca
Transfiguration Classroom - Seraphoenix

First Floor
Hospital Wing - Dr. Watson
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Yo Tan Wa
Muggle Studies Classroom - Stargate18
History of Magic Classroom - ~UwU~

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office - Ratchet
The Swiveling Staircase - Jaguark101
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom - Ultra
Slughorn’s Office - Emil

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle
Armor Gallery - Random Asshole
The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower
Owlery - KWEH
@Pot Goblin @Sir Yasheen @KWEH @Alwaysmind @Indigo @Polar Bear @York @Charlie @Flower @Alexis2282AE @Yoho @Xlaw @Luka @Mr. Reloaded @Red Night @The Orca @Seraphoenix @Dr. Watson @Jesse Pinkman @Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @Jaguark101 @Ultra @Emil @Michelle @Random Asshole @Destroya @Crowned Witch
updated this thing, just don't pick whatever's already red
Ground Floor
Entrance Hall - Xlaw
Entrance Courtyard - Sir Yasheen
Great Hall
Staff Room - Alwaysmind
Filch’s office - Indigo
Classroom 11 - Polar Bear

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office - Jesse Pinkman
Slytherin Common Room - Flower
Dungeon Corridors - Alexis2282AE
Dungeons - York

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room - Luka

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Mr. Reloaded
Charms Classroom - Red Night
Transfiguration Courtyard - The Orca
Transfiguration Classroom - Seraphoenix

First Floor
Hospital Wing - Dr. Watson
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Yo Tan Wa
Muggle Studies Classroom - Stargate18
History of Magic Classroom - ~UwU~

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office - Ratchet
The Swiveling Staircase - Jaguark101
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom - Ultra
Slughorn’s Office - Emil

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle
Armor Gallery - Random Asshole
The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower
Owlery - KWEH
I will not be wolf siding by going along with this
I am specifically not choosing allocated places. That's all that you need to know.
First of all

Y'all Gen Z'ers got to cut that shit out.

I'm a millennial.

I strongly believe we should coordinate where we search tonight. Wolves are going to go wherever they want anyway and they're also going to set their traps no matter what. I'd rather have the knowledge that town is at least coordinated and not searching the same spots in order to maximize our effort to destroy Horcruxes.
Second of all, Town will NOT be coordinated, because you will be coordinating with wolves. Lying wolves are going to make you miss spots, and you won't even know which spots you're missing, when they were missed, etc. Wolves are going to set traps no matter what but you are going to make it painfully easy for them to know exactly how, where, and when to set them. The amount we have to gain from open coordination is that there will eliminate a couple of potential overlaps each evening in exchange for telegraphing every move we make to the enemy. You act like 20 separate people are going to choose to go to the hospital wing.

Pot Goblin

We could make it easier for @Charlie to keep track of location stuff if we format it like a vote in thread

For example like Check (Location) (Room)

So for me it would be Check Kitchen Kitchen as I'm visiting the kitchen room at the kitchen location

We would basically submit the same thing in our pms as well or somethin similar to submit it

also imo there might be abilities that revolve around location visits so we'll have to see where things go as the game goes on
First of all

I'm a millennial.

Second of all, Town will NOT be coordinated, because you will be coordinating with wolves. Lying wolves are going to make you miss spots, and you won't even know which spots you're missing, when they were missed, etc. Wolves are going to set traps no matter what but you are going to make it painfully easy for them to know exactly how, where, and when to set them. The amount we have to gain from open coordination is that there will eliminate a couple of potential overlaps each evening in exchange for telegraphing every move we make to the enemy. You act like 20 separate people are going to choose to go to the hospital wing.
I'm moving past the location talk now. I've said my piece and you can do whatever you want. Now, what other fresh things can you share with me?
We could make it easier for @Charlie to keep track of location stuff if we format it like a vote in thread

For example like Check (Location) (Room)

So for me it would be Check Kitchen Kitchen as I'm visiting the kitchen room at the kitchen location

We would basically submit the same thing in our pms as well or somethin similar to submit it

also imo there might be abilities that revolve around location visits so we'll have to see where things go as the game goes on
I'm super confused by this. Like, theirs easier ways to gamethrow? You do realize we can just have the wolf team claim and kill only town (like what Destroya is doing rn), right?
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