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The End and the Beginning
Caught up. I like Dest for town so far, am generally in agreement with where his head is at. Also like Michelle for town. Emil can go into Town leans, Flower as well. Not sure what to make of Charlie exactly. Very, very focused on talking about flavour, and the location thing was a bit weird, but not something I can't reconcile coming from him as town if that makes sense. YTW already mentioned I have as town. Including myself that makes 6 town, not a bad start!

Think I'm happy to throw my vote behind a Yoho wagon. Mostly in support of Flower's push, but something just isn't quite giving right for me with him so far.

I'm going to say it now before it inevitably comes up, but my presence will be hit and miss. I'll keep up as best I can, but please don't expect me to be here beyond bursts across the day.

Vote: Yoho
You know, Orca makes a salient point. Lynching someone at this point would actually be less efficient because then we would have less people to search. If you value optimizing the Horcrux search so much then the safest option would be to abstain. If we truly desire to find the horcruxes as quickly as possible we should avoid as many deaths as we can.

Kinda forgot about Luka, need to see more. He's a tricky player who lives within WIFOM.
Think he's probably scum. In his most recent scum game he was in quite a bit of danger because he pushed me and I snapped back. I feel like he's playing into doing the complete opposite here to prevent that.
You know, Orca makes a salient point. Lynching someone at this point would actually be less efficient because then we would have less people to search. If you value optimizing the Horcrux search so much then the safest option would be to abstain. If we truly desire to find the horcruxes as quickly as possible we should avoid as many deaths as we can.

Tfw I didn't see the spoilers and wanted to push you cuz of that post lmfao.
Problems with the "everyone shares where they're going" method

1. as Luka mentioned, there is the possibility that abilities exist that punish people for telegraphing where they're going to go that night
2. Scum can just lie about where they went. If I'm scum, I can just say "yeah sure I'll go to the Potions Classroom" and then if I make it to endgame without getting sussed, no one else will have checked the locations I claimed to have checked
Who cares if wolves lie? We want to make sure town doesn't visit the same spots; wolves can go wherever the fuck they want at night. The hard truth is that if we don't destroy the Horcruxes, Voldemort doesn't die. If we don't search for them, we definitely can't destroy them.
You know, Orca makes a salient point. Lynching someone at this point would actually be less efficient because then we would have less people to search. If you value optimizing the Horcrux search so much then the safest option would be to abstain. If we truly desire to find the horcruxes as quickly as possible we should avoid as many deaths as we can.

Except you said you don't want to search??
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